I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 8: Bloom again

At night, the bud began to draw a lot of energy, but Xie Yan was already a big dog at this time, and this consumption was nothing to him.

The flower buds began to scent, and the parrots who were just about to sleep outside opened their eyes one after another, and chattered on the wall of thorns, restless. As the fragrance of the flowers overshadowed the stench from the glands of the eye strain, some parrots broke into the position unscrupulously and wandered outside the stinger wall.

In the wilderness farther away, the animals stopped their work as they did a few months ago, looked up, smelt the smell and wandered around, hoping to find the source of the fragrance. But only the bees and butterflies full of Xunfang's skills have the ability to locate accurately.

After absorbing enough energy, the flower bud shook slightly on Xie Yan's head. With a tremor, the petals slowly opened, one after another.

The fragrance of the flower is even stronger!

The parrots are no longer restless, they quietly fell on the ground outside the stinger wall, enjoying this sweet and quiet time. In the wilderness, the unsuccessful animals are more irritable, but the rich aroma gradually calms their inner irritability, and the wilderness gradually quiets down. Everyone has learned to enjoy as much as possible in the moonlight.

"What is the taste?"

Next to the buggy, Zhou Qing frowned, and then he slammed Li Yinsheng, who was brushing the short video, "Did you smell it?"

"Huh?" Li Yinsheng stunned for a moment, but the temperature difference between the day and night in the wasteland was large. Unfortunately, he had a cold in the past two days and his nose was blocked.

However, when that scent entered the nose, some non-ventilated nasal passages were instantly transparent, and the rich fragrance penetrated the heart and lungs and rushed to the forehead.

"Lying trough, what does that smell! It smells so comfortable!" Li Yinsheng sniffed sharply.

But Zhou Qing on the side didn't do it. Instead, he found two towels, poured some water on it, and passed one of them over and said, "Cover!"

"Oh." Li Yinsheng took the wet towel, a little hesitated and unwilling, and it was just a few seconds of this hesitation, so that he was captured by the fragrance, his vision began to trance, and the whole person gradually became dull.

Zhou Qing, who had covered his mouth and nose, frowned. He heard people in the town say that the aroma is very good, and it is easy to indulge in it. So he was vigilant about the aroma, but he did not expect that he still underestimated the power of this aroma. Specially trained Li Yinsheng still did not resist the temptation of fragrance.

"Perhaps it's not a bad thing." Zhou Qing thought for a moment and simply let Li Yinsheng revel in it. After all, from the current information, the absorption of aroma is conducive to early awakening of change.

As for whether there are any side effects, it is not clear at this time, and we can only wait for future research.

Li Yinsheng took a towel and began to be dazed. The wet towel kept dripping, soaking his pants. Zhou Qing shook his head. He opened the car door, helped Li Yinsheng sit down, and then fixed a wet towel on his face. He pulled out his mobile phone to open the video function and began to record the changes after Li Yinsheng inhaled the aroma.

An hour later, Zhou Qing was confused.

"Even I'm the one to take the trick?" Zhou Qing was startled, thinking about it too, where the soaked towel is so great to isolate the odor, so this hour, like Li Yinsheng, he is constantly inhaling this fragrance.

Zhou Qing quickly pinched the pinch, the tiger's mouth and the eyebrows, as well as the tender meat on the inside of the thigh. He wanted to stay awake by stimulating acupuncture points and pain, but there was no effect, and the whole person was drowsy. In desperation, he can only plug the phone into the charging cable, adjust the angle and lay down, and continue to record the situation on the spot.

After doing this, he couldn't hold it anymore. He could only lean on the driver's seat, closed his eyes, and his head was dull. Like Li Yinsheng, he entered a state of half asleep and half awake.

However, the capacity of the mobile phone's memory card is simply not enough to support the entire night. Soon, the mobile phone automatically stopped recording.

Before the end of the video, the red light was illuminated seven times in the distance!


The flowers bloomed thoroughly, as before, with seven layers, four petals per layer, yellow stamens, and white stigmas.

The moment the flowers bloomed, the bees, butterflies and flies appeared in front of Xie Yan on time.

"These little things are timely enough!" Xie Yan couldn't help sighing.

I thought it was a harmonious dinner among many species, but unexpectedly, a dozen large silver, yellow, black, and three-colored bees that collected honey in order to monopolize the honey source, began to predict the yellow bees and butterfly flies around them without warning. Attacked!

These three-color bees are not only agile and agile, but also have sharp mouthparts. The small bee and the fly are not opponents at all. They quickly lose and become a broken body with broken hands and feet. But a few butterflies are more clever. They left quickly and flew aside to hide.

After cleaning up the competition, a dozen or so three-colored bees started to pick honey unhurriedly.

"Last time, there seemed to be no such bees? New here? So overbearing?" Xie Yan was very surprised, but for these overbearing little bees, he still liked them very much. He could not only help pollinate, but also help him get rid of the nasty flies!

After waiting for more than a dozen tricolor bees to collect honey, those few butterflies dare to fall down and **** up the nectar that is not much.

Later, some little guys came one after another, but the honey had been lighted, and the stigmas were also covered with pollen. Xie Yan was too lazy to secrete nectar to serve them. These little guys could only fly over and lick a loneliness.

Overnight, the flowers withered and the carnival ended.

The parrots flew back to the thorny wall for reassurance, while the animals in the wilderness were not so peaceful, all kinds of grumpy brothers appeared, and a yellow lizard felt good about himself, grinning at the tires of the car, and attacking...

When Zhou Qing woke up and opened his eyes, he felt a suffocation in his chest that needed to be vented, but his superior self-control force made him suffocate the air.

Then he remembered something, hurriedly picked up the phone, and glanced at the video last night. Seeing that it was only more than two hours long, he felt annoyed for a while. Knowing this, he deleted some useless files before recording.

He looked at Li Yinsheng in the back seat again and slept very sweetly.

"Get up!" Zhou Qing was in a bad mood, and his chest was still stuffy, so he unscrewed the water bottle and poured Li Yinsheng's face.

Li Yinsheng, awakened by the cold water, looked blank, and then said angrily: "Sick!"

"How to talk to the boss?" Zhou Qing glared at him, and then threw the phone over, "Look at yourself."

Li Yinsheng wiped the water droplets on his face, and clicked the play button for unknown reasons, and then he saw himself with a drool, a face of a man who was infatuated with the Chinese... He immediately turned off the video, covered his face, and asked in shame: " What's wrong with me?"

"The smell said by the residents of the town appeared last night! You got drunk with two bites." Zhou Qing said, "Yes, do you see any changes in your body?"

"What's changed..." Li Yinsheng just wanted to ask, and one thing Zhou Qing said to him flashed in his mind-the two young people who were too indulged in floral fragrances and caused coma. !

Li Yinsheng's eyes lit up and his heart burst into fiery heat. He quickly sensed the aura according to the method above. Without any hindrance, he felt the special substances spilled in the air and could be absorbed smoothly.

Li Yinsheng, who has seen many reports, naturally knows what this means, so he roared excitedly: "Ah! I am awakened! Zhou Qing, my physical body has changed! You can stop being a janitor in the future!"

Zhou Qing rolled her eyes, what's the matter...

"So how are you?" Li Yinsheng asked after his excitement passed.

Zhou Qing thought about it, moved his fingers to ignite his mind, and lifted the mineral water bottle out of thin air.

In fact, he had long awakened and became a mutator. It was only because he was a double mutator, and he was immediately open to the public, fearing that it would cause trouble, so he didn’t report it as soon as possible. Now he simply took the opportunity to blame everything on the strange On the aroma.

"No, are you actually a brain-body change?" Li Yinsheng secretly wondered.

"No, I should be a double change!" Zhou Qing's words made Li Yinsheng's eyes wide.

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