I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1011: New skills being forced out! (2 in 1)

The seemingly peaceful Red Tiger tribe suddenly became lively with the arrival of Han Cheng and others.

There were more and more shouts, and people flickered in the place not too far away.

After a while, people from the Red Tiger tribe began to rush towards Han Cheng and the others.

At this time, Han Cheng asked the humpback primitive who was about to cry to walk forward for a while, and stopped at a certain distance from the Red Tiger tribe.

This time he came here with sincerity to make friends with the goods, not here to attack the Red Tiger tribe, so he needs to be friendly.

People who do not bring their own tribe directly to the edge of the Red Tiger tribe’s residence are an effective means to express goodwill.

Seeing the soldiers of the Red Tiger tribe rushing here from the Red Tiger tribe shouting and waving their weapons in a mess, Han Cheng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Although there are many people in the Red Tiger tribe, and the weapons they use are far better than those of the other tribes, they still lag far behind in fighting.

Like the rest of the tribes of this era, the tactics adopted were chaotic upward rushes, without organization and discipline. All they had to rely on were human tactics and personal bravery.

He glanced back.

The warriors of the Qingque tribe standing behind had already arranged their formations as they were trained in the day.

The vine shield is in the front, the spear and the longge are behind, and the archers are on both sides.

However, in order to show the friendly attitude of his tribe, Han Cheng didn't let the spear and the long Ge hand go out too much.

One side is neat and orderly and knows how to cooperate with each other. The other side is a mess and rush forward, relying only on personal courage and temporary blood.

There is no need to think too much, whoever is high and who is low can be figured out immediately.

Such a Red Tiger tribe is definitely not an opponent of its own tribe.

Even if there were far fewer people from his tribe this time, Han Cheng would not worry too much when it really fought.

He is not worried, but it does not mean that the others are not worried.

The humpbacked primitives, such as those with nest tribes, are almost scared to pee by such battles.

This is because they had never seen such a big scene before, and they led the people of the Qingque tribe.

On the other hand...

They were standing between the Red Tiger tribe and the Green Sparrow tribe. The two sides were really going to fight, and they must be the first to be unlucky!

Is this **** thing human do? !

The legs trembled like a humpback primitive man playing a pipa, and his face was bitter, and he was about to scream loudly.

How can you get us in the middle of a fight?

Why is the life of our tribe so suffering? !

The war imagined by the humpbacked primitive people did not begin. When they were about a hundred meters away from the people of the Qingque tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe who rushed in a mess stopped one after another.

They stood there, holding weapons in their hands, looking alert and a little angry at the strange, uninvited guests coming along with the hunched primitive people.


A grumpy Red Tiger tribal warrior, very dissatisfied with their behavior of stopping in this way, roared here, holding the weapon, he would continue to rush towards the place where the people of the Qingque tribe were.

I want to give these people who dare to come to their tribe without authorization, a big lesson, to educate them well so that they understand what the Red Tiger tribe is inviolable.


He just ran outside for a few steps, and an angry rant rang out.

The person who scolded aloud, holding a large weapon in his hand.

This is a stick-like weapon, but on its upper part, there are many sharp bronze thorns.

Although it is much simpler than the mace that Han Cheng has seen in film and television works, it is undeniable that this is indeed a mace.

Just thinking about the consequences that such a stick can have on a person's body will make people feel chilling.

This person is the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

He is not too tall, and among the crowd of the Red Tiger tribe, he is only a middle-aged person.

But the whole person is very strong, looking like a small cannonball.

As the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, he also possesses great majesty among the Red Tiger tribe.

Especially the warriors in the tribe were even more convinced by him.

It was also because of this. When he heard that he was reprimanding himself, this grumpy and angry Red Tiger tribe immediately stopped.

After staring fiercely at the people of the Qingque tribe in place, he turned and returned back with the weapon, but the whole person still looked aggrieved and wanted to go forward and fight.

But with their leader here, he still dare not do such a thing.

"@#3! @"

Not long after he had just returned, a sound that seemed to be rushed and panting came from behind.

People from the Red Tiger tribe, upon hearing this voice, looked behind one after another.

After hearing this voice, many people's expressions became much calmer.

Because they have already heard who the owner of this voice is!

She is the wise witch in their tribe!

As everyone in the Red Tiger tribe turned their heads and looked back, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe appeared in the sight of everyone.

The Red Tiger Tribe had no nose maiden. With the support of the two people, she moved her sturdy legs, panting, and came as fast as she could.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is very worried!

People who are worried about their tribe will fight with those who suddenly come to their tribe.

In many cases, fighting with people from other tribes is a necessary method, but if the opponent is strong enough, it is best to figure out the situation first before deciding whether to fight or not.

Only in this way can the tribe not suffer a big loss.

What she just yelled out was to let the people in the tribe stand there and don't move, don't fight, and let her handle the matter.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe were of course nervous.

She attaches great importance to this matter, because through the warriors in the tribes who ran back and yelled before, she already knew that there were a lot of these people and it seemed very difficult to deal with.

Under the gaze of the Red Tiger tribe and the people of the Qingque tribe on the opposite side, the panting Red Tiger tribe maiden walked to the front from the gap in the middle of the Red Tiger tribe, carefully watching the people of the Qingque tribe opposite.

Han Cheng and other members of the Qingque tribe maintained their previous formation, calmly looking at the gathered members of the Red Tiger tribe without any panic or helplessness.

Even if the people from the Red Tiger tribe who had gathered at this time had already surpassed them, and it seemed that it was angrily wanting to fight.

Only seeing this, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but shake her heart.

It was not that she was frightened by the people of the Qingque tribe, but through the calmness shown by the people of the Qingque tribe, she knew that these people were not easy to provoke.

Under normal circumstances, tribes that can maintain this kind of calmness in the face of other unfamiliar tribes are tribes with a solid heart.

Just as their tribe used to face the other tribes.

Knowing that your tribe can win, or is sufficient to deal with the tribe you are facing, you will appear calm and not panic at all.

The eyes of the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe stayed for a while on the people of the Qingque Tribe who stood opposite, and she was successfully attracted by the humpback primitives.

There is no way to be attracted by the hump-backed primitive people unsuccessfully, after all, standing between the two tribes is too eye-catching!


After seeing the humpbacked primitive people, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe immediately had an idea.

She looked at the hunched primitive people and spoke to them loudly.

It meant that the primitive people who were going to hunch back, they approached, and she had something to ask them.

When the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe yelled to herself, the hunchback primitive man standing there looked helpless, and the whole person was an exciting spirit.

He wanted to run away, far away from the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

But such a thing is impossible.

Not to mention that in the future, their tribe will continue to get salt and pottery from the Red Tiger Tribe so that they can continue to serve as the Second Dao dealers. The large number of Red Tiger Tribe people standing next to the Red Tiger Tribe maiden is enough to make him Quit the idea.

The humpbacked primitive man tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face, and seemed to be walking towards the red tiger tribe maiden in front of him for a while.


Before the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe could ask, the hunched primitive man began to speak, speaking quickly.

He was telling the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe that he had exchanged a lot of delicious salt from the Blue Sparrow tribe this time. The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe can eat it for a while without worrying about not having it. .

Then he told the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe that he had found the Blue Sparrow Tribe according to her instructions and went to the Blue Sparrow Tribe himself.

I knew where the Qingque tribe was and memorized the route.

When talking about these, he also focused on how much they did and spent this time in order to complete the orders of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

Especially when talking about the cows, the hunched primitive man almost couldn't help crying.

While talking about these things, the humpbacked primitive man was also watching the changes in the manners of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

Sure enough, with his narration, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe became much calmer, no longer the way she was panting just now, wanting to slap herself at any time.

Seeing such a change, the hunched primitive man relaxed a lot with joy.


The shrine maiden of the Red Tiger tribe opened her mouth and stretched out her finger to point to Han Cheng and other members of the Qingque tribe who stood opposite.

She was asking what was going on.

The humpbacked primitive human body shook slightly again, and while working hard to maintain a state of weeping, he spoke to the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe: "#¥%%233..."

Obviously, he was a big man with rough skin that had been exposed to the wind and the sun. At this time, some pitiful sights suddenly appeared.

The humpbacked primitive man kept feeling that he was too difficult.

In order to live and survive, I was forced to become an acting school by these two shameless tribes. It is really not easy, too difficult!

What the humpbacked primitive man said to the maidens of the Red Tiger Tribe is very simple. What he meant is, don’t you want me to learn more about the Blue Sparrow Tribe?

I followed your instructions.

But I was not smart enough to shoot myself and I couldn't get the results you wanted, so I brought some of the people from the Qingque tribe.

In this way, you can take a closer look...

He and the people who have the nest tribe were completely described as good people who are dedicated to the Red Tiger tribe.

Not only can we not be punished for these things we have done, but on the contrary we should be rewarded...

I have to say that talents are often forced out.

Take the humpbacked primitive man, in the past, he absolutely couldn't think of these words, nor could he do these things.

But now being forced by the situation, it suddenly became different, unlocking a lot of new skills.

I have to say that the words of the humpbacked primitive man and this performance are still very level, at least the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is bewildered by him.

The gaze looking at the humpback primitive man also softened.

In any case, this guy has a good heart, and he did this for his own sake.

Seeing the changes in the witch goddess of the Red Tiger tribe, the hunched primitive man couldn't help but breathe out in his heart.

The most difficult level is finally over for me, and I am almost about to start the "嘤嘤嘤" mode.

Just when he was very fortunate, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly took two steps forward, reached out her hand to support the shoulders of the humpback primitive, raised her fat legs, facing the legs of the humpback primitive, constantly Kick and kick.

The humpbacked primitive man was stunned.

Isn’t it good just now? Why did you turn your face suddenly at this time?

Could it be that she saw through what she just said? !


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who had beaten the hunchbacked primitive man and put herself out of breath ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ finally stopped beating the hunchback primitive man and spoke to the humpback primitive man.

What she means is that although you are right and reasonable, I always feel that something is wrong.

I can't tell what's wrong, but that doesn't prevent me from beating you vigorously.

The humpbacked primitive man who knew the truth was stunned once again, and couldn't help but leave stunned tears.

That's all right?

Can this be done?


Why can't you be reasonable...


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