I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1027: The release of Qingque tribe people (2 in 1)

   The Red Tiger Tribe’s autumn harvest this year has a lot of problems!

   They encountered the thing that Han Cheng worried about the most-continuous rain!

   Before more than half of the rice in the Red Tiger tribe was harvested, even the rain began to fall.

   Although some of the rice was harvested when the rain stopped a little bit in the middle, there were still a lot of rice that were not harvested.

   And, because at this time there is no such extremely waterproof thing as the rubber sheet commonly used by later generations to ‘cover the duo’. It has been raining for a long time, so water seepage is certain.

The most direct result of things like    is that many of the mature rice of the Red Tiger tribe has already produced some small buds before being harvested in the granary!

   This is true whether it grows in the ground or has been stacked!

   Grain sprouts, whether it is big or small, it is not a good phenomenon.

   This indicates that their food has become bad!

   It is precisely because of this that the people of the Red Tiger tribe have become so dull at this moment when they should have laughed and developed a strong sense of superiority towards the rest of the tribe.

   Faced with such an uncomfortable thing, it really makes people unhappy, no matter how nervous this person is!

   The witch of the Red Tiger tribe, sitting in the house dedicated to her, looked at the scene of working outside, silently.

   Such things have been encountered by their tribe in the past.

   This is indeed a not-so-good thing, but they still got through it well.

   Because their tribe has accumulated a lot of food.

   There is so much food accumulated there to support it, even if the food that year was suddenly less income, there is no problem.

   But it's different now.

   Before the autumn harvest this year, most of the food stored in my tribe was exchanged by the people of the Qingque tribe with that exquisite and sacred object.

   This thing is a bit difficult to handle.

   In the past, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe had never regretted her previous actions.

   But at this time, the tribe encountered such a situation, which made her firm heart become a little shaken.

   Maybe I shouldn’t...

   The sun is slanting to the west, and the twilight is about to shroud. Here in the Red Tiger tribe, the smell of food is floating.

   On the big square in the middle of the Red Tiger tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe are gathering here to eat.

  The food they eat is mainly cooked porridge, so when so many people drink porridge here, it is easy to make a spectacular ‘sucking’ sound.

   In the sound of drinking porridge, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe are the most conspicuous.

   When eating in the past, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe would basically not leave the house exclusively for her and eat with everyone.

   Instead, let her take it in and eat in the house alone.

   However, after receiving the sacred object of the porcelain bowl, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly changed her life habits that she had persisted for a long time.

   When eating later, she always came out to eat with everyone, and never stayed alone in the house.

   The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, holding a porcelain bowl, sitting across from the crowd, sucking bite by mouthful of the food in the bowl.

   Although the food she ate today was the same as the food eaten by the people of the tribe, she felt that the food she ate was much more delicious than the food eaten by the people of the tribe.

   This is a fetish!

   The Red Tiger Tribe maiden who took a bite of food said with emotion.

   The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who was eating with a porcelain bowl and everyone could easily attract everyone's attention.

   Even if the time has passed for so long, as long as it is time to eat, she will be able to become the most beautiful boy in the entire tribe very smoothly with that extremely precious divine object to eat!

   This kind of thing with a halo is really very enjoyable.

   At least the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are deeply addicted to them and cannot extricate themselves.

   This is really a good thing!

   The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, while sucking the rice in the bowl, she thought with emotion.

   Not long ago, there were some Red Tiger maidens who regretted. Now they don't regret it at all.

   It is really worthwhile to exchange the food accumulated in the tribe for such an artifact!



  The autumn harvest in the Red Tiger tribe has not yet ended. When the people in the tribe were troubled by the continuous rain and the rice sprouts, the Qingque tribe Jinguancheng, which had already finished the autumn harvest, made some noise.

   A little bright silver flashed in the air, and landed on the water.

   Some water splashes, making circular ripples.

   was caught from the water and came to the shore to see the fish in the outside world. Following this movement, it fell into the water.

   regained freedom and can continue to enjoy the joy of fish and water, swiftly swinging its tail, swimming towards the bottom of the water.

A half-and-a-half boy looked at the fish that had regained a new life after passing his hand, with a silly smile on his face, much like a good man and a believer who released fish, did good deeds, and purified his soul. It is very kind and touching.

  Of course, one of the prerequisites for such a mood is that you need to ignore this guy’s sparkling saliva...

   What this guy is thinking is not just to raise this fish, and then catch it and eat it.

I also wanted to make this fish produce a lot of seeds, and then in the spring of the next year, the small fry produced by this fish would be taken out of the breeding pond and put into the rice field with water, and continue Breed inside.

   When it’s time to harvest the rice in autumn, you can use the newly caught fish to make fish soup like this year, and pour it on top of the steamed rice!

   This is really an evocative delicious!

Standing here, looking at this fish pond built specifically for breeding fish fry for a while, this kid, who was thinking about the fish and their unborn children all at once, stretched out his hand. I wiped off the saliva that I accidentally shed, and then ran towards the harvested rice field like wind under my feet.

   to look for the fish that have not been caught before, and prepare to continue to sprinkle into the fish pond.

   This thing is really full of motivation!

   The field of the Qingque tribe is busy again at this time.

   Many people are preparing for next spring planting.

   Holding copper smelt and stubble in their hands, they dug up the ridge of the paddy field, dug some small channels inside, and led the water into the canal.

   This is to prepare for the subsequent plowing and spring planting in the coming year.

   Let the water dry and let it dry for some time, so that it can start turning the ground.

   The fish in the rice fields. Although the people in the tribe had caught them before, there were still some omissions, especially the small fish.

   After the water is drained at this time, a lot of small fish will appear in some small potholes in the rice field.

   If you ignore it, it won’t take long for them to die.

   So many children in the tribe came to rescue them.

   But different people have different rescue methods and results.

Some people sprinkled the rescued fish into the fish pond, while others chopped up these small fish with a knife, mixed them with some chopped grass, and then fed them to the tribe. Chicken in the house.

  Of course, most people who do this are guys who like to eat eggs.

   Some people who prefer to eat duck eggs, especially the pickled salted duck eggs with red oil, threw the rescued fish into the duck house next door.

  Looking at the ducks in the duck house, vying to eat the little fish they threw in, the children who were thinking about the duck eggs laughed happily, their faces filled with happiness...

   After the autumn harvest, here is the outer wall of Jinguan City. Many people are busy here with tools, finishing off the wall that is about to be completed.

   In the open space inside the fence, someone was carrying on the construction work in the place planned by Han Cheng.

   This is building a new house.

   Autumn has arrived, and the weather will slowly get colder.

   In terms of the effect of protecting against the cold, the low domed houses that are common in Jinguan City are not comparable to large houses.

  One of the most important reasons is that in the low house, there is no way to put the fire on the kang.

   Compared with the Qingquezhu tribe, although the temperature here in Jinguan City is higher, there is not much freezing in winter, but the temperature is still relatively low, and the winter is still relatively cold.

   The issue of keeping warm still needs attention.

   Fortunately, the manpower here in Jinguan City is still very sufficient, even if it is doing many things at the same time, it can still be completed.

   Because of Han Cheng's mode of team management here, the authority of the people in the tribe can be more clear and management is more convenient.

   So when these things are done, the efficiency is much higher than before, and they still appear orderly.

   On the left side of Jinguan City, away from the growing sweet millet garden, some smoke was slowly rising.

   Not far from the sweet millet garden, a piece of land was leveled.

   There is a good mud on the land.

   In the clearing a little further away, there are many clay tiles that have been made but have not been completely dried.

   Several tile kilns were erected not far from this site.

   Someone is here holding a large firewood and adding it to it for burning.

   The burnt inside is the dried tile embryo.

   Not far from the kiln, there are neatly stacked piles of tiles that have been out of the kiln.

   These tiles are red with some floating dust on the surface, which gives them a sense of haziness and looks very beautiful.

   This is to prepare for the house that is being built, so that after the house is built, start to lay tiles on it. In this era, it is a big brick house that is very iconic of the Qingque tribe!

   Everything here in Jinguan City is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Han Cheng, holding a copper knife in his hand, cut off a sweet millet pole from the sweet millet garden.

   Remove the leaves, cut off the unsweetened shoots of the sweet millet, and scrape it back and forth with a copper knife to scrape off the layer of hoarfrost.

   Then he wiped the knife clean, and began to peel the sweet corn stick.

   After cutting two or three knots, he took it and ate it.

   This way of eating after peeling, although it is not as good as using the teeth to peel off the skin, it will feel and soul.

   But in view of the fact that the sweet millet in the tribe is too hard, it takes too much time to chew down the skin, and it is easy to cut and bleed his mouth, Han Cheng still chose this soulless way of eating.

   Tribal sugarcane is still not good. It tastes bad, has less water and more scum, and it is not sweet enough.

   Disgusted Although he disliked it, Han Cheng still didn't mean to shut up.

   After all, it is better to have than nothing.

   Han Cheng, who was eating sweet millet, stood here and watched the busyness of the people in the tribe for a while, with a smile on his face.

   This is definitely not because the people in the tribe are all working, but he can naturally eat sweet corn sticks and watch the people in the tribe work and be happy.

   But because under his leadership, with the efforts of the tribe, Jinguan City is more and more like that, and it is more and more suitable for people in the tribe to live!

   stood here for a while and watched the people in the tribe burn tiles, Han Cheng turned here to see what the people in the tribe were doing in the fields.

   There are four small teams of labor working here.

  The members of the Jinyi-3 and Jinyi-4 teams are dealing with the harvested rice fields.

   Jin 21st and 5th teams opened a canal in the downstream ~www.NovelMTL.com~ to prepare for the next reclamation.

   Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, seeing everyone doing things in an orderly manner from a distance, so he didn't bother much here.

   After eating a sweet millet, with a copper knife in his hand, he returned to Jinguan City and went straight to the small house that belonged to him.

   reached out his hand from the wooden stick nailed to the wall on the side of the bed and took off his backpack.

   Han Cheng, who was sitting on the bed, opened it, and then began to slowly take things out.

   After a while, a small white tiger appeared in his hands.

   This is one of the killers he carefully prepared for the Red Tiger tribe.

   Playing with this killer in his hand, the expression on Han Cheng's face gradually became somewhat intriguing.

   Autumn is here, and the harvest season has also arrived. Many tribes have had a good harvest in this season. The Red Tiger tribe, which has grown a lot of rice, should have a good harvest.

Before my tribe, although I got a lot of food from the Red Tiger tribe, according to the people here in Jinguan City and the food harvested by my tribe, these foods will not allow my tribe to live in the future. How generous is the one who has been there.

   It seems that I should let these big killers show their power!

   Playing with this white and smooth little porcelain tiger, Han Cheng thought in his heart...


   Amidst the busyness of the people in Jinguan City, while Han Cheng was imagining, a group of people appeared not too far away from Jinguan City. Some people were talking here...


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