I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 96: Write a little chat, and some complain.

The editor informed me today that the book is available on Friday.

Since it's on the shelf, it's natural to have such a testimonial on the shelf. I originally wanted to write it on Friday, but I thought that there should be a lot of people who keep books, so it would be better to notify a few days in advance.

This is done for the first order... a data that is more important than collections, recommendation tickets, and so on.

Then talk about the book, although it is not comparable to the great god, but this book can be said to be my best score at present, but because it is a relatively small group of beasts, plus the investment in science fiction, and I am not above lv2 The authors do not have PY editors, so there will be no APP recommendation, only the recommendation on the web, so the surface data is simply not comparable to those who have been to the APP, and the collection is incomparable.

Even so, there were three recommendations before the shelves, and one vote was eliminated, and during the recommendation period, there were more recommended votes in a week than most of the books that were pushed over the same period (not counting APP).

In fact, I am very reluctant to say this, especially in the second week of recommendation. I took the first place in the same period, and the second place in the collection and recommendation tickets finished, but because it is not a celestial stream or a popular text, the third week was not scheduled. To a better recommendation, I just changed the recommendation with similar effect, and gave in to those in the same period.

Then, after the book has been on the webpage for two weeks, I will collect it for a week with those new books recommended by Zhutianliu on the webpage...reasonably, how did you spell it? If it is the first week, I still have confidence, but it has been posted on the web page for three weeks. Those interested are added to the collection in the first two weeks, and those who are not interested will not click in to follow up.

In this case, I still took the sixth of the week (if the first three apps are not counted, the third of the week), however, it was still deduced on Friday, because the seventh place is the **** boss in the city, I have been to Sanjiang, and the first book has nearly two thousand titles. I personally think that BJ thinks that the book has more potential than us, plus it is an old author with some grades, so I made a concession.

What else can I do, flew to the field temporarily that night, a batch of disgusting...

This incident also made me understand the truth. Let's finish a book honestly. At least when I open the book, the recommendation will be better.

Then talk about the content of the story.

I have also read many chapter reviews. Some people say why not build a spaceship, and some people are even more anxious than me. I just want to say that there should be everything. Remember that I am not a newcomer. Although I have not finished my qualifications, I still did some settings, and the outline has been perfected to the space of the universe.

Some people vomit some of the settings, and some people are more genuine. For example, in the case of pollination, many people are talking about cross-pollination and self-pollination. I also know that, but I can only say that some of them are set to serve the plot, and because the protagonist’s identity is special, this rule does not apply. should.

In addition, regarding the rigorous issues involved in science fiction, I can only say that I try my best to check the information, but there are many opinions on the Internet, and it is time-consuming to read the paper on the HowNet, and the personal understanding is different, so the deviation is only hoped. Haihan.

Of course, everyone is welcome to discuss in the chapter review and express your own views.

That's about it. Next, let's look at the situation on Friday. If I can't, I will honestly take the whole duty to the end of the book. If I can, I will write the book full-time. By then, the update volume and quality should be up to the next level.

Finally, thank you all for supporting this book. Thank you very much! ! ! ! !

Unconsciously wrote more than a thousand words...

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