I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 98: Haunted house test

"Ghost house?"

"There are haunted houses in the mountains?"

"Mountain God? Is that the spiritual plant that established diplomatic relations with humans?"

There was a lot of discussion in the room.

Ling Zhi... This is the identity officially defined by Xie Yan as a human being: a plant with wisdom that grows on the mountain and makes friends with humans.

The official also announced some transactions with Xie Yan, such as the cultivation of mountain villas, and future materials trading.

While propagating these things, the official did not forget to publicize the deeds of Xie Yan, such as helping the villagers of Mianshan Village, and for example sending a bee colony to participate in the defensive battle against outsiders, reversing the situation, and helping mankind obtain the preliminary defense of the world. Victory and so on. He also expressed that Xie Yan will continue to support and assist humanity in resisting foreign enemies. All kinds of propaganda slogans say that Xie Yan is a good plant friendly to people.

These are the rewards that Xie Yan pretended to be in the past few years.

"Would you like to take a look together?" Wen Wen asked the people around him for his opinions, and finally focused his attention on Li Yinsheng.

"Security can be assured, and I can make a guarantee." Li Yinsheng said, to say who in the human world has the longest relationship with Xie Yan, not Lin Zhou'er, but Li Yinsheng! So he knew that ‘stick mallet’ would not harm people.

"Since Teacher Li has promised to guarantee, of course I have to go!"

"That's it!"

Everyone hit it off, and led by Lin Zhouer, gathered in the lobby.

In addition to them, Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu went to the haunted house together. The two of them had no task today and decided to explore the haunted house together and relax.

In this way, a group of eleven people walked the mountain road for half an hour, got on the big tire off-road battery car leading to the mountain village, and got off the road halfway, and spent some effort to cross the mountain and cross the mountain, and finally came to the Rubik's Cube Haunted House.


Everyone raised their heads and looked at the huge Rubik's cube structure made of trees and vines, and could not help but scream.

"This is just created by the mountain god, you are the first batch of experience personnel, that is, the beta player! But rest assured, although it is the first time to use, but it is safe inside, if you feel uncomfortable, you can withdraw at any time!" Lin Zhouer reiterated Xie Yan’s words: “Then here is the entrance. As for the exit, you have to find it yourself. The mountain **** also said that in order to thank you for your participation, the first one to come out will give three green fruits!”

"Lying trough? Three!" Lan Jiangming exclaimed, "Really?"

"Butt is cool, is that good?" A broadcaster named Mantianshan came forward and asked.

"Tell you this..." Lan Jiangming briefly recounted the events of the ring race. "I tried my best to get one! Now as long as I pass the broken haunted house first, there will be three! Three! "

Li Yinsheng added: "Since this is the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ms. Li, are you so realistic?" said another man named Santiaozi.

"Be quiet, I haven't finished speaking yet!" Lin Zhouer increased his voice and pressed over the noisy scene. "In addition to the first place, the second place has two fruits and the third place has one. Then, each of you must write five secrets on the note as your'Exempt Gold Medal', because there is a chase in it, once you are caught, you will be punished, if you tell a secret at this time, you can Exemption. There are also traps. If you accidentally hit the trap and don’t get out of it for a while, you will lose a secret!"

"Doesn't this snoop on privacy..." Fat-faced sister paper is a little dissatisfied.

"You can write five sentences at will, but the mountain **** said, the more real the secret, the better the experience." Lin Zhouer said: "When you finally come out, you can get a green fruit for every secret left on hand!"

"Lying trough!!" Lan Jiangming exclaimed again, and at this moment, he was fortunate to have come out with Li Yinsheng today.

"It's not over yet."

Xie Yan made Lin Zhouer's tone more emphasized and emphasized these words, "After entering, you will find some notebooks, spray paint and other items. You can use these things to write down real-time feelings. The most terrible person will also get a green fruit. !In addition, there are many branches that can also receive fruit rewards!"

"Understood! Give it to me first!" Lan Jiangming became more and more excited.

"Brother fart cool, there are two gods of horror games here, I am afraid you can't take the first place." Man Tianshan pointed to a man and a woman over there, and the net names were Master of Blindness and Chestnut County respectively.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shake your head blindly.

"Also, after the five secrets are exhausted, you will be disqualified, so the five secrets are also your bloodlines! Another three-hour time limit, three hours after the forced withdrawal, and if it feels too scary to support, halfway You can also choose to give up." Lin Zhouer finally added, "It's almost like this, just write your secret on the paper and let it be put in the voting port."

"Is there a staff member?" Wen Wen asked.

"The mountain **** didn't tell me that he wanted to maintain the atmosphere." Lin Zhouer shook his head.

"There must be a staff, and they have to play ghosts when they come back!" The Lord of Chestnut County said, after all, she often played horror games. Whether it was a stand-alone network or offline, she had participated in many and experienced.

"Oh, by the way, you can shoot a video for commemoration, but you can't upload it on the Internet." Lin Zhouer continued to tell.

"Understand, otherwise no one will come to play if the spoilers are over!" The Lord Chestnut County Master understood this rule.

"Then wish you good luck." Lin Zhouer finished, turned to look at Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu, "Sister Li brother Lu, come on!"

"Borrow your good words!" Lu Anxiu nodded with a smile. After hearing so many rewards, she was also quite excited about the haunted house.

Afterwards, ten people each wrote five secrets and put them into the voting entrance, and successively entered through the entrance. And when they stepped in, the haunted house became operational!

"Hope no problem."

Xie Yan at the base put all his attention to this place. Whether the haunted house is effective and whether it can be set out is unknown. So someone needs to test it.

As for why such a generous reward is given... The reason is very simple, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people so that they can really participate in it. After all, these are'tourists'. Xie Yan cannot cause physical harm to him or threaten him with death, so he can only let these people "not give up" and "want to go to the exit" from another angle. .

"You see where there is room for improvement." Xie Yan said to several pets who made suggestions.

"What about the market?" Hua Xiong asked.

Xie Yan was stunned. Is this addictive?

However, it is true that the last time Hua Xiong was betting on the team, the pot was full of pots, and the taste of it was obviously fascinated by the gambling table.

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