I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 10: Whereabouts exposed

Xie Yan, who had two near-death experiences, went crazy and began to examine the plants.

"Thorn Wall... No problem!"

"Planting a trap, will this be too dry? The dryer it will be, the more brittle it will be, and more water will be added tomorrow... No, just add it now!"

"There are more than a hundred ejection pods, all checked!"

After checking out the hole, then inside the hole.

"Stinger is very healthy, if the stinger wall can't stop..."

Xie Yan looked at the top of his head, that was his last resort. After thinking carefully, he was ready to start it in advance! And around this thing, arrange some new means!

"This should be no problem..."

"Damn, why is it still so uneasy!" Xie Yan danced the leaves arbitrarily, there was no way. The trauma left by the previous two was too big!




Li Yinsheng has a painful face, but he can only grind his teeth and endure.

A moment later, a doctor came in and informed him that the examination was over.

"Huh~" Li Yinsheng breathed a sigh of relief, walked outside, looked at Zhou Qing sitting on the bench, immediately gathered up, and habitually took a cigarette out.

"Sir, this is a hospital, no smoking!" The nurse glanced sharply.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Yinsheng smiled, put the cigarette back, rubbed his temples, and complained: "Damn, what is this MRI, it's uncomfortable to die!"

Zhou Qing did not speak, because the next one is him.

After being ravaged by noise for a while, Zhou Qing's face came out ugly. At this time, Li Yinsheng took out the encrypted phone and shook it at him, meaning that he had just called and asked them to go.

The two left the hospital and drove out of the city to a temporary stronghold in the town.

Sitting in the stronghold is a school official named Ke Yang. He is dressed in a uniform, and there is a looming righteousness in the eyebrows. Raising his hand is full of the style of the upper class.

Zhou Qing took Li Yinsheng to knock on the door of the office and shouted the report.

"Come in." Ke Yang said, and took a report from the drawer and placed it in front of the two. "Where the red line is drawn, you two, explain to me in detail one by one."


Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng picked up the report they wrote and carefully looked at the red line and explained separately. With this explanation, the two realized the difference in their reports!

It is worth mentioning that in order to be able to interpret the incident from multiple angles, their organization prohibits participants from observing each other’s reports to ensure the subjectivity of each report.

And when there are disagreements in the report, it is natural to call people to explain and confront on the spot. Trouble is a bit troublesome, but it can guarantee the objectivity to the greatest extent and restore the truth.

"You said you felt very irritable after waking up, but you said that you didn't feel much after waking up?" Ke Yang summed up their explanation.


The two responded in unison, and then Zhou Qing opened his mouth to further explain: "I think it may be a matter of compatibility. When we smelled the fragrance, Li Yinsheng quickly indulged in it, and I delayed it for more than an hour before entering that state. and so……"

"You don't need to explain this further. I have asked people to investigate the situation of the residents in the town. The population base is large, and the conclusions are more correct." Ke Yang interrupted Zhou Qing and asked the two to explain several other disputes. The place.

After reporting all the disagreements, Ke Yang sat back in position and fell into contemplation. After a while, he took out a tablet and played a video.

The video was the video taken that night, and when Li Yinsheng saw his moron face on the screen, he immediately looked up at the ceiling.

Execution in public is...

He could already imagine how those technicians would laugh when cutting this video.

Because it was edited, it is not as long as two hours. At the end of the video playback, Ke Yang tapped the flat screen and asked, "How did you find out?"

"Looks handsome..."

Li Yinsheng whispered in a whisper, Zhou Qing immediately glared at him, and depending on the occasion!

Li Yinsheng stared back stiffly, and all of his embarrassment was thrown here. Wasn't it ridiculous? And why is there only his face in the video, you Zhou Qing? Would your conscience be painful if you let your subordinates go out?

In front of Ke Yang, the two would naturally not speak their minds. But to be honest, Li Yinsheng's self-ridicule really amused Ke Yang, but the six words of joy and indifference were already inscribed on his face.

"The report found nothing." Zhou Qing reported truthfully.

Ke Yang swipes with two fingers, directly enlarges the video, clicks to replay, then points to the red light above, "Here, a total of seven flashes!"

With a clear focus on the target, plus the zoom-in function of the video, Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng effortlessly saw the seven flashes that Ke Yang said.

The first time was very weak, but gradually increased later, and the last time, even if you did not zoom in the video, you can see it more clearly!

"The points of disagreement in the report are put first. Your first priority now is to go back to the place where you were staying that night and look for it along the red light." Ke Yang said, "Now the entire Federation is investigating all regions. Strange phenomenon, there is not enough manpower, you have to work hard again and run again."


"Say, how about your physical examination today? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Ke Yang continued to ask.

The two shook their heads.

"The blood test didn't come out, and the film was just shot. It is estimated that the result will be acquired the day after tomorrow." Zhou Qing said.

"Remember to report any uncomfortable things in a timely manner. After all, your way of awakening is different from others. In addition, this time the task is over. Zhou Qing, you go to Beijing to cooperate with the inspection and take a break." Ke Yang said.

"Yes!" Zhou Qing responded. The news of his double change has been written into a report and handed up, and then he will naturally undergo a series of related inspections.

When Li Yinsheng heard the word "Holiday" on the side, his eyes lit up and looked at Ke Yang's small eyes.


Now is the employment stage, want to take a holiday? Wonderful!

Ke Yang could see someone's thoughts at a glance, and sneered, "Li Yinsheng, you report to the temporary school in Dongdu Mutanren."

After listening to Li Yinsheng, he grimaced... but thinking about it carefully, the Dongdu Mutant School had just opened, and there was not even a regular textbook, and most of them were still in the exploration stage, so there were not many courses, and the academic pressure was not great. , The atmosphere is very relaxing. Moreover, maybe you can use this opportunity to solve the single problem? Thinking like this, it seems good to be a student?

Seeing Li Yinsheng's complexion starting to improve, Ke Yang shook his head and said angrily: "What do you think? Forty people, do you think you will be a student? Let me be an instructor!"

Compared with the whole society, there are still too few people who have received professional military training, which has led to the situation of too many students in the mutant school and the serious shortage of instructors and teachers.

Haven't you thought about letting ordinary people teach in the past, but ordinary people, can bear these powerful changeable people?

"Remember, don't hang Erlang in the future, don't take it seriously, you really may not be able to suppress the group of students!" Ke Yang warned.

After becoming a mutator, most people are turbulent in their hearts. At this time, they are unstable time bombs. Li Yinsheng is not tough enough, and he is likely to be dominated by anti-guests!

"Guarantee the completion of the mission!" Li Yinsheng resigned.

"Go!" Ke Yang waved his hands and let them go.


Xie Yan in the cave did not know that his location has been discovered by human beings. He only knew that the third round of attack was coming!

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