I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1009: Han Da, whose conscience suddenly hurts (2 in 1)

That's right, the freshly baked and steaming thing that Han Cheng holds in his hand is a must-have in the kitchen of later generations-ginger!

Ginger is a good thing. It is not only used for seasoning, but also has a very unique use. It can remove fishy and taste, and it has magical effects in curing diseases.

Cut the willow into slices or smash it directly with a knife, put it in a crock pot, and boil it vigorously. After catching a cold, drink two bowls, which can cure and prevent colds.

Of course, if there are green onion roots and brown sugar, put them in and boil them together, and then drink them, the effect will be better.

For another example, you can wipe your head with **** to grow hair (of course, generally speaking, this effect is not obvious).

For this reason, Han Cheng was so happy after he was sure that this thing was indeed ginger.

After almost crying without being moved, a bright smile soon appeared on his face.

When I was excited, I forgot to spit out the **** in my mouth, and just chewed and ate it...

The taste of eating **** was uncomfortable, so after chewing the piece of **** and swallowing it, Han Cheng suddenly realized something, his complexion changed involuntarily, and he grinned again.

But even so, Han Cheng was still not willing to throw away the **** he was holding, and the smile on his face also did not disappear.

How could he be willing to throw such a good thing!

So far, among the Qingque tribe, all three pieces of green onion, **** and garlic for seasoning have been gathered.

Coupled with vinegar, salt, pepper, wine that can also remove fishy and sugar that can be used as seasoning, the condiments in the tribe have become very rich.

Of course, if you can find chili, star anise that goes well with meat, and cumin that goes well with lamb, it would be even more perfect.

The quality of the Qingque tribe’s diet will be closer and up to a higher level.

"God, what is this?"

After watching the trade for a long time, he finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, pointed to the **** block in Han Cheng's hand, and asked out loud.

After Mao opened his mouth and asked Han Cheng, the other members of the Qingque tribe around them all looked over, wanting to learn from the gods what it is and what it does, right What are the benefits of the tribe.

From the series of actions and reactions of Han Cheng just now, these people have basically understood that this thing that was just dug out from the ground by the **** son is definitely a good thing.

Driven by curiosity, each of them was itchy in their hearts, as if the tail of a kitten was flicking.

"This is ginger! A good thing!

Putting some into it when making food can make the food more delicious. When people catch cold, they can drink some water boiled with **** to treat diseases..."

In a good mood, Han Cheng said loudly to the people in the tribe with a smile on his face, announcing Jiang's benefits.

After hearing Han Cheng's words and understanding the important role of the thing in Han Cheng's hand, all the members of the Qingque tribe surrounding them suddenly became excited.

This is not that they are not reserved enough, it is that this kind of thing said by the son of God is really too tempting.

For people in the tribe, illness is still an extremely terrifying thing, more terrifying than injury and bleeding.

Nowadays, the gods say that this kind of thing called **** can be used to treat diseases. How can they not get excited? !

Moreover, this **** can also make food more delicious!

How can this effect prevent them from cheering and happy for it?

You know, today's Qingque tribe, under the leadership of Han Cheng, the **** of food, has already gone farther and farther on the road of food.

Nowadays, in addition to making food delicious, this **** can also cure diseases. This is tantamount to instantly scratching the two most important itches of the Qingque tribe!

It is only reasonable for them to have such a reaction at this time.

"God, let's dig more and bring it back to our tribe!"

After understanding the various benefits of **** from Han Cheng, everyone in the Qingque tribe became excited.

Mao looked at Han Cheng with bright eyes and asked.

The other people also took off the short-stemmed brass shovel and brass head and other things they carried with them, and eagerly looked at the many gingers that grew here, and only waited for Han Cheng to make a sound. When ordered, they rushed forward to prepare for a battle.

Han Cheng sniffed slightly, the people of his tribe, this is even crazier than himself!

But this kind of madness he liked very much.

When you encounter good things, you need to look like this, that is, you need to drag these good things to your own tribe.

Only when there are more good things in your own tribe, can the tribe develop better and become stronger and stronger.

It is really annoying if you still look slow and dying when you encounter good things.

"Dig, dig more! Take one part back to eat, and the other part to grow!"

Han Cheng squinted and said with a firm voice, giving a high degree of affirmation of this matter.

After saying this, he immediately bent over, picked up the copper shovel at his feet, and stabbed some of the **** that had been excavated to the side first.

After hearing Han Cheng's affirmative answer, and seeing Han Cheng's actions again, the rest of the Qingque tribe became excited.

One by one, they screamed at the clumps of ginger, and then they could not wait to send the tools in their hands to the surroundings of ginger. They lifted up a piece of soil that looked a little wet, and then found **** from below.

Almost all of them are able to rush to the discounted supermarket with the old man and old lady of later generations, and the scene of rushing to buy is comparable!

The humpback primitive who stood there waiting to see Han Cheng's jokes was completely stunned.

The trajectory of this development caught him off guard and was completely confused.

In other words, this kind of food is not particularly unpalatable, and it can't be eaten as food at all?

Why did the **** of the Qingque tribe not only didn't show any tricks after eating a small piece, but still smiled and then excited?

The people of the Qingque tribe also followed silly music, and then they all started desperately digging for this unpalatable thing...

Could it be that the **** child of the Qingque tribe was so disgusted by such things that his brain was abnormal, that's why he had such a performance.

Or does it mean that this kind of thing is really an extremely delicious thing. Did you taste it wrong before?

The humpbacked primitive man who wanted to see the jokes was stunned, but was thrown into deep self-doubt by the people of the Qingque tribe.

Seeing the people of the Qingque tribe, they were digging in full swing, and they were constantly waving the tools in their hands. They couldn't stop at all. They denied that they had denied the hunchback primitive people who doubted the point of life, and finally couldn't bear it.

He came to a clump of **** that had not been dug by the people of the Qingque tribe, and then digging soil at the edge of the **** root with his weapon.

It didn't take long for him to dig out **** lumps stained with soil.

The humpbacked primitive man stopped his hand and rubbed the **** against the other weeds on the side, roughly removing the dirt on it, and then brought it to his mouth, biting off a piece with his teeth to start Try it.

After taking a bite, the taste of **** immediately filled the mouth, and the uncomfortable spicy taste of **** was also diffused.

The hunched primitive man paused, and his face was a little deformed.

He quickly took it out of his mouth, threw it away, and then spit out frantically, spitting it out.

While doing these things, while looking at the people of the Qingque tribe who couldn't stop digging **** with a face of suspicion, they felt sour and sour.

This thing is still as unpalatable as always, so why are you digging like you see Bao?

Is this because he is abnormal, or the people of the Qingque tribe are abnormal!

The hunched primitive people want to look up and ask the sky.

Ask God, of course it is impossible.

Even if he asked, Tian would not answer. The biggest response he gave him was to send a bird to fly through the sky not far from him, and then drop a tuft of guano by the way.

Therefore, he finally asked Mao, who could communicate with him.

Through Mao's translation, Han Cheng understood the meaning of the humpback primitive.

After knowing the meaning of Mao, Han Cheng didn't even think about it, and he had to say no.

How can such good things be easily shared?

However, in this case, he still did not say anything.

Because at this time, he suddenly felt a bit pain in his conscience.

People living in this world sometimes cannot be too selfish, especially when it comes to life and things that can be used to save lives.

For other things, you may be able to hide your own privates, but it is better not to hide your own privates. After all, this is a matter of life and death!

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng soon had his own decision.

Regarding the fact that **** can treat colds and colds to a certain extent, I should tell them to the hunched primitive people, otherwise, my conscience is really disturbed!

"Mao, you tell him that this is a very good thing that can cure diseases.

If he were to give us six cows, we would tell him what is the use of **** and how to use it to cure the disease. "

The conscience was condemned and the son of Han Da, who felt uneasy, said to Mao.

After finishing this sentence, the conscience of God Son Han Da, who was condemned, became much more relaxed, and his uneasy heart became calmer.

Sure enough, people in the world cannot be too selfish.

In the past, Han Cheng had heard that helping others can make oneself happy.

At that time, he didn't understand such a thing.

Don't understand the joy of such a thing.

But now, Han Cheng truly realized the correctness of this sentence.

I really felt this kind of happiness from my determination to help the primitive people with hunchback and let them know a way that can have a big effect on catching cold.

If someone comes to ask Han Cheng at this time, is it happy to help others?

Han Cheng will definitely answer without hesitation: "Happiness! Helping others can produce happiness that you can't imagine!"

After Mao was stunned for a moment, a bright and admiring smile appeared on his face immediately.

The Son of God is the Son of God! The consideration is comprehensive!

Compared with the **** child, the self who is often in trade is really not so big!

While thinking about it with admiration, Mao quickly began to convey Han Cheng's meaning to the humpback primitives who were already waiting.

However, when speaking, Mao did not follow Han Cheng's original words, but adjusted it to a certain extent.

He first told the hunched primitive people that this is a good thing and can be used to cure diseases.

Just as Mao thought, after understanding what he had conveyed in the past, the hump-backed primitive directly became extremely excited.

Of course the hunched primitive people are excited, after all, this is something that can be used to treat diseases!

There were quite a few people in their tribe, all of whom were fine before, but then they didn’t know what kind of disease they had, and soon died.

The fear of illness even surpassed that of the scourge.

After all, these things like the scourge can be seen with the eyes, and there are certain methods and means to resist.

The invisible thing like illness is really nervous and frightening.

Now, the people of the Qingque tribe find that this kind of thing can be used to treat diseases, how can this not make him happy?

He cocked his ears and opened his eyes wide. His eyes were not blinking, looking at Mao expectantly, expecting the words from the General Manager to be heard.

Tell them what kind of disease this kind of thing cures and how to use it to cure the disease.

In his expectation, Mao continued to speak and began to dance.

After a while, the smile on the face of the humpback primitive gradually stiffened.

He looked at the people who were looking at his blue bird tribe seriously, and then at the piece of **** he had bitten off in his hand. Suddenly, he wanted to vomit blood and adults. Impulse.


It's really bullying!

I have never seen such a shameless tribe who bullies people!

I really don’t know if that **** older female primitive ~www.NovelMTL.com~ has a broken brain, and said that the people of the Qingque tribe are kind!

He has never seen such a kind person!

The humpbacked primitive man really wanted to slam the **** in his hand to the ground, and then walked forward without looking back, assuming that such a thing had never happened.

But he still didn't do such a thing.

Because the people of the Qingque tribe, what they said is too tempting!

After hesitating for a while, the hunched primitive man took two breaths, then closed his eyes and nodded vigorously...

(Thanks to the book friend Wu Weiqing for the rewards. After a while, I will offer more!)

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