I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1008: One taste for yourself-ginger (2 in 1)

Han Cheng looked at the tall tree in front of him, and suddenly glanced at the house that looked like a large bird's nest, with some surprises in his eyes.

He had heard about the tree house as early as in later generations, but basically he had never actually encountered it.

After coming to primitive society, most of the tribes encountered lived in caves.

Some are natural caves, and some tribes live in caves that are excavated little by little with tools.

Those who build their own houses to live in are rarely encountered.

Prior to this, only a semi-agricultural tribe had been encountered.

There is also the Red Tiger tribe that has not met.

Now there is another tribe with a nest.

Moreover, this house with a nest tribe still looks so unique, built directly on the tree.

You don't need to ask Han Chenggong to know that the people who have the nest tribe got their inspiration from there.

I must have seen the nests built by the birds on the trees, and then I thought of myself, and then I also learned how to look like birds, and started to think of ways to build houses on the trees where I and others could live.

Given the low productivity and low level of construction technology, tree houses with nest tribes, from the standpoint of safety alone, exceed the caves in which ordinary tribes live.

Because just building this one on the tree is enough to exclude most beasts.

Not only Han Cheng, but the many Qingque tribesmen who came with Han Cheng were also surprised by the unique way of building houses by the nest tribe.

Each one looked back and forth with his eyes open, very curious.

After watching this for a while, after the freshness of the first sight had passed, the members of the Qingque tribe shook their heads.

The houses of the nest tribe are novelty, but compared with the houses of their tribe, they are still far behind.

The house is too small to accommodate many people in a tree house.

And it looks rudimentary, it is very inconvenient to climb high and low.

In terms of safety, it is far inferior to the large house built within the fence by the son of God leading himself and others.

On weekdays, it's okay. Whenever it encounters a windy day, the whole house will follow the swaying trees, swaying back and forth.

If they came here when they met the son of God, the kind of wind encountered by the main tribe, their rooms built on trees, would be directly blown to the ground by the wind.

This is how the gap between people and tribes is compared.

Through this comparison, these people in the Qingque tribe immediately discovered the goodness of their tribe, and they became more respected and confident, who were already confident in their tribe.

While Han Cheng and the others were looking at the nest tribe, the old priests of the nest tribe were also looking at the people of the blue bird tribe.

The shock he received was much more than the shock that the Qingque tribe people received from their tribe.

Earlier, through the news they brought back from the humpback primitives, he already knew that a mysterious and powerful tribe had appeared in the east.

However, this kind of hearing is not more intuitive and impactful than the direct viewing.

Not to mention the rest, just from the Blue Sparrow tribe warriors who have more numbers than the total population of their tribe, he can clearly understand the strength of the Blue Sparrow tribe.

Just being a strong adult, so many people can come out at once, so the total population of the Qingque tribe will be very large, it is conceivable...

"set off!"

Han Cheng said, and then he took the people, followed the humpbacked primitives and them, and set off again towards the Red Tiger tribe.

Not long ago, they went to the nest tribe, but they passed by with the humpbacked primitive people, and there was nothing to do.

The hump-backed primitive people are not Dayu, and they can't make three passes without entering the house.

Even if there is no beautiful daughter-in-law in the family, they can't hold back their lovesickness and want to go back and have a look.

People like Han Cheng and others who didn't know the way had to follow along.

The humpbacked primitive people didn’t have much to do when they went back. In addition, there were so many people from the Blue Sparrow tribe in their tribe. The old priests of the nest tribe always felt a little uneasy in their hearts, so they didn’t stay here long. So he set off again, left the nest tribe, and headed towards the Red Tiger tribe together.

As they got closer and closer to the Red Tiger tribe, the humpback primitives became more and more worried.

This time he not only successfully completed the mission assigned by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, he even exceeded the quota.

Not only went to the Qingque tribe, knew the location of the Qingque tribe and the general situation in the tribe, but also brought a large number of people from the Qingque tribe directly...

The anxiety in his heart came from the large group of Qingque tribe behind him.

After all, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe only asked him to go to the Qingque tribe to watch the situation of the Qingque tribe, but she did not say that he would bring the people from the Qingque tribe.

I really don't know how the people of the Red Tiger tribe will react when they see themselves and the people of the Qingque tribe they have led.

According to the hunchback primitive people's understanding of the red tiger tribe witch, I am afraid that the next thing will be very bad.


He secretly turned his head to look at the many people from the Blue Sparrow tribe who were wearing weird clothes and walking behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's just the people from the Qingque tribe, he can't afford it either!

If you provoke them, your own tribe will not be well.

In the past, the humpbacked primitive people felt very happy and proud of acting as the second trader between the Red Tiger tribe and the Qingque tribe, and deriving great benefits from it. They thought this was a very good beauty.

And more than once, I felt that these two tribes were stupid, allowing their tribes to earn so much food.

But now, the humpbacked primitive man thinks otherwise.

What kind of beauty is this!

This is obviously a terrible job!

The two tribes have nothing to do with fireworks. Once the two tribes want to do something to each other, the feeling of them being caught in the middle is really sour.

They can't beat both tribes, neither dare to offend...

This feels really ecstatic!


The humpback primitive man who was spitting out here with full of sorrow suddenly heard this sound coming from behind.

After hearing this, he stood down and turned and looked behind.

From this voice, he had already heard who was saying this.

And also understand what this sentence means.

Because along the way, he had heard the **** son of the Qingque tribe saying such a sentence more than once.

After saying these words every time, the **** son of this tribe would walk to a place not far away, and watch something carefully in the past.

The things he saw were all sorts of strange.

Some are a tree, sometimes a clump of grass, sometimes a flower, and sometimes it's even more excessive, just a few stones.

Such continuous behaviors puzzled the hunched primitive people.

In the past, he thought this **** child of the Qingque tribe was very smart.

But now, under this series of confusing behaviors, the hunched primitive man is a little doubtful of his previous thoughts.

Perhaps, I really thought wrong before.

The **** son of the Qingque tribe is not clever at all.

Not only is he not smart, but the thoughts in his heart are a bit touching.

Thinking like this in his heart, he stopped and turned his head to watch.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the **** son of the Qingque tribe began to perform that puzzling behavior again.

I saw him who made everyone in the team stop, walked quickly toward a place not far away, and then stopped in front of a piece of grass, watching the grass very seriously.

This kind of grass is not particularly tall, it is higher than the knee of the **** child of the Qingque tribe.

The stem is not thin, about the thickness of a finger, and the whole body is green.

The color of the leaves is about the same as the color of the stems, some are long and narrow, which looks a bit like bamboo leaves.

There is no branch on the stem, there is only one whole body, and the leaves grow up layer by layer. The space between the upper leaf and the lower leaf is about two centimeters.

Han Chengzai carefully looked at the grass in front of him, his eyes showing some thoughts.

He seemed to have seen this kind of grass in later lives, but he didn't remember what it was.

After a while, Han Cheng's eyes lit up, and the image of a thing clearly jumped out of his mind, and gradually overlapped with the plant he saw in front of him.

"Bring me a copper shovel!"

Han Cheng opened his mouth with a little excitement, turned his head and said, while stretching out his hand.

Standing on the side, Mao quickly untied a short-handled brass shovel from the donkey beside him, and handed it to Han Cheng's hand. Then he looked at the grass with expectation and looked forward to Han Cheng's next actions. .

Unlike the hump-backed primitive people, Han Cheng's behavior is inexplicably different, and Mao is full of expectations for such things.

Because, through this seemingly strange behavior, the gods found millet, soybeans, hemp, Bupleurum, lotus root, rice, sweet millet stems, copper ore and other things for the tribe.

It is also because of these things that my tribe can lead such a good life and the tribe can become so strong.

Now that the son of God has begun to act like this again, how can he not expect it?

Although the previous actions of the God Child ended in failure, and nothing was found to be of great use to the tribe, this did not prevent Mao from still looking forward to the behavior of the God Child.

After all, what if it really succeeds?

Isn't it because your tribe wants to have more useful things?

Not only him, but the other members of the Qingque tribe who knew the situation behind him were all looking forward to Han Cheng with great interest, looking forward to Han Cheng's next actions. Some people wanted to come forward and watch. See if I can help.

Under the gaze of everyone's expectation, Han Cheng took the short-handled brass shovel that Mao had handed over, and then shoveled the roots of the plants in front of him.

A few days ago, there was a rain here, and it hasn't completely dried up now. The soil is relatively moist, so it is better to dig.

Han Cheng didn't waste much energy, he had dug a few shoveled soil, and dug a small hole out of the roots of the vegetation.

After digging down a few times, something appeared from the small hole dug out.

Han Cheng hurriedly stopped the movement in his hand, bent over to pick up the lump and hold it in his hand.

Just looking up at this first glance, Han Cheng's face showed some smiles.

This thing is really like the kind of thing in his impression!

It was basically certain that this thing was the kind of thing he was familiar with.

However, for the sake of safety, Han Cheng did not draw conclusions in such a hurry.

He asked Mao to remove the water bottle he was carrying with him, unplug the stopper, and then watered it outside and began to rinse the rhizome he was holding.

With the washing, the true face of the rhizome soon appeared in front of Han Cheng.

This rhizome is yellowish on the whole, and it looks soggy because it was just flushed.

So far, Han Cheng has basically been able to determine that this thing is the kind of thing he thinks.

But in order to completely confirm this matter, he still used the final trick-snap a small piece with his fingernails, put it in the mouth, and taste it himself.

Standing by the side looking at Han Cheng's humpback primitive, he was a little dumbfounded when he saw Han Cheng's movement.

Apart from being stunned, some dark psychology of being astonished and watching jokes rose.

Because he knew this kind of thing, and he had tasted it personally a long time ago. The taste is definitely hard to say, not a delicious thing.

Now, the **** child of the Qingque tribe actually dug such a thing out of the soil and had to give it to his mouth. Such a scene is indeed a bit expectant.

Let you make people threaten us! Make you unreasonable! Let you not give us food for the tribe...

The hunched primitive man murmured fiercely in his heart.

At the same time, there are some different thoughts rising from my heart~www.NovelMTL.com~ The **** child of the Qingque tribe doesn’t seem to be very wise. I know that this thing is so unpalatable and not suitable for food. He didn't know, and wanted to taste it himself...

Under the dark and expectant gaze of the hunched primitive man, Han Cheng chewed the rhizome with his teeth, and a familiar, spicy taste filled his mouth.

The **** son Han Da, who hadn't tasted this taste for a long time, almost didn't cry because of it.

It's really not easy!

Having been here for so many years, he finally found something familiar.

This kind of thing is very common in later generations and can be said to be a must-have for every family.

The name of this thing is called ginger!


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