I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1007: It smells so good! (2 in 1)

The night became darker, the rain outside was still falling, and the fire inside the cave of the old tribe was still so bright.

It’s not how cold the people of the old tribe are, but the people of the old tribe want to make the outside of the cave brighter in this way. For the leader who has been outside and didn’t know where he went, take photos Brighten some roads.

In the cave of the old tribe, some people couldn't help but fall asleep, and some people didn't sleep, but they also sat there dozing...



I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was some noise outside the cave.

Some old tribesmen who were napping were awakened.

After a little hesitation, he reacted and quickly got up to the entrance of the cave and looked outside through the gap specially set aside.

I saw an extra thing out of the puddle.

It is not clear in the dark, and it looks like a person from the outline.

The people of the old tribe were shocked and hurriedly shoved the stone blocking the entrance of the cave.

Go outside.


In a moment, shouts sounded here, and the quiet old tribe suddenly became lively here.

Some people from the old tribe hurriedly carried the person who fell in front of the cave, and lifted him into the cave...

After some busywork, the cave of the old tribe became much quieter.

The opening of their cave was blocked by stones again, and the hole previously reserved was also blocked.

Near the fire, it was padded with hay and other things, and there was a person lying on it.

This person is not someone else, but someone from the old tribe, the old tribe leader who has been looking for and waiting for a long time.

Compared with the previous time, the old tribal leader has changed a lot.

The wet animal skins on his body were gone, and he was stripped off by the people of the old tribe and wrapped in new, dry animal skins.

The wet hair was also dried a little.

There are some scars on his face, but at this time he no longer bleeds.

The face with newly added scars looked pale, and his lips were still blue.

Even if he was wrapped in dry fur and placed it not far from the fire, his body was still shaking unconsciously, and the whole person had fallen into a coma.

Around him, there were many old tribesmen who looked nervous and worried at the unconscious old tribe leader.

After a while, someone came over with a big bowl of steaming soup.

The soup exudes the scent of meat, and it is a broth boiled specifically for their leader by the people of the old tribe.

One is to satisfy the hunger, and the other is to get rid of the cold in the body of the leader of the old tribe so that he can get warm as soon as possible.

With the cooperation of several people, the old tribe leader who was in a coma was lifted up, and the person holding the bowl moved the side of the bowl containing the broth to the mouth of the old tribe leader.

I don't know if the old tribe leader is too hungry or is not completely in a coma. In this state, he can actually slowly open his mouth to drink soup.

A large bowl of broth was slowly consumed by him.

After a bowl of broth was eaten, the paleness of the old tribe leader's face disappeared a lot, and his complexion began to gradually become ruddy.

With such a change, the people of the old tribes who surrounded it were very happy.

But such joy did not last too long.

Because the complexion of the old tribe leader became more and more ruddy.

Someone reached out to touch it, feeling a bit hot.

Such a discovery caused many people in the old tribe to panic.

This kind of illness is very scary for them.

Even the most common fever and cold can make them panic.

Because of such problems, people can die.

Even, there are not a few people who die because of these...


A person in the tribe suddenly remembered something at this moment, his eyes brightened involuntarily.

Then he said loudly to the people in the tribe.

After speaking, he got up and found a clay pot, added some water to it, and started to boil it on the fire.

After it was boiled, the water was poured into a bowl, cooled for a while, and it was brought to the lips of the leader of the old tribe and fed to the leader of the old tribe.

The leader of the old tribe was already awake at this moment and was indeed a little thirsty. After taking a sip, he felt that the water was too hot and asked the people in the tribe to give him cold water to drink.

I feel cold water is refreshing.

This person disagreed, but spoke to the leader of the old tribe.

What he said was very simple, that is, once, when someone who followed an older primitive woman traded, said that drinking plenty of hot water can cure the disease to a certain extent.

This is some news that the person got from the mysterious blue bird tribe.

Hearing this person talking about the Qingque tribe, the leader of the old tribe felt angry.

Because if it were not for the Qingque tribe, the older primitive females would not have become what they are now.

So he shook his head very powerfully to express his determination not to drink hot water!

After a while...


The old tribe leader, who has drunk three consecutive bowls of hot soup, his stomach is bulging, and the water is almost overflowing from his throat, spoke again, and asked the people of the old tribe to bring him another one. He wants to drink a bowl of hot soup.

This scene stunned many people from the old tribe.

You were the one who said not to drink a while ago, but you are still the one who drinks endlessly now.

You deserve to be the leader, and you have said everything.

Facing many people in the tribe, the leader of the old tribe didn't change his face.

Of course, with a fever and flushed face, it is impossible for him to change his complexion.

Tired of Qingque is tired of Qingque tribe, but Qingque tribe is far more developed than their tribe and knows more things than them, it must be admitted.

Since this person said that people from the Qingque tribe said that drinking more hot water can cure the disease, it is basically true, so naturally I have to drink more.

There are some feelings of unhappiness and frustration, but there is also some love for life, and it is stronger.

To conclude in one sentence is to return to anger, return to trouble, and not to make jokes about your life.


The fourth bowl of hot water, the leader of the old tribe, drank it down for a long time before he could barely drink it.

After drinking, the bowl was not put down, the old tribe leader's stomach suddenly jumped, and the whole person reacted.

A puff of hot water that had just been drunk sprang up.

When the people around were ready to vomit, the leader of the old tribe unexpectedly did not vomit.

It's just that his mouth was closed tightly, and his face bulged high.

Then, under the stunned gaze of the old tribe, the old tribe leader’s puffed face began to shrink, and after a while, it was completely normal...

"Bald Lu~ Bald~"

Inside the cave of the old tribe, the old tribe leader, who is a little better, but still a little weak, holds a bowl of cooked food in his hand, moves to his mouth, and uses chopsticks to send it to his mouth continuously, sending out The sound of spitting.

These foods are cooked with food exchanged from outside by older primitive women.

The leader of the old tribe had already drunk three bowls, but he still didn't stop. After drinking another bowl and couldn't hold himself to drink it, this was considered to be a silence.

Touching the chubby belly, and then slapped his mouth, the leader of the old tribe only felt that the taste of the food was really delicious, and it tasted really delicious.

The feeling of eating and holding is also really good, far more comfortable than having nothing in the stomach and being hungry like a fire burning.

Before, how could I be so stupid!

The leader of the old tribe thought this way.

The rain before and the serious illness that followed had changed his mind a lot.

As for the food that the older primitive women brought back, he no longer stopped eating as before. On the contrary, he would eat a lot of food every day when he was eating, and desperately delivered it to his stomach.

Until I can't stand it, I will stop talking...

Wind and rain always have past events, and illnesses also have past days.

The rain falling in the sky does not know when it will stop. As a new day arrives, the sun rises from the east, bringing full brightness.

The old tribe leader’s illness has also recovered.

Here I have to let people sigh once again with the powerful physique of primitive people.

He had a fever and burned like that, and he didn't take any other medicine, so he poured hot water into his stomach with a bowl of bowls, and this guy just survived like that.

According to the past lifestyle of the tribe, in this kind of weather, people in the tribe need to hunt, gather, and get food.

The leader of the old tribe will definitely be very active in arranging people to do this.

But today, things have become different.

It has been a long time since I had eaten in the morning, and the leader of the old tribe was still lying there, and had no plans to arrange for the people in the tribe to do things.


After waiting for a while, some people in the old tribe couldn't wait, and came to ask the leader of the old tribe why they didn't arrange for people to go hunting.

Facing the inquiries from the tribe, the leader of the old tribe shook his head, and then said his reason.

The reason he gave seemed a bit funny, that is, it didn’t take long for the rain to end, the ground hadn’t dried out, it was easy to walk, easy to slip, and it’s easy to be dangerous when hunting, so I should take it honestly in the tribe. As well.

For such an answer, the people of the old tribe do not believe it.

Because in the past, they would go out hunting and get food as soon as the rain stopped.

It is not easy to walk, but it is far from what the leader said.

However, after seeing the food brought back by the older primitive women in the cave, they still chose to obey the leader's order.

These foods are still enough for them to eat for a while. If you don’t go out to get food today, you should not go out to get food. They can't be hungry anyway.

As a result, everyone in the old tribe lived a leisurely day.

The crowd scattered around the tribe, wandering lazily, very comfortable.

It’s great that you don’t have to worry about being hungry without work and food!

Lazy and leisure time always flies quickly. In a flash, one day has passed, and the next day has arrived.

This day is still a good day, the sun rises from the east, shedding a piece of brilliance, and the weather is fine.


Here in the old tribe, someone spoke again, calling the leader of the old tribe to arrange for people to get food.

It is not a good thing to always stay in the cave without food coming in.

Yesterday, the sun was out for a day, and the ground was almost exposed to the sun, and it was no longer muddy. You can go out hunting. You can't take a few more bites of this thing.

However, the leader of the old tribe still did not go out hunting.

Because he found a new excuse.

This excuse is that his illness is not healed, he needs a lot of rest, and he can't go out hunting.

Many people in the old tribe do not believe this.

Because the leader of the old tribe, he has a good appetite these days, and every time he eats food, the whole tribe counts him eating more.

It's so edible. Many people in the old tribe don't believe it.

But sickness is hard to say. In addition, the old tribe’s leader’s illness was really serious a few days ago, so the old tribe’s people had no choice but to believe what their leader said.

However, they were not idle this time.

The leader of the old tribe didn't assign work to them, so they started to work as they did in the past.

Some people gather wild fruits and dig wild vegetables, while the rest walk out of the tribe’s cave with weapons and go hunting around.

With these people leaving, the old tribe suddenly became much quieter here.

The leader of the old tribe sat on the rock under a tree outside the cave~www.NovelMTL.com~ with his back leaning on the trunk, and looking at the empty cave, he seemed very relaxed.

The experience of not being able to kill the prey before, and almost killing himself has changed his temperament.

This deep sense of frustration brings a deeper sense of frustration, in short, it is decadence, or self-defeating.

The old tribe leader’s current thinking is that since no matter how hard he tries to obtain food, he is far inferior to the older primitive women and the others, he simply won’t get it.

Instead of trying hard to obtain and then bring a deep sense of frustration to yourself, it is better to just stay in the tribe without going out comfortably.

You don't need to be so tired and hard, and you don't need to look at the little harvest to make yourself feel uncomfortable.

Another point is that if you don’t go out in the tribe, the wind can’t stop, the rain can’t stop, don’t worry about getting sick from it...

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