I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1028: Make the public angry (2 in 1)

   The hunched primitive man looked at the people following him and spoke loudly.

   Following his words, those who followed him quickly stopped.

   The hunched primitive man took off the package he was carrying and placed it on the ground. The cow he was holding in his hand was also tied to a thin tree nearby.

   After finishing this, the hump-backed primitive man immediately looked around here non-stop.

   Trees don’t need to be inspected specially, because when he walked here, he already saw a lot of thick trees.

   There are so many thick trees, enough for them to build a tree house here!

   What he wants to check now is whether there is any suitable drinking water source nearby.

   has grown a lot of trees suitable for building wooden houses, he has encountered several, but he gave up because there is no suitable drinking water source nearby.

   This place must have a source of drinking water!

   Otherwise, you and others need to go somewhere else.

   In this way, it takes more time for myself and others to build wooden houses!

   The humpback primitive who took some people to look around, thought of it in his heart.

   He was holding a weapon tied with a copper sheet in his hand, and pushed aside the randomly growing branches and leaves in front of him. After walking a distance, he suddenly heard the sound of running water.

   The sound is not loud, falling into the ears of the humpback primitive, but it is no less than the roaring sound of nature.

   The excited hunchbacked primitive man speeded up his pace. After a while, a small stone pool appeared in front of him.

  The water in the pond is clear and bottomless, with hundreds of fishes in the middle, all like swimming in the air with nowhere to rely on.

   The sun shines down, betting on the stone pond, leaving some shadows on the bottom of the pond.

The fishes that had stayed quietly in Tanzhong were startled by the movement of the humpback primitives and they moved quickly, shaking their tails, and many of them got into the cracks at the bottom of the stone pool and stirred. A little muddy water.

   Near the south of Shitan, there is a drop of about one meter.

   A stream of crystal clear water fell from there and poured into the small rock pool below.

   That rushing sound came from here.


   Seeing such a puddle of good water, these people with nest tribes immediately became happy, and many people were directly excited and began to shout loudly.

   The humpbacked primitive man with a smile on his face began to dance with the weapons in his hands, and with his feet and hands, he stepped on a path and took the lead to the edge of Xiaoshitan.

   These people from the nest tribe have suffered a lot from walking along the way, and all of them are sweaty.

   Looking at the clear water in front of me, everyone was filled with joy and couldn't bear it anymore.

   Someone can't wait to pour water on their face with their hands, enjoying the coolness of this moment.

  Some people knelt down on the edge of the stone pond, leaned down, and went to drink the water in the stone pond...

   After a while, these people from the nest tribe who found the water source, led by the humpback primitive, returned to the place where the cattle were tied, and informed the people waiting here about the excellent news.

  As the hunchback primitive thought, after learning the news, the people waiting here suddenly became happy.

   Some people can’t wait to go to see the water source and drink some water.

   The hunched primitive man agreed to this matter.

   However, they did not let these people go alone, but let at least ten adults go together.

   After these people returned to Shitan to drink water and wash their faces, the hunched primitive man began to order things according to his previous thinking.

  He left some of the strong people, and the old and weak that followed, and cleaned up the miscellaneous trees and vines that grew here, and don't walk around randomly.

   And he, with another part of the strong people, left here with weapons, and patrolled around.

   While patrolling, he shouted loudly, or with a weapon in his hand, he banged **** the passing trees and made a ‘pop’.

   Under such operations, animals will be alarmed from time to time, spreading their feet and running towards the surroundings.

   Whenever encountering such a situation, there will be a shower of rocks, sharpened wooden sticks and other things, covering these prey that ran out in panic.

   There are far fewer prey killed than those that ran away.

   But for this kind of thing, the hump-backed primitive people and others did not feel so depressed.

   After all, they have long been used to this situation.

   Moreover, they are doing this now, the main purpose is not to hunt for food, but to use this method to startle the beasts living nearby, especially the large beasts that may exist.

  Only in this way, in the future life, they can become safe here, as much as possible to ensure that the people in the tribe will not be harmed by large beasts, and there will be no unnecessary damage.

   The weak and the strong seem to be an eternal law of survival, especially in primitive times.

   With the arrival of everyone from the nest tribe, the place suddenly became messy.

Even one of the colorful tigers, amidst the constant shouts of the nest tribes, made some unwilling roars, and then left the foraging place where it had not known how long it had lived, and moved towards the rest of the place. go with……

   On the second day, some of the strong nest tribes continued to patrol the surroundings under the leadership of the humpback primitives, especially where they found the tiger yesterday, which is the key to the patrol.

   and the rest are not idle.

   Some of them continue to chop down miscellaneous trees in the chosen place to build a residence.

   There are also some people who have already climbed into the big tree and started to clean some branches and leaves on the tree with the tools they held in their hands, preparing to start building tree houses where their tribes often live.

   With the arrival of the nest tribe and their busyness, this place that was originally just a wild place has begun to become different, gradually gaining popularity...


   Old tribe Here, the older primitive female is going crazy, blushing with a thick neck, pointing at the opposite person, and roaring loudly.

   The one opposite her is not someone else, but the leader of the old tribe.

   At this time, the old tribe leader looked a lot whiter, heavier, and heavier.

   These meats are fed little by little with food from the tribe.

   As the saying goes, you can’t make a fat man in one bite, and the fat that grows out of the old tribe leader can’t be eaten in a day either.

   This is the result of his continuous use of many days of eating and drinking and not working.

   During this period of time, the leader of the old tribe lived a very chic life. Every day, when eating, he let go of his belly and kicked his cheeks to eat.

   After eating and supporting myself, I stayed wherever I was to cool off.

Under this kind of operation, it is not only the meat on his body that is rising, but the food earned by the older primitive women and others through the hard trade in the tribe has also fallen faster than before. a lot of.

   After all, people who stayed in the old tribe before, used their own means to obtain food as much as possible.

   When I can feed myself with the food obtained by myself and others, I will never use the food brought back by the older primitive women.

   Now, the leader of the old tribe doesn’t care about this. There is only one word a day, that is-eat!

   The uncharacteristic behavior of the leader of the old tribe will naturally cause dissatisfaction among the old tribesmen who remain in the tribe.

   But the leader of the old tribe killed him with one bite and his illness was not healed. The reason why he often lay there to sleep after eating was not because he didn't want to work, but because he was unwell.

  I did this by myself to recover from illness.

   Facing his remarks, the people in the tribe basically didn't believe it.

   But I heard him say so swearly all the time, plus he is the leader of the tribe, so there is no good way for everyone to deal with him.

   This situation continued until the older primitive women returned.

After the older primitive women returned, there were old tribesmen who stayed in the tribe soon. After the older primitive women left, the leader of the old tribe told me about the performance during this period of time. .

   As soon as this person spoke, the rest of the old tribesmen who remained in the tribe couldn't help it. They all spoke to the older primitive females about this.

I listened carefully to what the people said, looked at the food again, and then looked at the fat on the body of the old tribe leader who had turned a lot whiter, which was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the chests of the older women's primitive popularity began to fluctuate sharply .

   Of course she is angry.

   In order to earn more food, to make the people in the tribe live better, she knows how much she has suffered along the way.

  Because she deeply understands the difficulty of earning food, she has become more cherished when it comes to food.

   On weekdays, she never dared to let go of her belly to eat food. For a long time, she was already very hungry and was able to eat a lot of food, but she still resisted not eating.

   Living so hard and making such a big sacrifice is to bring back more food to the tribe so that the people in the tribe can live better!

   After hearing what the leader of her tribe had done in the tribe, it would be strange if she was not angry!

   While being angry, a wave of sadness and sorrow spread in her chest, making her angry, but at the same time she couldn't help but want to shed tears.

   In such a complicated mood, the older primitive women fired at the leader of their tribe.

  The rest of the tribe dare not do anything because he is the leader. As an older primitive female who has suppressed the leader of the old tribe once, she doesn't care too much about his leader's identity!

   She was asking, the leader of her tribe, why did he do this, why he spoiled food in this way and didn't go outside to get food.

   Facing the question of the older primitive women, the old tribe leader’s answer was as straightforward as ever.

   He once again told about his illness as an excuse.

   But such an excuse can cope with the rest of the tribe, but it cannot cope with the older primitive females who have become stronger in the tribe.

The older primitive female directly confuses him, directly in front of everyone in the tribe, saying that the leader of the old tribe is lying and that he is not sick at all. He is pretending to be sick and wants to do more Eat food and not work!

   Hearing the older female primitive people say this, the old tribal chief who was unhappy with the incident made his heart angry.

   Of course, the bigger reason for this is the guilty conscience, and the anger after being poked at the center of things!

   He stood up quickly from the ground, stared at the older primitive female, waved his arms, and hit the older primitive female.

   When people are impulsive, they will always lose a lot of reason and do things that many times they will not do.

   is like the old tribe leader at this time.

   In normal times, he would never provoke older primitive women.

   let alone beat her.

   But now, the words of the older primitive woman pricked his mind and made him extremely annoyed, so he rushed directly without considering the consequences, and there was no timidity.

   When people are impulsive, it is best not to make any radical things or make too many decisions, otherwise they will regret it when they wake up.

   is like an old tribal leader who rushes towards the older primitive females under rage~www.NovelMTL.com~!

   The old tribe leader under the violent rage didn't even touch the side of the older female primitives, and was knocked to the ground by the other old tribesmen and gave him a severe beating.

   The leader of the old tribe, this time, it really angered the crowd.

  The people of the old tribe who stayed in the tribe and didn't go out, saw the old tribe leader's various operations during this period of time, and he was suffocated for a long time and had great opinions on him.

   Those who returned from the outside with the older primitive females, after hearing about this, became more angry than those who remained in the tribe.

   Because they basically suffered the same things as the older primitive women.

  The leader of the old tribe, what they have spent sorely on is the food they have earned!

   If it is used uprightly, they won’t have any opinion. After all, the food earned is for people in the tribe to eat.

   But such a ruin by the leader will not happen!

   Moreover, in addition to spoiling food, the leader chose decadence and laziness when everyone was working hard to make the tribe better!

   Think back to the sufferings of yourself and others, as well as the idea and determination to make the tribe a better place, and compare these things the leaders have done these days. How can these people in the old tribe not be angry?

   At this time, he was still violent, and wanted to punish the older primitive women who had made great contributions to the tribe!

   Under such circumstances, he can only be a tragedy...


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