I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1026: Rice with big problems (2 in 1)

   "...This is the Jin first team, this is the Jin second team."

   Under the gourd shed in Jinguan City, Han Cheng pointed to the notebook placed in front of him, and said to Mao and Brother Er.

  He was telling the two about his vision of the Jinguancheng organization.

   Jinguancheng is here, he is going to divide it into two teams.

   One is for Jin No. 1 team and the other is Jin No. 2 team.

   Among them, the Jin 1 team has three more people than the Jin 2 team.

   The three extras are a family and it is not easy to separate them, so Han Chengcheng divided them into one team.

   Jin first team has 713 people, and Jin second team has 710 people.

   There are so many people in a team, it is still not easy to manage, so Han Cheng divided a large team into five small teams.

  Respectively called Jinyi First Team, Jinyi Second Team...... Jinyi Five Team......

  The second team of Jin is called the first team of Jin Er...the second fifth team of Jin...

   The smallest grassroots management unit in Jinguan City is the team.

   There are more than one hundred people in a small team, there is a small captain, and the large team has a large captain.

   In fact, at the beginning, Han Cheng had thought about implementing the Wu and Shi system.

   means that five families are one family, and two families are one family.

   There are veterans, and there are many leaders.

   But after careful consideration, Han Cheng gave up this idea.

   On the one hand, it is because the tribe is still a big pot of rice. Although there have been some buddings of private ownership and the concept of family, it is still not clear enough. On the whole, collective life is dominated, and common ownership is dominated.

   There is no family, and this household-based system is naturally not easy to implement.

   On the other hand, it is because this kind of too detailed management is still not suitable for today's tribe.

   The current tribe, the personnel, is still mainly collectivization.

  Management is necessary, but not so many managements.

   Too many words are harmful to the current tribe.

   Jin No. 1 and Jin No. 2 organizations are actually similar to the villages in later generations and belong to the most basic household registration management system.

   Now, Jinguan City has just built an extraordinarily magnificent outer wall. The houses inside have not been built.

   The vast majority of people in the tribe still live in temporary houses built in a hurry.

   It's time to start building houses. Han Chenggong is planning to divide the Jin 1st team and the Jin 2nd team on the place of residence.

   For example, the Jinyi team lives in the west part of the built house, and the Jin second team lives in the east part of the built house.

   The approach taken at this point is somewhat similar to the sub-districts of later generations.

   This kind of method is very necessary, it can well eliminate some of the bad influences of the surnames established in the tribe.

   can bring people in the tribe together better.

   This is just a foundation.

  On this basis, people can also be organized into different groups according to the nature of their work.

   A person can participate in different groups at different times.

   For example, a strong person, while being a soldier of Jinguan City, can also be incorporated into the production team.

   If he still has skills such as knitting or carpentry, he can be incorporated into the knitting group.

   Jin No. 1 and He Jin No. 2 teams can have such a group.

   If the group is too big, it can be called a small group.

  According to Han Cheng's vision at this time, more than fifty people are called teams, and less than fifty people are called teams.

   There are large groups and small groups...

   Correspondingly, a team leader and a team leader are required to manage the team and the team.

   For example, to convey some things that Han Cheng ordered to go down, and lead the people who belong to their group to do things better...

   These are actually the management of the Qingque tribe.

   can also be called Qingque's earliest official.

   Among them, Mao, a man who has been proved by facts, serves as the captain of the Jin No. 1 team, and the second senior brother, the absolute old man of the Qingque tribe who grew up with Han Cheng, is the captain of the Jin No. 2 team.

   cat ears, bear ears, green trees and other capable people who have emerged in the past will serve as team leaders.

  Some people can hold several positions.

  For example, while serving as the captain of the Jinyi team, Mao also serves as the captain of the Jinguancheng trading team. At the same time, he is also the leader of the translation team in Jinguancheng...

   There are so many things like this, very trivial and complicated.

   But they are all very important things, and they cannot be taken lightly.

   The sourness of this, Han Cheng, the master swordsman, has a deep understanding, and it can be described as ecstatic!

   This matter has already reached this point, and Han Cheng did not implement it immediately.

   Instead, they began to use some means to warm up the things that will be done.

   For example, let the people in the tribe know some news in advance, so that they can have some preparations in their hearts.

For another example, after explaining these things to the two brothers and Mao, and letting them understand these things, Han Cheng continued to hold an expanded meeting to determine those based on the daily performance of everyone. The team leader and group leader of the team gathered together, and then continued to tell them about this matter.

  While making them understand these things, it also tells them about their future duties.

   is what they all need to do in the future and how to do it.

  Different people react differently to the same thing.

   For example, after understanding what Han Cheng said and what they were going to do in the future, the Jinguancheng management who had been confirmed by Han Cheng immediately reacted differently.

  Some people are full of joy, while others are very nervous and extremely worried that they will not be able to handle this matter.

  Some people are more dazed, and some people are very indifferent...

   Through this method, Han Cheng quickly guided the trend of public opinion in Jinguan City after the autumn harvest.

  In these days, people here in Jinguancheng are constantly talking about this matter.

  Through such discussions, the people in the tribe gradually learned a lot of things.

  For example, the past methods in the tribe are not conducive to doing more work and cannot make the tribe develop better.

  The new approach taken by the gods is specifically to solve this problem and want to make the tribe better...

   In this way, the people here in Jinguan City have changed from being ignorant of the new notice to knowing a lot.

   With such a foundation, people in the tribe are increasingly looking forward to this new method proposed by the son of God.

   Because they can't wait to make the tribe better and stronger.

   Some people who are more courageous and impatient, even come to Han Cheng to express their desire for new management methods and can’t wait.

This kind of thing happened, and with the huge change, Han Cheng, who has been handling this matter and caring about it, couldn't help but smile. When there was no one, he held his fist and raised his arm. I curled up twice to express my joy and some sense of accomplishment.

   However, not all people come to find themselves, and they are all impatient for new management methods.

   is like a bear having ears.

   Looking at the bear with ears with his head drooping in front of him, looking forward to Ai Ai, looking at his own eyes, Han Cheng sniffed slightly.

   The Xiong You Er aside became more restrained and uneasy.

   "God, son of God, I, I'm afraid..."

   Xiong Youer said very worried and embarrassed.

   "There is nothing to be afraid of!

   Many things, when they don’t do it, they feel scared and worry that they can’t do it well. When they do it, they will find out after a long time. "

   Han Cheng smiled and said to Xiong Youer, cheering.

   Xiong You Er, is a captain designated by Han Cheng.

   It’s also strange to say that the bear has ears, who has always been relatively rigid and Han Cheng thinks nothing will go wrong, but is the first person to come over and express concern about doing bad things to him.

   Hearing Han Cheng's words, Xiong Youer became more confident.

   But this kind of confidence was quickly replaced.

   "This thing is you! Don't tell me what you dare to, can and can't!

   You Xiong Youer is the person I value, I say you do, you do! "

   Seeing Xiong You Er, Han Cheng was angry and a little funny.

   Since the soft-spoken consolation before was of no use, he changed his strategy and immediately became extremely domineering, and directly fixed the matter to death, without giving the bear any room for relaxation.

   Looking at the extremely overbearing **** child who looked at him in front of him, Xiong Youer was a little dazed for a while, his nose was a little sour, and his eye sockets were hot.

   The words and expressions of Godzi just now, not only did not make him feel any overbearing, on the contrary, he also felt a deep care and trust!

   "The Son of God..."

   Xiong Youer looked at Han Cheng, and yelled like this, and he couldn't say the rest.

  He stayed here for a while, then raised his right arm, rubbed his eyes fiercely, then bowed to Han Cheng deeply, turned and strode away.

"This guy!"

   Han Cheng looked at walking out and said with a smile.

  Han Cheng knows the ability of the bear to have ears. This guy sometimes seems to be ‘bluffing’ a little bit, but when he does things, he is really unambiguous.

  It is also for this reason that Han Cheng, after some thinking, let him be the captain of a team of more than 100 people...

   Seeing him showing such unconfidence at this time, Han Cheng was naturally able to help him, as much as possible to help him overcome psychological difficulties, and let him show his true abilities.

   Watching Xiong You'er leave, Han Cheng sat down, reached out his hand to take the notebook that was not far away, opened it, and then thought about what was going on now...

   An autumn rain fell from the sky.

   It was originally a very hot weather, but after this autumn rain fell, it dropped a lot, and people could feel some coolness.

   At least as before, it's not enough to wander around in linen pants and vests.

   That is to say, in such days, many people gather in the outer wall of Jinguan City that has been basically built, reserved, and on the square that has not been built.

   These people are nothing else, they are the officials of the Qingque tribe.

   It is Han Cheng's meaning to call everyone here.

  The purpose is to announce to the people in the tribe. A lot of paving has been done to develop new management methods here in Jinguan City.

   With the sound of a gong, Han Cheng, who is the number one magic stick of the Qingque tribe, came to the seemingly simple rostrum.

   After speaking a few words to the crowd, he ran directly to the subject...

   Han Cheng has already started to warm up this matter, so the matter went very smoothly, it can be called a natural success.

   So on the same day, the vigorous change of management in Jinguan City of the Qingque tribe was done according to Han Cheng’s previous assumptions.

  The people of Jin 1 and Jin 2 are standing next to each other.

  In their respective teams, they are also divided into five teams of more than 100 people...

   Looking at the orderly people, Han Cheng felt very comfortable in his heart...



   appeared to be very rhythmic and rhythmic, resounding in the large open space in the middle of the Red Tiger tribe.

   There are a lot of people here, besides people, there is another kind of thing, which seems extraordinarily large.

   This kind of thing is rice~www.NovelMTL.com~ The people who are surrounded here are either squatting there or sitting on the ground.

But no matter what kind of posture they stay here, these people have a similar behavior-holding some harvested rice in their hands, constantly placing stones or wooden sticks and other hard objects. Beat above.

   As they beat them, the rice on the ears of rice fell one after another.

   Some people who have been beaten for a long time, the tools in front of them have been leveled by the beaten rice!

   In the past, this was the happiest time for the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

   This is not only because it represents harvest and a large amount of food, but also an important reason is that they are proud and happy for their tribe’s superb methods of processing food.

   They know how people from other tribes get these delicious little fruits from the branches.

   Those tribesmen have only two ways to face this kind of thing, one is to rub it down with their hands, and the other is to stroke it down with their hands.

   But no matter which method it is, it is far inferior to their tribe’s method of handling small fruits!

   Under the leadership of the wise maiden, they used this method of throwing on hard objects and processing this delicious food. I don't know how much faster than the methods adopted by other tribes!

  The other tribes can't compare with their tribes at all.

   But now, the people of the Red Tiger tribe are not happy anymore.

  Because the rice they are dealing with has a big problem!


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