I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1044: Great beauty doctor! (2 go 1)

In the green bird tribe, in the room where the medicine is placed, Liang is using a small stone roller to continuously crush the medicine here.

This kind of roller is different from a roller like a stone roller, but a stone disc with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a thickness of two to three centimeters.

In the middle of the stone disc, a hole was drilled out of wood and broken sand.

A wooden stick was installed in the middle of the hole, and the two ends of the stick came out about seven or eight centimeters.

This kind of stone mill is placed in a long trough-shaped stone container with some dried medicine.

Liang sat on a small bench, placed his feet left and right on the wooden sticks on both sides of the stone cake, exerted a little force on his legs, and kept curling up.

Following his movements, the stone mill with wooden handles rolled from the front of the stone trough to the back of the trough, and then from the back to the front, continuously moving back and forth.

As it continued to roll, the medicines inside were crushed one after another, becoming more and more broken, and finally turned into a powder state.

There are still several people in the room.

Some of these people are sorting medicinal materials, some are cutting long medicinal materials into sections, and some are filling the ground medicinal powder into the gourd.

Among these busy people, a person with gray hair is the most conspicuous.

This person, like Liang, was also sitting on a small bench with his feet on the handles on both sides of the stone mill, curling back and forth continuously to grind the medicinal materials.

This person is not someone else, but a witch who was very disappointed and in a complicated mood before.

Wu has a very good character and is very pragmatic.

Earlier, because of this incident, my mood became bad, and I had already begun to doubt my life and my belief that I had adhered to my whole life. But after hearing about this powder, it was revealed to be used for this purpose. After the effect, Wu directly resurrected with full blood.

I didn't even bother to doubt my beliefs in life, and kept killing where Liang lived.

After interrogating Liang and others, knowing the situation in detail, and seeing the state of the recovered and healed minors, Wu's interest in this powder directly soared to its apex.

The rabbits I often held in my arms were gone, I just threw them aside, and started to ask Liang about the specifics of the prescription.

For Wu Wu, this thing is directly like a big pie falling from the sky.

As a witch in the tribe, as a person who is very concerned about things in the tribe, and is determined to make the tribe develop better, witches always hold great enthusiasm for such an extremely useful thing for the tribe.

It is precisely because of this that he will stay in the pharmacy at this time and follow Liang and others to do this thing.

As a model of the tribe, who has mastered many skills, now he has more skills.

It can be said to be a character like an encyclopedia.

Among the entire tribe, almost Han Cheng can surpass Wu.

This is because Han Cheng came from later generations and knew many things that people in this era did not know.

If it weren't for this, and Han Cheng and Wu were in the same era, Han Cheng would certainly not know and master as many things as Wu.

In addition to the witches, there are many people in the room busy here.

These people are healers in the tribe.

A profession like a doctor, in ordinary times, does not seem to be important at all, it is the same whether it is or not.

However, once something happens, people will know how important a doctor is!

How inseparable it is!

For such an extremely important occupation, it is natural that Liang is the only one in the tribe.

After Liang, there are still many people in the tribe who have embarked on this path one after another.

Some of these people were treated by Liang after they got sick, and they felt the charm of the profession of a doctor.

There were also some people who saw Liang embarked on this path, after he obtained such a respected position in the tribe by saving the dead and healing the wounded, they felt envied in their hearts, so they also embarked on this path.

However, no matter what the reason is to embark on such a path, one thing cannot be denied.

This is the fact that in today's Qingque tribe, the medical career that Han Cheng and Liang were the first to develop has now made considerable progress.

More and more people are embarking on the path of medical treatment.

It's no longer the same as before, only a full-time doctor like Liang and a half-hearted doctor like Han Cheng.

However, up to now, on this road, Liang has gone the farthest, and has the most research spirit.

Don't worry too much about such things.

Because things develop slowly from being to nothing, from small to large.

Now that the seeds of the tribe have been planted, in the future development of the tribe, the discipline of medicine will definitely develop with the development of the tribe, becoming more and more refined, more and more disciplined, and more and more. The drug was discovered and developed to treat various diseases.

Later, with the efforts of medical personnel and the efforts of generations, people in the tribe will receive great treatment after they get sick, and they will suffer less from the disease.

Many people in this era seem to be extremely scared and have no solution at all. They will become common diseases later on.

People will no longer worry about it anymore, just raise their hands and heal them.

The days will surely get better, and through people's efforts, many things will become better.

Because the person who stands out from the wild is the greatest and the cutest kind of creature!


With the sound of the branches and leaves being shaken, some of the branches that came together were separated from the middle.

Among the separated branches, the greatest species-humans were exposed.

The **** son Han Da, who was carrying a backpack, reached out and pulled a leaf off his head, and couldn't help but sniffed.

Pulling the straps of the backpack with both hands, pulling upwards, tidying up, and then continuing to walk forward.

By his side, there were some people behind, guarding Han Cheng's side with vine shields.

This is the presence of Han Cheng's personal guard.

Behind Han Cheng, there were many people behind, and these people had some weapons in their hands or on the backs of the animals they were holding.

This is the warriors of the Qingque tribe in Jinguan City following their **** son Han, preparing to go to the Red Tiger Tribe, and then use their unique porcelain to get a large amount of food from the Red Tiger Tribe.

They have done this once before, and they have experienced a lot of sweetness from it, so when they do it, they have a lot of enthusiasm.

Even many people who came here felt that they must get more food from the Red Tiger Tribe this time.

Such things are certain in their view.

After all, last time, what the son of God used to exchange was nothing more than a big porcelain bowl. The members of the Red Tiger tribe were willing to pay such a large amount of food to exchange with their tribe.

Now, my tribe has come with something better!

Isn't that...

Many of them have seen the little porcelain tiger in the **** son's backpack. It is really a beautiful, beautiful and beautiful thing.

With this thing, I don't believe that the people of the Red Tiger tribe are indifferent!

Even the people of the Qingque tribe who have seen the world, if they see such a porcelain statue of the Qingque, they will all be excited, and they want to spend a lot of money to own it, let alone People from the Red Tiger tribe who haven't seen the world, haven't seen any good things!

Thinking of these things in my heart, following Han Cheng's walk along the Qingque tribe, everyone in the Qingque tribe couldn't help feeling hot, and they were full of energy when they walked.

This is the charm of food. After all, at this time, food that can make people full and can make people live is truly rare. It is hard currency. It can be circulated anywhere and can be recognized by people.

This is money in the afterlife sense!

Now we are going to make a lot of money from other tribes. How can this not be positive? !


Under the autumn sun, more and more leaves changed their colors under the blowing of the increasingly cool autumn wind.

Here in the Red Tiger Tribe, the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe is inspecting the granary of her tribe.

These granaries looked similar to the houses where they lived, the difference was that people lived in one room, and food was in the other room.

Moreover, this house for food is better than a house for people.

This is easy to understand. After all, food is the most important at this time. In many tribes, people are far less important than food.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, while inspecting these granaries, stretched her hands on the wooden beads she carried on her wrists.

Every time I inspect a granary, I will pull a wooden bead. After I pull this string of wooden beads, I will use a very black stone and a well-fired pottery plate in my hand. All the way.

The number of Dadao painted is the same as the number of wooden beads worn on the beads.

After the number of wooden beads on the beads was drawn, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe continued with a few people, and then went to inspect the granary in the tribe.

Then proceed to the previous thing.

After a while, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe could be regarded as finishing the work.

At this time, there were already two pottery plates in front of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, one of which was taken out just now.

This pottery plate recorded the amount of rice stored in the tribe at this time last year.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe carefully compared this year's pottery plate with last year's pottery plate, and then got a very bad news as expected.

One news is that the food available in the tribe this year is much less than it was last year.

There is no need to think about it at all, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe know where these disappeared foods have gone.

After all these days, she has been holding the sacred bowl exchanged from the Qingque tribe, and she has always been in the tribe!

There were several people who followed her to check the granary, and these were the more powerful figures of the Red Tiger tribe.

Among them, apart from the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, the most prominent figure is the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

After so many years of mutual cooperation, he can also understand the inspection of the warehouse and the things recorded by the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe.

After all, more knowledgeable.

In fact, you don’t need to understand too much. You only need to look at the obvious difference between the two pottery plates, and you can clearly know that at this time of this year, the food stored in your tribe is much less than last year. !

Not only the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, but several other members of the Red Tiger tribe can also see the things recorded on these two pottery plates.

Because the gap between these two things is too obvious.


After a while of silence, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe spoke, meaning that this year the tribe stored a little food.

If you count the previous rice buds, the tribe's food this year will become even less wealthy.

Although the others did not speak out, judging from their expressions, they could also know what they meant.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is not a fool, on the contrary, she is a very smart person.

As a smart person, she naturally noticed this change in these people.


She spoke, meaning that the food of the tribe today is enough for everyone to eat, and it won't make everyone in the tribe hungry.

Because in the previous years, food storage was almost the same as it is now.

After saying this, she said something again, meaning that they only exchanged for this sacred porcelain bowl from the Qingque tribe, and they would never exchange for the rest.

In this way, you can save a lot of food~www.NovelMTL.com~ As long as the people of your tribe have spent this year and wait a few more years, they can no longer be nervous.

The storage capacity of food will soon be restored to the previous level!

The shrine maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said this now, on the one hand because she really felt that the food storage in the tribe was too small now, compared to many years before.

Another aspect is that she is very satisfied just by getting such a sacred porcelain bowl.

Of course, an intangible prerequisite for thinking this way is that she feels that such a porcelain bowl is already the best and most sacred thing of the Qingque tribe!

No matter how mysterious the Qingque tribe, it is impossible to produce anything better and sacred!

It is precisely because of this that the witches of the Red Tiger tribe would say so simply...

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