I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1030: Female lead outside, male lead inside (2 in 1)

After pushing this man out, the old tribe man, who was shaken by the old tribe leader's words, suddenly became no longer wavering.

In the days when the leader ate and didn't go to work, it was this person who took him and the others to hunt for food, and his job was not bad.

Sometimes even better than the leader does.

If this is the case, why not let this person stay in the tribe and do this?

He hasn't disappointed the people in the tribe, but the leader has done something that makes people angry.



The people of the old tribe were a little excited while speaking.

What they mean is that they want this person to stay in the tribe to lead them to survive and live, not the old leader to lead them to survive and live.

The things that the old tribe chiefs had done in that period of time have exhausted their trust!

Looking at the people of the tribe standing opposite to them, listening to what they said, the head of the old tribe, with a flushed complexion, quickly turned pale, and his body was trembling slightly!

He really didn't expect it to be such a result.

I had already agreed not to be the leader of the tribe, and promised to let the older primitive female be the leader of his tribe, the people in the tribe still refused to forgive him.

Not even let him lead the people who stayed in the tribe!

His requirements are already very low!

With his body trembling uncontrollably, he turned his head to look at the silent older primitive female who was standing surrounded by the crowd of people in the tribe, with a strong plea in his eyes.

He wanted to let the older female primitive say something for him, set this matter down for him, and let him become the manager and leader of the tribe.

The older primitive female has now become the leader of her tribe, and her prestige in the tribe is particularly high. If she speaks for herself at this time, she will definitely succeed!


Under his imploring gaze, the older primitive female who didn't speak much couldn't help but sighed long.

After sighing and shaking his head, he walked towards the leader of the old tribe, stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder, and then left without speaking.

Of course she could see the prayer of the former leader, she also wanted him to take up this position, but the people in the tribe did not agree!

After experiencing those things before, the people in the tribe no longer trust him!

They have chosen the leader of the tribe by themselves, just as they chose to be the leader of the tribe.

Moreover, the person they selected has also proven his ability with practical actions and facts before.

He is fully capable of doing these things.

Under such circumstances, I naturally have nothing to say.

Can't say anything!

The old tribesmen standing in the open space in front of the tribe, seeing their new leader and the older primitive females leave from here, they all followed up.

They followed the new leader, surrounded by the manager who was elected by them and stayed in the tribe, and headed for the tribe cave. No one paid any attention to the former leader standing in place.

The clearing in front of the cave where many people had just existed, soon became quiet, and only the former leader of the old tribe was left standing here, looking alone.

The autumn breeze passed by, bringing down a few early yellow leaves.

The autumn breeze with yellow leaves blows on the body, making people feel a little bit cold, as it penetrates the bones.

The former leader of the old tribe stood here, alone, very much like yellow leaves falling off a tree.

His eyes were hollow, and he stood here fixedly, just as if he lost his soul.

His body was shaking uncontrollably, not knowing if it was because of the cold, it resembled the leaves on the tree blown by the autumn wind.

After a while, tears slid down his face, dropping drop by drop to the ground.

He couldn't understand why things suddenly became like this.

What I did before was really wrong, but I have decided to change it!

I have already decided to change, why do you still refuse to believe me?

Why do you only remember the things you did in the previous period? Why can't you remember the things you have done before?

At that time, who led you to get food, and who led your life?

Why don’t you remember?

The former leader of the old tribe stood here, crying, thinking here with his fist clenched.

The more I think about it, the more panic I feel, and the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it is. The whole person's chest seems to be filled!

Many times, many things are like this. Everyone turns the same after the earth leaves.

There are some things that you don't know to cherish when you have them, and all kinds of works, thinking that this thing is exclusively for you, and the rest can't control it.

But slowly you will discover that the truth is not like that at all!

Without you, the sky would not fall down, and someone would take what you left behind and do it, even better than what you did!

After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is people who are capable and want to climb up!

To sum it up in a common saying, I can't eat pigs with fur without you Zhang Butcher!

The former leader of the old tribe didn't know this truth, so he was so embarrassed that the whole world didn't understand him and abandoned him.

But this kind of truth, when this matter slowly passed, he slowly became calm, and when he recalled it in the days to come, he might be able to realize it.

But after feeling it, whether he can accept it calmly, and what kind of behavior he will have in the future is not known.

In the cave of the old tribe, many people are looking outside to see the lonely figure of the former leader of the old tribe.

Looking at this lonely back, and thinking about what he had done a while ago that made people feel particularly angry, I felt very relieved in my heart.

Asked you to do that before? Now you know how great it is!

Many people feel very happy and extremely happy.

The older primitive females also stood here and looked out, but there was no smile on their faces, and they were not very happy.

Even at this time, she has become the leader of the tribe.


After standing here for a while, the older primitive woman sighed a long sigh, stepped out of the cave, and walked towards the former leader of the old tribe who was standing in the clearing with her back facing the cave.


After a while, the older primitive female came to the former leader of the old tribe, stretched out a hand and patted him on the shoulder, and then spoke.

What she meant was to let the former leader of the old tribe go back, return to the cave, and stop staying here.

The former leader of the old tribe moved and turned to look at the older primitive woman. After a glance, he turned his head and lowered his eyes.

After a moment, he shook his head and said that he did not want to go back to the cave.

The older primitive woman said a few more words, and he still shook his head.

The older female primitive no longer talked to him, but directly stretched out his hand to take one of his arms, turned and walked towards the tribe cave.

The former leader of the old tribe struggled twice, but the older primitive women ignored him and just dragged forward.

Seeing this, he stopped struggling, and let the older primitive females take him to the cave of the tribe.

However, I don’t know if the wind is too strong or the sand got in the eyes. The former leader of the old tribe, who was pulled into the cave by the older female primitive, suddenly tears fell in his eyes...

The cave of the old tribe was a little quiet for a while. Everyone looked at the older primitive female who had just been selected as the leader, and then at the original leader who was brought down by them, and they couldn't react for a while.

They don't understand why the leader of their tribe should do this.


The older primitive female held the arm of the former leader of the old tribe and raised it up, speaking loudly to the people in the tribe.

What she meant was that no matter the former leader is not the leader of the tribe, one thing will not change. He is still a member of his tribe!

People of your own tribe must live in the caves of the tribe, live with the people of the tribe, eat food together, and do things together.

He is the same as everyone in the tribe!

Originally still very puzzled and treated the former leader of the old tribe, and the people of the old tribe who were very indifferent, as the older primitive females said, the look in their eyes gradually changed.

Some people's hearts were greatly shaken.

The leader was not wrong, no matter what he did before, he has now been punished as he deserves.

At this time, although he was no longer the leader of the tribe, and caused some unpleasantness, there was one thing that could not be changed.

That is, he is still a member of his tribe!


After a while of silence, in the cave of the old tribe, someone spoke. It was the one who used words to attack the former leader of the old tribe the hardest.

Talking in his mouth, people also walked to the front of the old tribe's leader, and then stretched out his hand, learning the appearance of the older female primitive, and held it in the old tribe's hand.

Following the expressions of the older primitive females and this person's actions, the rest of the old tribe began to take action.

Some of them said something in the population, walked up to the former leader of the old tribe, stretched out his hand to hold his hand.

Some people did not speak, and walked over and took his hand.

Those who came late, couldn't squeeze to come, and stood on the periphery.

After a while, except for those who had very strong opinions on the former leader, the rest of the old tribe came here, bringing the older primitive woman, the new leader of the tribe, and the former leader two. Individuals surrounded to the middle.

These people did not speak, but stood here quietly, turning their heads to look at the remaining people, waiting for them.

Under their waiting and gaze, these few people who were standing there didn't move. After a while, they also came over one after another, stood around, and stood with everyone.

When the last person also stood up, the older primitive female standing in the middle holding the hand of the former leader, the smile on his face became extremely bright.

Smile is also a contagious thing.

Soon, the people of the old tribes surrounding here were infected by older female primitives.

They laughed one after another, and they looked like a bunch of blooming sunflowers growing together, extremely brilliant.

It seems to be able to eliminate all the haze in people's hearts and melt people's hearts.

There was only one person who didn't laugh. This person was the former leader of the old tribe.

Looking at the layers of palms covering my palms, feeling the temperature coming from them, then I look at the people of my tribe, the former leader of the old tribe, who are surrounded by warm smiles. Suddenly I felt that there were so many things in my chest, which filled my whole heart.

He didn't want to cry, but he didn't know why, his tears were out of his control.

Countless tears gush out from the eye sockets as if they don't need money, and they don't drip like broken beads.

After a while, the former leader of the old tribe who couldn't hold back his tears also showed a smile on his face.

Although there are still tears in his eyes, and his face is full of tears, his smile is the brightest and most touching among so many people.

At the same time, he is also the one who has gained the most.

He was smiling with tears. At this time, through such things, he had a lot of insights.

Some things that he might have gotten before, but he didn't care much about it, he felt it clearly now and began to spread in his heart.

It fills the whole chest, it is full of...


Autumn morning is always prone to some faint morning fog.

The trees are hidden, and there is more hazy beauty.

The tiny mist beads gathered on the leaves and slowly turned into pearls.

Against them, the air becomes more fresh and moist.

With the word "Autumn Sun" rising in the east, it is glowing red, and it also has a little hazy feeling.

It looks like a drop of red ink falling in the water, slightly fainted.

In this season, ~www.NovelMTL.com~, a lot of people gather in the open space outside the cave of the old tribe.

Before long, these people were divided into two groups.

Some people followed the older primitive female who led the only cow in the tribe and walked forward.

These people basically bear the burden.

On the load is salt and pottery.

These are goods exchanged from the Qingque tribe.

In addition to these, the team also carries food and other things used on the road.

This is the trade team of the old tribe, ready to set off again.

The former leader of the old tribe, together with the rest of the tribe remaining in the tribe, stood here, watching the older women who had become the tribe leader leave...

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