I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 81: change

Last night, Xie Luo digested Lin Zhou'er's eyes, and they could communicate with each other. Xie Yan handed the other party a name called Xieluo.

After all, "land"...

I have to say that Xie Yan's name is really nothing.

The appearance of Xieluo also confirmed Xie Yan's idea. If the fruit wants to communicate with him in detail, he must have organs similar to brain seeds. At the same time, a new idea was born, that is, to find a way to combine a fruit with a CPU. In this way, wouldn't he have plant engineering intelligence?

Once this thing is in place, Xie Yan can enter high-tech manufacturing, realize four-dimensional operations (sea, land and air information), and thoroughly enter the high-end battlefield.

Of course, this is all afterwords.

When Xie Luo swallowed Lin Zhou'er's right eye, Xie Yan found an unexpected joy. Lin Zhouer's prosthetic eye could see what he could see, which was equivalent to the other person's eye, Installed an eye strain! It is still a full-body eye strain, not a fake eye with a field of view of only 15 meters that is now spawned.

However, there are gains and losses. Although the field of vision is wide, the prosthetic eye can't observe 360 ​​degrees without dead angle.

In addition, as long as Xie Yan is willing, he can order the evil collateral to explode at any time and explode Lin Zhouer's head. Of course, the evil collateral cannot survive, which is a pity. However, if you think about it carefully, it is really an irreparable critical moment. If you lose a evil network and you can get back to the situation, then Xie Yan may not hesitate to let the other party explode!

Xieluo gradually became familiar with Lin Zhou'er, and under Xie Yan's order, Xieluo turned himself into silver, that is to say, Lin Zhouer's eyes were black and the other was silver.

Yes, Xie Yan is to let Lin Zhouer swagger through the market and take this opportunity to spread his own existence and attract the attention of the top humans! Then there is contact and negotiation!

Xie Yan told Lin Zhouer a few words, and let Hua Xiong send her out of the city.

Before leaving, Lin Zhouer bowed to Xie Yan to show respect.

"I hope this can always be the case." Xie Yan secretly said.

Lin Zhou'er left the valley and went to the house. On this road, Xie Yan arranged the eye plants, so she didn't have to worry about getting lost.

After Lin Zhouer left, Xie Yan began to consider the arrangements for the next three months.

"Three months, enough for me to conceive another fruit." Xie Yan began to calculate, "I don't know if this time is enough for me to complete negotiations with humans."

Although he occupies a small territory and has a small population, he can barely be called a country. Then the exchange between him and humans is not as simple as the food market to do business. One big thing can talk about more than ten small things. Hundreds of details will involve hundreds of details. It will take a long time for both parties to adjourn the meeting and rest for discussion.

After the negotiation is completed, you have to wait for the other party to slowly implement the content of the negotiation. From beginning to end, I am afraid that it can't be solved in a few months!

"Then I will spend time on it next!" Xie Yan secretly said that it has reached a bottleneck in the current state, and the more advanced items have no book papers in this world, no design drawings, and no chips. Rely on him to study slowly and do not know to go to the monkey year.

So Xie Yan decided to wait for the knowledge of human beings in this world and possess certain computer information operation capabilities before proceeding to the next step of construction. At that time, he is expected to enter a new era!

At the same time, Xie Yan began to consider the matter of promotion. Under his constant decomposition of red nutrients, the aura in the valley has become foggy. With full efficiency, it can save more than ten drops of liquid aura in one day, and can fill a red storage capsule in more than a month.

However, Xie Yan knows that it is not enough to fill up the storage sac, and it needs to be further compressed. As for how long it takes, that is an unknown number.


A few days later, Lin Zhouer returned home.

The moment he entered the house, Zhou Xinxi wept.

"Oh mom, didn't I come back within the agreed time." Lin Zhouer replied.

Zhou Xin did not respond, but looked at her right eye with some worry and asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"Nothing, Jinshan met the mountain god, and he gave me this god's eye." Lin Zhouer revealed Xie Yan's information without hesitation, which was what Xie Yan wanted!

"Mountain God?" Zhou Xin frowned and raised his hand to cover her left eye. The other hand asked with a gesture of three, "What is this?"


Zhou Xin's face changed slightly, and he asked with more than eight gestures, "What is this?"

"It's also five or five fingers." Lin Zhouer quipped.

Zhou Xin glared at her, and some dissatisfied daughters were still joking with her at this time.

"Oh mom, it's okay!" Lin Zhou'er shook Zhou Xin's arm there, and only in front of her mother, she was not so shy.

"It's okay to change my eyes. I'll call your head and ask." Zhou Xin said nothing, and took out the phone to contact him.

Lin Zhou'er is a key training person. After hearing Zhou Xin's report, someone rushed to Mianshan Village the next day to pick up Lin Zhou'er to the nearest Peno city stronghold for medical examination.

After confirming that Lin Zhouer had no problems, the matter about the'mountain god' was reported. Under the advice of Xieluo, Lin Zhouer reported Xie Yan's construction of the city together.

Not surprisingly, a group of important figures including Zhanlu once again gathered together. In addition, Zhou Qing, who was on a mission outside, was also called back to gather in the capital.


"Classmate Lin, take this!" When she got off the plane, the agent who led Lin Zhouer handed her an eye patch.

"Reject him!" Xieluo said, putting on her blindfold, and her and Xie Yan's vision would be affected more or less.

"I don't need it!" Lin Zhouer shook his head.

"Bring it!" the agent ordered with a forced tone.

Lin Zhouer's face was white, and he was about to stretch out his hand, and the evil spirit in his head said angrily: "You are a messenger! How can you listen to them!"


"It's nothing, you have to be tough! Otherwise, this kind of guy who is not even a mutator would dare to treat you with this attitude!" Xieluo snorted coldly, "Instead, I will use my thoughts to teach him a lesson!"

Lin Zhouer shook his head, responding to the evil collateral, and incidentally rejected the agent's idea.

The agent frowned, and there are still a handful of members of the anti-federal organization in the Federation. Lin Zhou'er is very important now. He doesn't want to swagger the market and attract the attention of these people.

He was a little tangled, and at this time, Lin Zhouer spoke, she replied the evil collateral and said: "That...you are not qualified to order me, whether it is for the importance of the Federation or the value of force, both you and me It’s not an order of magnitude, so please do your job well and lead the way!"

The agent looked at Lin Zhouer frowning. As she said, he is not qualified, he is just a guide!


Seeing this, Lin Zhouer again recounted the words of Xieluo: "If you are worried about defying the order, it is not necessary, because the person who defies the order is me, and it has nothing to do with you. My current identity, covering you, is not. The problem is, if your superior wants to punish you, you can ask him to come to me, or tell him that I threaten you, so you are against the order!"

The agent was silent and scolded his mother. Because the superior told him when he was on a mission that this is a good girl... he wants to go back to the leader now. Do you call this a good girl? Is there anything wrong with your understanding of good girls?

"OK, let's go."

Since Lin Zhou'er said so, the agents did not force, nor dare to force!

Seeing the compromise of the agent, Lin Zhouer's heart changed a little bit. It turns out that now, as long as she is tougher, other people's attitude towards her will be judged by two!

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