I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1029: Alternation of Chiefs


People's emotions are easily mobilized. Sometimes, once the temper comes up, even if it is heaven, they want to poke a big hole.

The people of the old tribe who were already angry in their hearts, after violently beating the leader of their own tribe, not only did the anger in their hearts not disappear, on the contrary, they grew stronger.

So at this moment, someone pointed at the old tribal leader who was curled up on the ground and had many scars, and shouted out the words to kill the old tribal leader!

After saying this, some people responded immediately.

They also yelled, saying they would kill their leader.

The leader of the old tribe, who was beaten up by the crowd and lying on the ground unable to get up, shuddered violently after hearing the shouts of the crowd.

He really did not expect that people in the tribe would dare to say such things!

At this moment, he really felt fear, and even his illness was cured all at once.

He also ignored the pain on his body, got up directly from the ground, and began to speak to the people in the tribe with emotion.


He meant that his illness was cured and he was able to work...

Originally made up more than once, he wanted to fight against the older female primitives and the rest of the tribe, and the old tribal leader who lived on like this, after facing the death threat from everyone in the tribe, immediately He changed his appearance and left everything he had thought about before.

At this moment, he really felt that "being sick" didn't mean anything, it was much worse than working!

The older primitive females suddenly became anxious after hearing the people in the tribe shouting to kill the leader.

Although she was extremely angry at the leader's actions, the leader was still a member of the tribe after all.

Moreover, in the previous period, in order to make the tribe live well, the leader also took the people in the tribe and made a lot of efforts.

Although she was angry, her anger was far from enough to let her kill the leader!

Therefore, she, who was anxious in her heart, wanted to open her mouth to stop the angry crowd.

As a result, he didn't expect that before she could speak, the leader of the old tribe himself would have spoken such words and made such a move.

This unexpected huge contrast made the older female primitives unresponsive for a while.

Looking at the rascal look of the leader of his tribe, the older primitive females wanted to get angry and laugh.

I have never seen such a shameless person!

She tried her best to calm her mood, tried her best to endure the urge to laugh, still facing the leader of the show with a stern face.

After a while, the older female primitive talents began to speak--


After hearing what she said and figuring out the meaning, the people of the old tribe calmed down, and some people's eyes fell on the leader who was covered with footprints and nosebleeds.

Some people’s eyes fell on the older primitive women standing here

Some people glanced back and forth on the two of them, scanning.

After a while, someone spoke: "@@##2!"

After speaking, she walked behind the older primitive female who was standing there.




The essence of man is a repeater.

After one person expressed their meaning, more people from the old tribe spoke the same words, and then walked towards the older primitive female person and stood behind her. Through such behavior, Express your attitude.

Faced with such a situation, not long ago, the old tribal leader who breathed a sigh of relief once again became uncomfortable or anxious because the older primitive women said that they would not let the tribe people kill themselves.

Because the older female primitive people just said that in addition to not letting people in the tribe kill themselves, they also said that from now on, they will no longer let themselves be the leader of the tribe!

Everyone's performance at this time is to express their views on the older female primitives!

Seeing the tribe people who were walking behind the older female primitives, and then looking at the emptiness behind him, the leader of the old tribe panicked.

He really didn't expect that one day he would lose the position of leader!


After being stunned for a long time, the leader of the old tribe began to speak loudly.

What he meant was that what is going on now does not match what has been going on in the tribe!

In the past, if a new leader wanted to appear in the tribe, it required courage.

People who want to be the leader challenge and defeat the leader.

Only in this way can you be qualified to become the new leader of the tribe.

Now, the older primitive women did not do this!

She did not conduct this matter in such a way, but through voting by people in the tribe!

Such a thing does not conform to the previous rules!

This is the leader of the old tribe, in order to keep his position as the leader of the tribe.

His idea is very simple, that is, he does not want to carry out this matter through a vote of the people in the tribe.

Instead, he wanted to fight the older primitive women in accordance with the previous rules.

He had full confidence in whether he could beat the older primitive females, the leaders of the old tribe.

In this way, not only can I keep my position as the leader, but I can also take the opportunity to severely beat the older female primitive person, this **** fellow, and even kill it!

In this case, your tribe can return to its original state again.

He is still the leader of the tribe, the leader who has the highest authority in the tribe and everyone in the tribe respects him very much!

The main reason why imagination is so beautiful and makes people feel very yearning is that it is imagination, not reality.

Therefore, the imagination of the old tribe leader soon became fragmented in the face of the ruthless reality.



There is no need for the older female primitives to speak. Just after the old tribe leader’s words were over, someone from the old tribe spoke.

The voice was loud, and the leader of the old tribe directly slammed back.

Primitive people speak very directly, especially those who are angry. They don't have any mercy.

What this person said is that the leader of the tribe is used to benefit the people of the tribe, to bring the people of the tribe, so that the tribe can live better, it is for the people of the tribe. Get more food!

You take the people in the tribe and get far less food than the older primitive women, and lead the people in the tribe and get more food.

If this is the case, why are you still a leader?

Why use such rules to choose the leader?

This person's words resonated with everyone in the old tribe.

Many people from the old tribes have followed suit.

Expressing support for this person's words and the older primitive women.

After hearing this person's words and seeing the reactions of the tribe, there were some proud and successful old tribe leaders in their hearts just now, and their complexions turned red in an instant, as if they had been burned to the general level.

The raised head drooped down once too, and he dared not look at the rest of the tribe.

The words that this person said just now, and the meanings conveyed by the others, to him, the damage is no less than a crit.

What he said is not wrong. The most important reason why the tribe used to decide who is the leader by fighting before is that the leader selected in this way is stronger and can be used in the days to come. With the people in the tribe, live a better life and be able to better defend the tribe.

Now, although the older primitive female is far from being as strong as herself, she has already gained the conviction of everyone in the tribe, and the food she can bring back to the tribe far exceeds that of a strong person like herself.

Under such circumstances, she can indeed replace herself and become the leader of the tribe.

However, for such a thing, he understood it, but he was still very uncomfortable.

After all, he has been a leader for a long time and can appreciate the benefits of being a leader.

As the leader of the tribe, you can eat first and eat more when it comes to food.

Once he is no longer the leader, he no longer enjoys such privileges. Instead, he needs to wait for the leader to distribute food just like the rest of the tribe.

When you have it, you don’t care much, and you don’t know to cherish it until you get it. Such things are common problems for many people.

The leader of the old tribe is also hard to escape.

In the past, he didn't think there was anything particularly good about being the leader of the tribe.

Now I was about to lose it, and I realized the benefits of being a leader at once.


It was precisely because he was reluctant to hand over the position of leader, so in this situation, the leader of the old tribe still opened his mouth again and made the last effort to keep his position as leader of the tribe.

What he said to the people of the tribe meant that he would do it well in the future and would not be the same again.

As long as everyone continues to let him be the leader, he will no longer be like before...

Once a person has formed a certain cognition of something or someone, then this impression will not be easy to change, especially when the impression is not very good.

The people of the old tribe had very big opinions about the leader of the old tribe and their performance in the previous period. They no longer believed in this unreliable leader.

So even if the leader of the old tribe said something like this at this time, they still disagree.

There is no need for the older female primitives to speak, the people of the old tribe directly beat back the opinion of the old tribe leader.


Some people from the old tribe are speaking here, which means they disagree with the request of the old tribe leader.

After saying this, people from the other old tribes all followed up and agreed with this person.

They don't want the leader of the old tribe to be their leader, but want to make the older primitive people their leader, lead them, and lead a better life.

The leader of the old tribe, after hearing the people say this, his flushed complexion turned white, and his body was trembling slightly.

This position of the tribal leader really wants to leave him!


The leader of the old tribe tried to speak again.

What he meant was that the older primitive women, as the leader of the tribe, he had no opinion, he and she really had the ability to be the leader of the tribe, and could lead the tribe better.

But there is one thing to consider.

That is, older female primitives need to take tribesmen out for trade, often not in tribes.

It is impossible for all the people in the tribe to go out to trade with the older primitive women.

Even the older female primitives exchanged some pottery and salt from the Qingque tribe at one time, so that more people would join the foreign exchange.

Because in addition to adults, there are minors in the tribe.

These minors cannot go out to trade with the people of the tribe.

Staying in the tribe, relying on them alone, can not live, a large number of adults need to stay in the tribe, take care of these minors, but also guard the tribe.

Those who remain in the tribe must also have a leader and someone to lead.

What he meant was that he stayed in the tribe and was the leader of these people, leading them in daily activities and hunting.

He has been a leader in the tribe for a long time, and he understands these things very well. If he does these things, he will be able to do well and will not cause any bad things to happen in the tribe.

After listening to the old tribe leader's words, the older primitive female thought for a while and felt that what he said was indeed right.

Indeed, he will take people to continue the trade, and those who stay in the tribe also need someone to take them to do some things.

These things are not too simple ~www.NovelMTL.com~ People who have never done it may not be able to take on such an important task.

If the leader of his tribe can change his previous practice, he is undoubtedly the most suitable person to do this. After all, he has done too many similar things before.


The older primitive women just started to agree to this matter, but there was a voice from the tribe.

Someone watched the leader of the old tribe talking while grinning to one side, pushing a person beside him out.

The man elected was much younger than the leader of the old tribe, but he was a very responsible person.

During this period of time, the leader of the old tribe chose not to do it, that is, he himself took the burden that was lost by the leader of the old tribe, supported it, and did not badly!


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