I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 97: Face base

Lin Zhouer introduced Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu to Lin Haishan to know, and then stayed in Mu Mian Hotel under the leadership of Lin Haishan. In fact, as Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu, there is no problem living in the villa, but they came here to assist Lin Zhou'er to dispatch the personnel. In short, it is to be a tour guide and notify the lead, so it will be more convenient to live nearby.

When Lin Zhouer had just introduced the two, Xie Yan told Li Yinsheng about her situation.

Lin Zhouer's complexion changed, and he told Li Zichun again.

"Suspicious person?" Li Zichun frowned. This time they came from big stars and celebrities, and there were no particularly important people. Therefore, the security work in Mianshan Village is not very strict. It is normal to mix one or two suspicious persons. .

"Is the problem serious?" Li Zichun asked.

"Uh... you give it up first." Lin Zhouer waved his hand, and then heard a rapid running sound after the lobby.

"Thief, Lan Jiangming caught him!" Li Yinsheng shouted loudly.

"Talent!" Xie Yan had to admire Li Yinsheng's cleverness. He called "thief" instead of any other name, which greatly reduced the surrounding people's fright.

You have to know that there are media reporters everywhere. If one is not careful, things can be upset by those unscrupulous reporters.

"I'm not small..." The suspicious officer was clearly dissatisfied with this title, but he didn't wait for him to make more moves. A heavy blow was hammered **** his stomach.

Lin Zhouer was also under Xie Yan's instructions and the micro-manipulation of Xieluo, a cutting-type thought force flew over silently, passing over the suspicious person's waist and abdomen.

"It's still running!" Li Yinsheng caught up.

Before the wolf and the tiger, the suspicious person bite his teeth to hold back the pain, shoved it around his waist and shouted: "Don't move, I have wood..."

Speaking of which, the suspicious man looked at the pistol with a grip in his hand and froze.

What about my barrel?

"Hahaha, you haven't gotten a gun at this point!" Li Yinsheng, who was catching up, burst out with a smile, and the guests in the lobby could not help but listen.

Next, Li Yinsheng directly subdued the suspicious personnel and notified the agents to take them away.

When the other party was put on shackles, Li Yinsheng picked up the air conditioner remote control on the counter and tucked it into the waistband of the pants, then walked in front of the guy, suddenly pulled out the remote control, imitating someone's action...

"Don't move, I have a gun!"

"Poof~" Lan Jiangming couldn't hold back and laughed out loud on the spot.

Li Zichun swallowed hard. Although Li Yinsheng's performance seemed boring to him, he didn't know why, he just wanted to laugh.

Perhaps, the happiness of men is so simple?

"That, this gentleman, please respect..." The agent was speechless.

"It's easy to talk." Li Yinsheng withdrew his gun-lifting posture, a very cooperative look, and then suddenly jumped in front of the other party--

"Don't move, I have a gun!"

"Poof~" Li Zichun finally couldn't help laughing, and Lu Anxiu looked at him with incomprehensible eyes.

What's so funny about this?

"This gentleman, please don't insult criminals..." The agent said, not even laughing out loud.

The prisoner became furious, "What's so funny!"

"I have a gun...hahahaha~" Li Yinsheng imitated again, and then the whole person's smiling face twitched.

Lin Zhouer at this end found that Lin Haishan was also unable to smile, and pulled the corner of his father's clothes, and asked in a puzzled way: "Dad, what's so funny?"

At the same time, Xieluo is also asking for the thankful words that suddenly burst out. What is so funny?

"You will understand when the brain waves meet." Xie Yan then said: "Okay, you have to let Lin Zhouer stop the guy, don't whip the corpse, it's too bad."

The guy finally got in, and he was caught and showed up without doing anything, which was bad enough. Moreover, it is not his fault that people cannot draw guns...

"Oh." Xieluo, who didn't get an answer, was a bit disappointed.

After being persuaded by Lin Zhouer, Li Yinsheng finally put down the remote control and no longer made fun of the poor fellow.

The matter came to an end here, but it was also the beginning. Xie Yan estimated that more people would take this opportunity to mix into Mianshan Village, dormant in a farmhouse hotel, planning for an unspeakable purpose.

Subsequently, Lin Zhouer and Lin Haishan said, and took Li Zichun to their respective rooms. Li Yinsheng continued to lead Lan Jiangming to the female netizen Wen Wen's face.

After the party left, many people walked to the reception desk and started talking with Lin Haishan. Some people asked about the identity of those people just now, and some people just wanted to make friends with Lin Haishan. After all, Lin Zhouer’s heterochromatic pupil It's too conspicuous!


"One hundred and two, it's here."

Li Yinsheng took Lan Jiangming to the designated room, and he adjusted his dress. At this time, Lan Jiangming, who had a more sensitive ear, pointed to the door and said, "Instructor, there seems to be more than one person inside!"

Li Yinsheng's eyes lit up, "That's not better, can we just pick?"

Lan Jiangming glanced at Li Yinsheng with a weird look, but he was not incomprehensible in his heart. After all, Li Yinsheng was also very old, and it was normal to be hungry in this regard.

Under the instruction of Li Yinsheng, Lan Jiangming knocked on the door, and then the two held their breaths, whether Wenwen had entered the tank or not, it was just a hit!

The door opened, and an oval fat face came out.

Li Yinsheng's eyes twitched, and he put a hand on Lan Jiangming's shoulder, squeezed hard... and handed it to you!

Lan Jiangming wanted to cry without tears, why let him stall.

"That, is the wind blowing buttocks cool?" the fat-faced girl asked, her voice sounding pretty good.

Lan Jiangming couldn't help but glance at Li Yinsheng, this guy actually used this ID to chat with girls?

Li Yinsheng once again read Lan Jiangming's shoulder hard and motioned for him to respond quickly.

"Yes." Lan Jiangming nodded helplessly.

"Oh! You are finally here, Wenwen has been waiting inside for a long time!" said the fat face girl.

Hearing this sentence, Li Yinsheng's heart shook, and his heart was beaten again once he was silent. The person in front of him was not Wenwen!

Under the leadership of the fat face sister paper, the two walked in. There were men and women, both of whom were famous broadcasters on the platform.

Li Yinsheng looked around and found Wenwen in the crowd, just like in the live broadcast room! Except for a little darker skin, it seems that only whitening was turned on during the live broadcast!

Earn earned!

Li Yinsheng squeezed Lan Jiangming's shoulder.

Lan Jiangming’s painful tears were coming out, but he couldn’t cry, because he saw someone was using the mobile phone to broadcast live, maybe someone in the practice room was watching, because of his face, he had to endure!

The two sides introduced themselves to each other and met each other.

"This is Mr. Li from our school." Lan Jiangming pushed Li Yinsheng to the stage according to the agreed plan.

"Oh! You are the one in the live broadcast of Teacher Li?"

"Wow, I saw a real person!"

Li Yinsheng's avatar itself has a certain public reputation, so when Lan Jiangming said his identity, he immediately became the focus of the audience.

"Teacher Li, I heard that there is a cultivating mountain in the mountain, can you take us to take a look?" Wen Wen also joined up.

Li Yinsheng glanced at Wen Wenwen's lovely face and full of anticipation. The whole person was like a cooked shrimp and promised to come down, "OK, go, take you to visit, but you can't live broadcast."

There was a cheer in the room.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked, and the fat-faced girl went to open the door and saw Lin Zhouer standing outside the door. The pair of colored pupils surprised all the anchors in the door. The well-informed person instantly guessed Lin Zhou'er's identity and swallowed.

"The mountain **** said there is a haunted house in the mountain. Instructor Li can take them to play." Lin Zhouer replied.

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