I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 95: People from all walks of life


"It's finally here, waiting for this time!"

In Mianshan Village, the villagers walked out of the house and watched a variety of cars driving in. Their hearts were filled with emotion.

This exhibition is an opportunity for Xie Yan to open a port, but for Mianshan Village, is it not an opportunity to open to the outside world?

Various media followed one after another, as well as the big stars and broadcasters who had only seen on TV and mobile phones, gave Mianshan Village enough exposure opportunities.

Of course, as long as the villa behind is there, even if there is no exposure, it will not be worse here.

"Lao Lin, bother your couple today." Zhao Muyang said.

"It's ok, how many years old brother, let's say the wood factory is not closed, I have nothing to do." Lin Haishan said.

"That's old Zhao, anyway, we are idle and idle." Zhou Xin echoed.

Under Lin Haishan’s suggestion, Zhao Muyang changed dozens of acres of waste land into a hotel. Of course, because the construction period is too short, they are simple iron rooms, but the interior decoration is good, and they use natural wood bought from the wood factory. No need to ventilate for half a year, you can use it directly.

As for the money to build a house... Of course, I borrowed it from Lin Haishan. When Lin Zhouer was called in disguise, the Lin Haishan family got a very generous amount of money.

The guests who booked the room came one after another, and Lin Haishan and Zhao Muyang began to receive and carry luggage. Zhou Xin and Zhao Muyang's wife prepare lunch, Zhao Ya fights, and Zhao Qi who was forced to call home from school.

Anyway, Zhao Qi read a lousy book, high school may not be able to pass, it is better to call back early to contact the world...... This is Zhao Muyang's idea.

In addition, there are some helpers invited from the village. These were selling houses and land at the time. Now, watching the business of Zhao Muyang is booming, all kinds of celebrities are picking up inwards, and there are special interviews by TV stations. I feel regret and envy.

After receiving a group of guests, Zhao Muyang went to Lin Haishan and asked in a low voice, "I said Lao Lin, when are you going to have another one?"

"Look, Axin is getting older too, it's hard to say." Lin Haishan shook his head, "Can't hug one."

Lin Zhou'er was called up, and his future life and death were unknown. Lin Haishan and his wife would ask for another one in total. In case Lin Zhou'er had an accident, they wouldn't be lonely and die. Someone would send them in the future.

"I think you still hug one, this woman has a baby, just like walking through the ghost gate." Zhao Muyang shook his head.

"Let's talk again." Lin Haishan pointed to the door and another car drove in.


In the mountains, two figures, one large and one small, are coming out of the mountain.

"Instructor Li, if you want to see netizens, why are you pulling me! My triple training room~~" Lan Jiangming felt helpless.

"I told Wenwen that I am in my twenties..." Li Yinsheng scratched his head embarrassedly.

Lan Jiangming understood, "You can't do this. Isn't it cheap for me in the end?"

"You know a fart, now the female anchor is better than one, what if someone presses F into the tank?" Li Yinsheng said angrily.

"What if it doesn't?" Lan Jiangming responded.

"Do you think your stunned youth can be more attractive than me?" Li Yinsheng looked confident.

Lan Jiangming rolled his eyes.

"What is your kid's eyes? If the relationship between the two is good, the ghost will bring you! Besides, there are many big stars under the mountain, which will bring you long insights!" Li Yinsheng gave Lan Jiangming a head.

Suddenly, some movement came from the road ahead, and Li Yinsheng was agitated, pulling Lan Jiangming into the grass beside him.

"What is Teacher Li doing?" Lan Jiangming is unclear. So, in broad daylight, how to do it like a thief?

"Hush!" Li Yinsheng made a mute gesture.

Afterwards, the two saw Han Qingjie walking with a beautiful woman dressed in a bright and beautiful way in this deep mountain and old forest. Behind the two, followed by two assistants carrying suitcases.

Han Qingbing and the beauties talked and laughed. When passing by the grasses hidden by Li Yinsheng and Lan Jiangming, they did not find them either.

A moment later, Li Yinsheng and Lan Jiangming drilled out of the grass. Li Yinsheng looked at the direction of Han Qingjie's departure and muttered: "This Han Teddy can!"

"Lying trough, is that Xue Baizhi?" Lan Jiangming's eyes widened.

"What do you say?"

"Why is it called Han Teddy?" Lan Jiangming asked puzzled.

"It depends on how you understand. If you don't say it, let's go, Wen Wen sent me a message to urge me!" Li Yinsheng took Lan Jiangming to continue down the mountain.

Along the way, they saw many celebrities follow the high-level family living in the mountain village to the mountain village, all kinds of relationships are there, the two of them secretly stunned.

Thanks to this path, no one can take this path, otherwise the paparazzi can make a big profit!

After crossing the blockade line, Li Yinsheng and Lan Jiangming came to Mianshan Village, which was quite lively compared with the deserted mountain village.

"Instructor Li, look, that's Xu..., and that one, Hu Xiaoli! The one who plays Sao Xiaosan!" Lan Jiangming was excited and red-eared.

"Calm." Li Yinsheng shook his head and looked at the message from Wenwen, "Mumian Hotel, over there."

Li Yinsheng pulled Lan Jiangming into Mu Mian Hotel.

"Huh, Teacher Li?" Lin Haishan recognized Li Yinsheng at a glance.

"Oh, hello, hello." Li Yinsheng stepped forward and shook hands with Lin Haishan.

"Who?" Lan Jiangming asked quietly.

"Lin Zhouer's dad..."

"Oh oh, uncle, I am Lin Zhouer's classmate." Lan Jiangming hurried to say hello.

As soon as Lin Haishan heard that she was a classmate of her daughter, she immediately gave him a few words.

When Lin Haishan and Lan Jiangming said hello, a man with big bags passed by Li Yinsheng.


At that moment, the sixth sense that Li Yinsheng had cultivated during his years away from work directly locked the man, "What kind of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods are there!"


Li Yinsheng threw the phone to Lan Jiangming, and he quietly followed the guy, leaving Lan Jiangming stunned on the spot, overwhelmed.

Li Yinsheng walked out of the reception hall, looked around, and rubbed an eye plant growing on the side of the road with his fingers, "stick mallet, staring at the man!"

"This guy is very useful!" Xie Yan secretly stunned, and actually locked a suspicious person with his sixth sense! Seeing Li Yinsheng interact with him, he controlled that eye strain to shake up and down.

Li Yinsheng's eyes glared, and he stretched his fingers and flicked the eyes. "You little villain, why don't you respond to me when you can move in the dormitory?"

Xie Yan was too lazy to take care of him. The eye plant in the dormitory was not connected to his rhizome, and naturally could not be controlled.

While Li Yinsheng was trailing the suspicious person, a black car slowly entered Mianshan Village and stopped at the entrance of the Mumian Hotel. A series of zero-numbered license plates made people around him stop and watch.

Lin Zhouer, Li Zichun, and Lu Anxiu got off the car.

Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu were dressed in blue and black formal dresses, with a gentle and elegant manner, and a dignified and elegant temperament. They formed a strong contrast with the people around them. An aura named ‘Culture’ enveloped the two.

Lin Zhouer also wore a new dress, and the makeup artist took care of her a little before coming, so that the lively and sweet perfection of the young girl showed up, plus the courage to exercise with Li Zichun and others during this time. With self-confidence, she has reached the peak of her spirit.

And the fascinating heterochromatic pupil...

"This is Lin Zhou'er?" Lan Jiangming couldn't believe his eyes.


Lin Zhouer, who got off the train, saw Lin Haishan, who was standing at the door to receive the guests, glancing up with joy.

This action surprised the people sitting in the main hall.

Is the background of even running hall so strong here? They just seemed to be shouting that those who ran to the church, carrying luggage and bringing tea to them?

"Why, Lan Jiangming, why are you here too?" Lin Zhouer noticed someone standing aside.

"That..." Lan Jiangming didn't know how to explain.

"Your classmate came to see a female netizen named Wenwen." Lin Haishan said.

Lin Zhouer raised her eyebrows, because Dongdu had no age limit, so she lived with some older sisters. She also knew a lot of things in the eyes and ears, and then logically put these things with Lan Jiangming in front of her. To the number, a look of'I understand I understand' immediately appeared.

Lan Jiangming has a bitter look, what do you know as a little fart boy... not to mention that I am coming!

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