I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 94: Exhibition preparation

Ke Fang relied on Ke's fist, punching three people in a row, and finally if he was not physically weak, the fourth person would be cut off by him. After Ke Fang stepped down, it was Zhao Dawei who came next. This guy can be said to be invincible over the same period. The guy from Western Union finale is indeed very strong, but compared with Zhao Dawei, the difference is not a little bit.

The game between Nanzhou and Jingcheng progressed exceptionally quickly, because yesterday the main force of Beijing was all played once, so today only the second team was dispatched, and Nanzhou won this competition because of the early defeat and the preservation of a certain strength.

On the third day, East Capital is against Beijing and Nanzhou is against Western Union.

As a result, it goes without saying that the capital here completely loses its fighting spirit. In the battle of the blue level, one wears two, one wears three, and not to mention the bronze level. Caused a huge blow in confidence!

Nanzhou's result against Western Union also came out, no surprise, Western Union won.

In this way, the Eastern Conference won three games, the Western Conference two games, the Nanzhou one game, and the Beijing City lost three games.

"Go, pick a room and divide the fruits!" Han Qingjie was not happy, and the students in Dongdu also cheered constantly.

Although Western Union took the second place, the actual number of rooms decreased from 80 to 70, so it was still a loss, so the mood was not so high. Nanzhou is relatively bland. The third place is still 60 rooms, no more and no less.

Only here in Beijing...

Luo Kuanli looked at the gray-faced student, shook his head and said, "I am very disappointed with you!"

The students in Beijing lowered their heads one after another, but this sentence hurt the hearts of many students. They put a lot of effort, especially those who played hard, and when they heard this, they felt extremely disgusted with Luo Kuanli.

Finally, a Bronze student couldn't help but say, "You are a guy who is not even a mutant, why do you say these things? You are so powerful, why can't you get up?"

"What do you say?" An instructor immediately scolded.

"I'm telling the truth!" The other party went back mercilessly. "In addition to being clumsy, what other things can this lady do?"

This sentence completely ignited the students' dissatisfaction with Luo Kuanli. They looked at Han Qingbing, then Feng Ming, and finally looked at Luo Kuanli...

"Yes, change the principal! Let the strong people come to be!"

"Devil Luo stepped down!"

"The headmaster of wastes stepped down!"

"Step down... step down..."

Luo Kuanli's eyes widened.

The students, instructors, and principals of the two schools next to them watched silently, and Xie Yan also watched silently at the base. This is the biggest problem facing high-level human beings at present-they are not aliens!

In this case, the order they gave was quite a feeling of standing and talking without backache. It’s okay not to make any bad decisions, but if something goes wrong in this area, it will be resisted by most mutants like Luo Kuanli now!

Not only that, Han Qingjie and Feng Ming, both principals, did not even have the idea of ​​helping her speak. In their hearts, they also hoped that a capable mutant would be the principal of the Capital Variation School!

This has nothing to do with gender, it is purely because Luo Kuanli is not a mutator, she does not belong to this circle!

What makes Luo Kuanli most distressing is that after the dissatisfaction of most students, the eyes of those instructors also began to dodge, and did not help her maintain order. For that reason, she is not a mutator or a person in this circle, destined to be rejected.

Luo Kuanli's face was blue and white for a while. She barely squeezed out her smile and wanted to appease the students. Unfortunately, it was useless. Eventually, she could only resign in the public's accusations.

"I really want to record it and send it to those people to watch." Xie Yan secretly believed that those senior executives would be able to understand their situation more clearly after reading it. However, this incident does not require Xie Yan to do anything. What happened here will naturally spread to those high-level ears, prompting them to deepen their desire for the awakening of the mutation!

In a few ring games, Xie Yan also saw a lot of things besides entertainment benefits. The genius in the mutated human being, the exquisite fighting skills and so on.

While watching, Xie Yan also built a simple haunted house.

The design of the haunted house refers to the Rubik's Cube, which can be turned, so as long as Xie Yan does not want the people inside to come out, the people inside cannot go to the exit. In each Rubik's cube room, Xie Yan placed a lot of ‘interesting’ things. In the center of the Rubik's Cube are eight interrogation rooms, which are used to interrogate those eight people.

There are also some facilities Xie Yan is improving.

As for when to get the eight people in... Of course it is when they are about to implement the plan. No way, Xie Yan early is to catch people indiscriminately, and later may be slandered, so only the current insurance is the most safe.

He can't tell humans about this matter casually, otherwise there is a high possibility that a privacy peeking hat will be buckled down, and the attraction of the villa to the high-level will be greatly reduced!

Xie Yan is a very careful plant!

On the afternoon after the test, Han Qingjie brought copper-colored fruits and blue-colored fruits, and shouted the students and instructors from Dongdu to the cafeteria. In addition to a few heroes, such as Zhao Dawei, Ke Falcon and Lan Jiangming can be divided into a whole fruit, the rest of them can only be divided into small pieces for early adopters.

"Principal, don't you say there are ten copper-colored fruits?" A student objected.

"Nonsense! There are only five!" Han Qingjie's eyes glared like a fox with a stomped tail. "Tell you, it's a serious matter not to make rumours."

Several instructors rolled their eyes. You have to clean the peel residue on your teeth first, and then talk about these?

After the fruit is divided, the next step is to arrange the practice rooms. Among the ninety rooms, twenty are five times the practice rooms, and the rest are three times the practice rooms. Naturally, those five-fold practice rooms became incense.

Han Qingjie is also very fair. He assigns rooms according to everyone's strength in this semester. If he is not convinced, he can challenge him. The winner will occupy the training room of the loser.

Nanzhou and Jingcheng listened and followed the plan.

As for how to practice in the practice room, it is very simple. The room is equipped with a treadmill and various exercise equipment, which can be supplemented by eating, drinking, and sleeping. There is no practice...

One by one, students received their room keys and walked into the training room.

"Oh! Heaven!"



There were bursts of exclamation inside, and occasionally some groans that sounded misleading...

"Tut tut, but only three times aura." Li Yinsheng also assigned one, when he lived in, patted the wall, "I said wooden club, we know so long, gave me a back door, how to put a concentration ? This is nothing to you, right?"

After all, Li Yinsheng found that the concentration of Reiki in the room had soared to ten times!

"Hey hey, enough loyalty!" Li Yinsheng looked happy.

"Huh, you should pay your utility bills." Xie Yan was unwilling to owe too much favor, and Li Yinsheng has been keeping him secret about what he can peep. From a certain point of view, this is also half of his own. .

Then Xie Yan contacted Shang Lin Zhouer and asked about the arrangement of the exhibition?

"You have contacted all the big stars and big broadcasters you want. We will arrive at our village on November 1st. As long as you make arrangements there, we can take people into the mountain immediately." Lin Zhouer said, the mountain is a special building , You can visit, if you want to stay, you have to see the talents of the stars, so most people will be arranged to live in Mianshan Village.

"Got it." Xie Yan nodded, and at the same time, four words appeared in his mind.

Security work!

After he could have determined that the sneaky eight-member group belonged to an organization, he understood that the federal side is not as he imagined. The exhibition is an opportunity for him to open a trading port, and it must not be lost!

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