I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 9: Mutant bee

"Double..." Li Yinsheng's eyes widened.

"Yes, I can not only feel the source of spiritual energy flowing into my brain, but also feel that they are nourishing my body!" Zhou Qing said, reaching out, "How about, do you want to shake your hand and try one?" test?"

Li Yinsheng stretched out some unbelievable hands, and then felt a great force in his right palm, as if firmly clamped by a large pair of pliers!

His physical body has changed, and he has become a mutant person. Although it has just changed, his physical strength is much greater than that of ordinary people. And the one who can suppress the mutant person in strength is only another mutant person!

Therefore, he immediately believed in Zhou Qing's statement, admitting that the other party was a double-mutant person with brain and flesh.

"Wait, aren't you well-developed?" Li Yinsheng, who had recovered, looked surprised.

"Not necessarily, double mutation means that I want to improve my strength or mindfulness. The aura I need may be twice or even three or four times that of others! So when I can lift a ton of things, you may already be able to Lift four or five tons of weight." Zhou Qing turned his head and looked out the window.

The actual data is six times slower than the average mutant! This is the data he obtained through his position.

"Don't be so pessimistic, now that Reiki has just appeared, it's relatively small, you may not have any advantage, but after more Reiki, you may be able to take off directly! After all, the amount of Reiki that everyone absorbs every day is limited!" Li Yinsheng stepped forward Say it.

This is like drinking water to eat. When there is always fullness, the absorption of Reiki is the same. After the body and brain absorb a certain amount of Reiki, it also takes time to digest.

"And you see that it is not spreading everywhere on the Internet. Anyone who eats the meat of abnormal animals can quickly get aura, and grow plants at home to increase the concentration of the aura in the living environment, etc. I think you can Try!" Li Yinsheng began to give Zhou Qing an idea.

Zhou Qing rolled his eyes. It was just a gimmick of unscrupulous merchants to sell the game and the plants dug from the mountain more conveniently.

There may still be traces of eating mutated animal meat, mutated plants... This thing will only grab aura with you!

Don't ask Zhou Qing why he knows, because he tried it all!

"Okay, let's report the matter first and see what it says above. I hope more people will be sent over. Then we will be more relaxed." Zhou Qing said.

Li Yinsheng nodded, "It is necessary to report!"

Smell the aroma to awaken, and as long as it is confirmed that there are no side effects, then I am afraid that it will become a confectionery. Secondly, since people will change when they inhale the aroma, what about animals? What about plants?

If left unchecked, it will become a sea of ​​mutated creatures in a short time, threatening the surrounding towns!

After communicating with the head, the two were asked to stand by in a nearby town, draw up a detailed report, and go to a hospital in the city for examination.


The flowers are dying, and Xie Yan quickly put a insect cover on the fruit to prevent parasitic wasps, fruit flies and other things from coming to spawn.

"This one must be successful!" Xie Yan secretly said.

On the fourth day after the flowers withered, Xie Yan found that three-colored bees flew in one after another, which made him a little surprised. The flower has withered, so it should be reasonable that there should be no attraction for bees.

It was not until the afternoon that Xie Yan discovered that among the three-color bees that often flew nearby, there was a thornless tail at the end, and a special three-color bee was replaced by a hose.

"Queen?" Xie Yan jumped in his heart.

Sure enough, these guys are going to build a nest in the cave!

Even nest building, the queen queen actually laid eggs on Xie Yan's silver leaf.

"Why!" Xie Yan was speechless for a while. Shouldn't this thing be produced in the hive? What do you throw at him?

Xie Yan flicked the blade and tried to drive away the queen bee, but unfortunately it didn't work. The other party obviously had practiced the next game and was stable!

Unconsciously, a silver leaf on the top was covered with white bee eggs.

Then Xie Yan found that the efficiency of this leaf to absorb Reiki became very bad.

"This is to use my leaf's ability to absorb Reiki to infuse their pups?" Xie Yan immediately understood the intention of the queen bee, "So this group of bees knows about Reiki, in other words, this group of three-color Bees are new varieties after mutation!"

Xie Yan, who wanted to throw off the eggs, stopped the movement on hand. "Maybe I can study it?"

"No, it must be studied!" Xie Yan corrected his thoughts.

Under the influence of Reiki, there will be more and more mutant species in this world. Then, the creatures sent by the mysterious man to attack him will gradually change from ordinary species to new species that have been transformed by Reiki!

Judging from the performance of these three-color bees the night before, their fighting power is much stronger than ordinary creatures! Therefore, mutant creatures are not a good thing for Xie Yan! So he must be prepared!

For example, select several variant creatures, observe the direction of these creatures' mutations, find out the rules, and prepare for prevention in advance!

Fortunately, the queen bee was not so unreasonable, she stopped spawning after she finished a leaf, and flew a few circles around Xie Yan, seemingly asking for forgiveness.

"Okay, but living with me won't be so easy." Xie Yan murmured, acquiescing the queen's behavior. Of course, one yard to one yard, agreeing to the three-color bees inhabiting here, does not mean that he accepted the three-color bees. After all, no one knows whether these bees will be bewitched by the mysterious man and attack him instead!

So Xie Yan secretly kept a hand to prevent the betrayal of tricolor bees.

In the following days, in addition to checking defensive weapons and teasing green cockatoos to play, Xie Yan added another entertainment—observing the three-color bees.

Over time, the larvae gradually appeared in the eggs, and they wriggled inside from time to time. The hive has also taken shape, and these larvae that are about to hatch will be the first residents of the new nest.

A few days later, the larvae came out of their shells, and a worker bee flew down to take the larvae away and put them in a small hexagonal house in the hive. After all the larvae hatched, the worker bees also helped to clean up the eggshell. This attitude made Xie Yan very satisfied.

Then, the queen bee appeared again in front of Xie Yan and continued to lay eggs on that leaf.

The tricolor bee larvae developed quickly, and in just over ten days, a new worker bee crawled out of the nest, spread out the wings that had just been shaped, and took over the burden of the elder brother and sister.

Xie Yan noticed that the newly born three-color bees will have more silver parts on their bodies, black parts unchanged, and yellow parts less.

It seems that this is their direction of change.

As for whether there are any special abilities that have evolved, Xie Yan is still not sure. I only know that these bees are fast and have agile skills. Even if they are stared by the green cockatoos outside, they can retreat!

After continuously observing for more than 20 days, Xie Yan felt dull. The mutation was not a one-off process, but a long process, so he no longer focused a lot of attention on the three-color bees, but took a little time every day to see the progress of the mutation.

And after so many days, the fruit has long changed from blue to bronze. In fact, at this time, the fruit is already in a mature state. As long as Xie Yan cuts off the aura and the supply of nutrients, the fruit will soon ripen, and then Xie Yan can choose the direction of fruit development.

Only in that way, the success rate of some important development directions will be very low. If you want to increase the success rate, it will take longer to conceive.

"How come there is a bad hunch suddenly." Xie Yan aimed his eyes at the darkness dozens of meters away.

It seems that the next round of attack is coming!

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