I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1025: Deliberate staff who quietly changed (2 in 1)

   A faint moonlight is falling from the night sky.

   fell on the mature rice fields, on the sparkling water channels, on the people of the tribe who patrolled the fields with torches and gongs.

   fell on a little bit of fireflies, and the dog walking with people.

   also fell on the outer wall of the tall Jinguan City, sitting on Han Cheng.

   The faint moonlight shone, as if he was covered with a thin layer of gauze.

   The figure stretched by the moonlight fell on the ground, and just like the moonlight, it became hazy and fuzzy.

   Han Cheng under the moonlight, watching the people patrolling the rice fields with torches from a distance, fell into deep thought.

  He is thinking about what method and system should be adopted to deal with the situation in the tribe at this time, so that the tribe will become more orderly and easier to manage.

   When thinking about these things, he kept thinking about some systems he knew in his mind.

  Some of them are directly in contact with later generations, and some are historical dynasties, and some systems used before dynasties were established.

  As long as he knew it, he would think about it and compare it with the current tribe.

   In the hope of finding some systems that fit the current tribes.

   After sitting here thinking for a while, Han Cheng stood up from here, turned and walked down the wall of the tribe.

   came to the hut where he lived, moved out a small square table, and came under the gourd shed by the moonlight.

   opened the mosquito net, put the small square table in his arms on the bed, took off his shoes, Han Cheng also came to the bed.

   reached out his hand and touched the improved fire-folder on the small stone platform supported by the bed, unplugged it and lit it, lighting up the oil lamp on it.

   then put the fire folder back on and put it back to its original position.

After doing all these things, Han Cheng took a notebook made of paper and needlework from the side, spread it out on the table in front of him, took a charcoal pen in his hand, and began to write slowly on it. .

   This process is not very smooth, after writing for a while, Han Chengcheng will ponder for a while.

   Sometimes, I can’t write a word for a while.

   What Han Cheng wrote was some systems he knew.

   He is going to write all of these, and then on this basis, combined with the current situation of his tribe, find out the system that suits his tribe.

  The system is a very important thing.

  Once the formulation is not good, the adverse consequences will be even more serious than many disasters.

   It is precisely because of knowing this that Han Cheng is so solemn.

   Stay up all night and write here bit by bit.

   Do their best to work out a system that suits the current situation in the tribe.

   In the courtyard of Jinguan City, it was not only Han Cheng who fell asleep.

   There are still many people who fall asleep in this courtyard, and what is greedy is the coolness of the night.

   With so many people sleeping here, of course it will not be particularly quiet. Many people are talking here.

   But after seeing Han Cheng's behavior, the tribe gradually calmed down.

   The voice became smaller and smaller, and eventually became silent.

   These are people in the tribe, in their way, expressing respect and love for the Son of God.

  The people in the tribe know that the **** child usually does not write pens easily. Once he starts to write, it is very likely that there will be something that has a great influence on the tribe in the days to come.

   For example, the various new tools that appeared in the tribe, as well as the textbooks in the tribe, were all made by the son of God in this way.

   They know the priorities...

   In the quiet night, in the inner courtyard of Jinguan City protected by the tall walls, under the shed with gourds, an oil lamp was quietly burning here.

   alone in front of the desk, writing quietly here...

   Amidst the cries of the roosters in the tribe, a new day has arrived as promised.

   In the cool and comfortable air, the people living in Jinguan City are busy again.

   In the distance, the birds are singing, and there are fishes in the water with their tails swinging back and forth.

   The people in the rice fields are constantly busy.

   The cooking smoke at Jinguancheng slowly moved with the morning breeze.

   While busy, the fiery red sun rose from the east, and within a short while, it rose a lot.

  The blood-like red faded and became a more dazzling existence.

   Under such dazzling sunlight, a child came out of Jinguan City, came to the edge of the field, and called everyone in the tribe to go back to eat.

   has been busy all morning, and people who have done a lot of work, after hearing the words, put aside the busy things, came to the edge of the clear water canal, after cleaning, returned to the tribe to eat.

   The same goes for the people in the threshing field.

   It didn’t take long for everyone to gather in front of the dining hall in Jinguan City, and began to take over the bowl of rice and ate...

   The people in the tribe still gather together and eat at the same time as before.

   Han Cheng also carried a bowl, and the food was extremely sweet.

   Of course, it is not that Han Cheng did not escape the law of true fragrance, but that after thinking about it last night, he felt that making such a major adjustment at this critical juncture of the autumn harvest was not good.

   Such an adjustment will definitely waste some time.

  Moreover, it will also cause people's feelings to fluctuate, and it is certain to delay the autumn harvest.

   In addition to these, another important reason is that Han Cheng has not yet thought about the system that the tribe will implement in the future.

   Under such circumstances, it is natural not to rashly promote food in batches.

   People in the tribe are eating together, not for a while, even if they want to carry out reforms, they are not in a hurry for a while.

   The autumn harvest here in Jinguan City has completely kicked off.

  In the days to come, the main work of the people in the tribe is to harvest, beat the field, and dry the rice.

   When some people started doing this kind of thing, they were quite hand-crafted, but after a few days, everything became familiar.

   For the people in Jinguancheng, the task of harvesting rice this year is not important.

  Because when rice was planted, there were only a hundred people.

   Now when it's time to harvest, there are more than a thousand people here.

   More than a thousand people harvest the rice planted by more than a hundred people. It is naturally easy and effortless.

   So it didn’t take too long. Ten days of effort were not required. The rice grown here in Jinguancheng was harvested and dried.

   Looking at the empty rice fields with low rice stubbles, Han Changchang let out a long sigh.

   This is the relaxation after all the food is returned.

   To live on the ground is to live by the sky.

   In many cases, it is necessary to see God's face.

   If God doesn’t show his face, half a year or even a year’s hard work will be wasted!

   Among these, the autumn harvest is the most fearsome.

   After all, I have survived so many times before, and now it is the last pass. If these things are really destroyed by the rain, it will be really uncomfortable!

   Now that all the food in the tribe has been harvested, even if it rains heavily, Han Cheng doesn't need to worry, he can take a breath.

   Not only Han Cheng, but the rest of the Jinguan City who was tight on a string in the tribe also relaxed.

   I don’t know what happened to the main tribe, Tongshan residential area, and Qinling subdistrict.

   By this time, the millet that they grow on some of the northern boundaries should be about to mature, right?

   I hope that in these places, the autumn harvest will be carried out smoothly, without running into rain.

   Bai Xuemei should be very obvious now, right?

   I will welcome the third child soon!

   It’s amazing to say that, before you know it, he is about to become the father of three children!

   Little pea must have grown a lot taller.

   The little guy must have become more sensible.

   As for Xiao Xing'er, this little girl, she should speak more clearly, and walk harder.

   When Witch is sleeping at night and Yuanyu, I don't know if I can still raise a lot of enthusiasm like when I was in the tribe.

  I hope that Wu can always maintain this kind of enthusiasm, because it can prove from one side that Wu's sword is not old...

   Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, sitting here, looking towards the north, which is also blocked by the mountains and mountains, and bursts of thoughts rose in his heart.

   This kind of longing is stronger than ever before, so he has the urge to leave immediately, leave from here, and go back over this lofty mountain!

   On the other side of the mountain, he has his wife and children, the old people he respects, and the things he and the people in the tribe have built together.

   How does this make him miss?

   Han Cheng sat motionless here, and his urge to return to the tribe was firmly pressed in his chest.

   There are still many things that haven't been done in Jinguan City. The situation has not completely settled down. In any case, I can't go back!

   When I was young, I always wanted to grow up quickly. I felt that the adult world is so beautiful.

   But after I really grow up, I will find that the adult world is far less beautiful than I imagined when I was a child.

   When people reach adulthood, they don’t become omnipotent.

  On the contrary, I often experience a lot of involuntary...

   Life is like this, the world does not revolve around anyone.

   While everyone is his own protagonist, he is also a member of all living beings in this vast world.

   However, as long as people work hard to live, they will always get something better than before!

   People's emotions are very unstable, which can be described as a thousand changes.

   People who loose the tight strings in their hearts are most likely to have some different emotions and get some insights about life.

   Like Han Cheng sitting here and looking north...

  The sky is high and the earth is jagged, and yellow leaves occasionally fall in the forest.

   Driven by the shepherds, flocks of sheep filled the autumn meadow.

   In the threshing field, some people are holding the rope of the cow, and the cow is pulling the stone roller in circles.

   This is crushing the rice stalks that have been beaten once, and knocking down some rice that has not been beaten before.

   On the edge of the harvested rice field, a long-legged waterfowl stood motionless, waiting for the appearance of the prey.

   Under the shining of the autumn sun, there are already some wood-colored gourds, which look shining.

   Distant mountains, near water, people living scattered on this piece of land, birds walking casually...

   All these are so peaceful and beautiful, which makes people feel unexplainably comfortable.

  In this quiet autumn afternoon, Han Cheng called for Brother Mao Yu and sat under the gourd shed under the sunlight.

   On the stone table in front of a few people, a clay pot is placed in front of one person, and a large teapot with a curved wooden handle is placed on the side.

The    pottery bowl is filled with some colored water.

   This water is brewed with dried mint leaves.

   took a sip, with the coolness unique to mint in the warmth.

   It is cool and has a light fragrance, which is very comfortable.

   is simply the best drink Han Cheng can find at this time when the weather is a bit hot!

   Peppermint is widely distributed.

   like Mizusawa.

   In the later generations, after Han Cheng’s impression, as long as there is a large paddy field, there is generally no shortage of mint.

   Of course, this refers to the nearby medicinal material shop, before the large-scale acquisition of mint.

  After the large-scale acquisition of mint~www.NovelMTL.com~ the slices of mint that grew in the past are soon harvested and can’t grow...

   Jinguan City has a large area of ​​shallow water, so naturally there is no shortage of mint.

This kind of thing was discovered as early as when Han Cheng came for the first time, but at that time, most of his mind was attracted by rice and sweet millet, and he didn't care much about it. Good things for efficacy.

   After coming here again, Han Cheng slowly noticed and remembered its various effects.

   On the stone table, in addition to the tea bowl, there is a book. The book recorded on Han Cheng's thoughts on the system of the tribe during this period of time.

   After all these hours of constant thinking, Han Cheng has basically decided on this matter.

   At this time, Jiang Mao and the second senior brother came over, just want to talk about this matter.

   When Han Cheng was in the main tribe before, when doing such things, he always consulted the witch and the senior brother as the leader.

   Now here, both Wu and Big Brother are not around, Han Chengcheng replaced the candidate with the Second Brother Mao.

   Same as before, Han Cheng first talked about the problems in the tribe.

   And explain the existence of these problems, which will have adverse effects on the tribe.

  Mao, there are two other seniors, looking at the **** son who is sitting opposite him and the others, talking to them, and he feels a little confused for a while.

  Because they always felt that the current system was very good before the son of God said that, and they didn't see anything wrong from it!


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