I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1010: How can you innocent people out of thin air! (2 in 1)

The Qingque tribe led by Han Cheng is generally childish.

After the humpbacked primitive people agreed to this matter and gave six of the cows they were holding to the people of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng didn't even hesitate at all, and directly let the general Jiang Jiang treat and prevent it. I told the hunched primitive people about the cold, and they also said how to take it.

Looking at the six extra cows in his team, Divine Child Han Da couldn't see his smiling eyes.

At this time, he really realized what it means to help others!

Sure enough, when this person is fine, he still needs to do more good deeds.

Not only are you happy, but you can also make others happy and give them substantial help.

If you don't believe it, look at the hunched primitive being helped.

The hunched primitive man was very happy at this time, and the smile on his face couldn't hide it.

Because the people of the Qingque tribe, the news that he told him is too important!

The cold is an extremely common disease, whether in later life or in primitive society.

The only difference is that in later lives, if you have a cold, a fever and a runny nose, you will basically not be too concerned about it.

After all, this is really not a difficult disease.

However, if the same thing is placed in primitive society, the effect will be completely different.

The most common cold is precisely the disease that takes the most life away under normal circumstances.

For this kind of disease, the hunched primitive people have no solution.

After people in the tribe catch a cold, the only way to deal with it is to resist it.

If the resistance is over, then you will continue to live. If you can't resist, then you can only resist.

Because of the universality and high incidence of colds and fevers, this disease, which is basically not seen by people in later generations, and is not considered to be a serious disease, has become the most devastating disease in this era.

This is also the main reason why hunched primitive people are so happy after learning from the trade that something like **** has a good effect on treating such diseases.

Of course, an important prerequisite for achieving this level of happiness is to ignore the six cows paid to the Qingque tribe not long ago.

Otherwise, while being happy, the hunched primitive man would not be able to bear a dull pain.

This is real pain and happiness.

Not long ago, people from the Qingque tribe who were still complaining about the hunchbacked primitive people who excavated these useless things here, after understanding the true function of this thing, behaved crazier than the people from the Qingque tribe. On the ground, holding a weapon and digging at the roots of ginger, the speed is extremely fast, and some of the afterimages are brought out.

Not only the speed is fast, but the durability is also very good. Everyone in the Qingque tribe who excavated with better tools such as copper shovel and yoke felt tired, and the hunched primitive people still felt tired. Digging there quickly.

"Mao, you tell them that digging so much is enough."

Han Cheng looked at the hunchback primitive man who was addicted to mining Jiang and couldn't stop, and shook his head helplessly, and said to Mao like this.

He wiped the sweat trade on his forehead with the back of his hand, and hurried forward after hearing the words, conveying Han Cheng's meaning to the hunched primitive people.


While watching Mao convey the meaning, his subordinates kept moving, constantly digging Jiang's hunchback primitive. After understanding Mao's meaning, he shook his head and spoke quickly.

After expressing what he meant, he quickly picked up the tools placed on the ground and began to dig again, without stopping for a moment.

Mao looked at the large number of **** piled up in the open space, and then looked at the humpback primitives who were still desperately digging, and there was a moment of loss.

This humpbacked primitive man deserves to be a leader of the tribe and a frequent exchange person. His ability to stare and tell lies is really not so strong.

They have already digged so much, and they just said they didn’t dig a lot...

After understanding the meaning of the humpback primitives through Trade, Han Cheng couldn't help but sucked his nose slightly.

This primitive man is not simpler than later generations!

"You told them that if you just boil tea to treat a disease, you don't need too much, and if you dig too much at one time, it will easily be broken.

Dig less, bury it in the land around the tribe to allow it to continue to grow, and just dig it out when needed in the future. "

After thinking about it, Han Cheng decided to tell the hunched primitive man more.

This time it's a free gift.

Mao Bian started to move again, and told them what Han Cheng meant to the primitive people with the humpback.

After Congmao understood Han Cheng's meaning, the humpbacked primitive man couldn't help but brighten up.

Yes! Why didn't I think of such a good way?

Rice can be planted. This kind of thing also grows in the soil. There is soil around your own tribe, so it can be planted naturally!

Moreover, the overbearing Red Tiger tribe just forbids people from other tribes to grow rice, and there are no restrictions on other things. Their tribe grows something that is called'ginger' by people in the Qingque tribe. feasible!

The humpbacked primitive man who had figured out such a thing and was happy there suddenly changed his face.

He quickly stepped back a few steps, guarding the remaining cows in his tribe, and then staring nervously at the very kind-hearted **** of the Qingque tribe in the mouth of the older primitive female.

I am afraid that after telling himself such an ingenious solution to the problem, he will once again ask for cattle from his tribe.

There was no need to translate Miao Duo at all, Han Cheng understood the meaning of the humpback primitive in an instant.

Han Cheng, who was smiling, couldn't help stiffening when he saw the smile on his face, and his entire face became a bit dark.

I'm just like that kind of person who begs for repayment and cares about the bulls of other people's tribes when everything is fine?

How can you be so innocent!

The humpbacked primitive man didn’t know the opposite of the son of Han Da. If he knew it, he would nod frantically, indicating that this guy is such a person. By the way, he vomited fiercely at the shameless son of the blue bird tribe. A few saliva.

As long as you have such a person, is there any innocence at all?

If you are innocent, how did we lose the twelve cows in our tribe? !

The primitive man who saw the hunchback just stood in front of the cow, looked at himself nervously, and said that he would not leave.

Han Cheng was helpless, and after a while he had to say to Mao: "Mao, you tell him that I told them the matter just now for free. I don't charge anything, let alone their cattle."

Mao Yiyan translated Han Cheng's meaning to the humpbacked primitive man, and the humpbacked primitive man was relieved and left in front of the cow.

This is also the general reality of people in this era. Basically, they all follow the principle of one-to-one. They feel that when others say that you no longer want cattle, they really do not want cattle.

Therefore, the hump-backed primitive man, only after hearing Han Cheng's promise, would he be so confident and bold.

If this is placed in later lives, let alone such a verbal promise, even if you kneel there and swear to the sky, it will not necessarily make people really feel at ease.

The alert was lifted and the humpback primitive people began to lead the people of their own tribe, and the people of the Qingque tribe, at the same time, began to clean up the **** excavated on the ground.

Even if Han Cheng had told them to use Mao, **** could not be used much and could be buried in the soil to let them continue to grow, but when dealing with the dug out ginger, the humpbacked primitives were still extremely careful. , Did not give up even the smallest piece...

After the **** excavated by the respective tribes were installed separately, the hump-backed primitive people began to take the people from the Qingque tribe, and once again moved towards the Red Tiger tribe.

It is not too far from the Red Tiger Tribe.

As they approached the Red Tiger Tribe, the humpbacked primitive people became more and more bottomless.

The joy of getting a fetish like Jiang before was gradually replaced by this kind of anxiety...

Han Cheng followed the humpbacked primitive people and they walked forward, constantly looking around.

As they walked, they saw more and more traces of human activities.

For example, a tree felled on the ground not far away.

For example, some rice growing in shallow water areas.

Some people who appeared at the end of the line of sight...


A Red Tiger tribal warrior with animal skins wrapped in animal skins, his upper body shirtless, and a weapon made of copper and wood in his hand, turned his head inadvertently and saw the situation here. After a moment of stunned, he hurriedly said to the side. Said the rest of the people.

After hearing this, the people nearby also looked towards the place he said.

At a glance, I saw people who were holding cows and some things tied to the cows. The leader among them looked a little hunched.


The man smiled and said to the person nearby.

What he meant was that these people who came were humpback primitives with nest tribes, they came here specifically to give things to their tribe, don't worry.

However, as soon as he finished saying this, he himself didn't believe it anymore.

Because this time there are so many people from the nest tribe!

So much has already come out from behind the forest, and there are still people coming over!

This is not the most confusing and fearful. What is surprising and frightening is that these people who came out continuously afterwards all have weapons that are dazzling under the sunlight!

Those who have nest tribes come here to give things to people from their tribes, or come to beat their tribes!


The Red Tiger tribe deserves to be in this area, a tribe in general, just has the courage.

Faced with this situation, a warrior of the Red Tiger tribe shouted loudly, shouting several people above to greet the people with the nest tribe.

But their courageous and admirable behavior quickly changed its flavor.

Seeing that many people have appeared in front of me, the nest tribes who are still walking out from behind the bushes that obscure the sight, and the Red Tiger tribe warriors with only a few of them, I immediately slow down. He walked away, and quickly stood in place without moving.

After a while, several people shouted, turned around and ran away without looking back...

Seeing the warriors of the Red Tiger tribe coming, the hump-backed primitive man who was nervous in his heart, tried to squeeze a more flattering and flattering smile on his face than when he came before, speeded up some steps, and prepared to step forward to Hong These people from the Tiger Tribe explain it well.

As a result, he hadn't waited for him to go too far forward and the words in his mouth hadn't been heard. The soldiers of the Red Tiger tribe ran away without looking back!

The humpbacked primitive man who wanted to open his mouth opened his mouth wide, and he was stunned.

What is this!

What did I see!

The Red Tiger tribe warriors who were fearless in the past, defeated all the surrounding tribes, and crushed them out of breath, just fled like this?

The speed is so fast...

Such a scene that I had never thought of before appeared in front of my eyes. The impact on the humpbacked primitive man even exceeded that not long ago. I learned from Mao’s mouth that **** can be used to treat diseases!

You know, this is a fighter of the Red Tiger tribe!

In the scope of the Red Tiger tribe, how can they run so simply and quickly? !

After being stunned for a while, the hunched primitive man turned his head somewhat mechanically and looked at the large number of people in the Qingque tribe behind.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a truth.

It is not how horrible the people of the Red Tiger tribe are, nor how brave the fighters of the Red Tiger tribe are, but because they have not encountered a strong opponent!

After encountering strong opponents, the Red Tiger tribal warriors who used to be brave in front of them will also turn around and run away!

And the speed is not slow at all!

Seeing such a scene~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

The hunched primitive man is so shocked now because he has not seen the escape speed of the Qingque tribe.

Under the same circumstances, the people of the Qingque tribe will only run faster!

After all, he has told people in the tribe more than once that when encountering a large number of enemies around the tribe, he must run into the wall as soon as possible, and then rely on the wall to force those who come to attack his tribe. The enemy, only a fool would give up the excellent advantage of the wall and fight the enemy recklessly!

"Go, let's keep going!"

Han Cheng waited here for a while, seeing the hunched primitive man, still there in a daze, just like that.

At this time, the Red Tiger tribe also heard some panic shouts...

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