I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 80: Evil network

As for why do...

First, let Lin Zhouer specialize and improve her status in human society. The war is coming, and humans need high-end combat power!

The second is to ensure that Lin Zhouer will not dare to betray him someday!

Xie Yan never forgets that he is dealing with human beings. Although there are many good moral qualities in human beings, no amount of virtue and virtue can conceal the greed in human hearts. That is their most primitive desire. Dogma cannot prevent the growth of this desire.

Don’t look at Lin Zhou’er who is very loyal to Xie Yan now. That’s because she didn’t think much about her age. When she grows up, she’s thinking too much, plus the confusion and fanaticism of the people around her. To remain loyal to Xie Yan is still unknown!

Xie Yan doesn't want to raise a white-eyed wolf, so the best way is to put a vaccination on Lin Zhouer to prevent similar things from happening.

As for how to hit this needle...that is, the so-called closing ceremony, Xie Yan decided to rely on the fruit on the brain melon seeds to achieve!

This was the idea that he was born slowly after contacting Xie Jiang. From last year to the present, there are so many fruits, only the first one, Xie Jiang, can communicate with him freely. The rest of the fruits are hanging on the neck one by one, so dull.

It stands to reason that these later fruits should have more complete wisdom than the premature baby Xie Jiang, but this does not seem to be the case.

So, Xie Yan thought of a possibility:

Perhaps it is not that these fruits are unwilling to communicate with him, but that there is no way to communicate. To be precise, there is no way to communicate in detail like Xie Jiang. After all, some basic ideas and information can still be conveyed.

So is it possible that these guys are missing something, such as the ability to process information...the brain?

The reason why Xie Jiang can communicate with him is because the other party is parasitic or associated with Wang Jin's body. It uses Wang Jin's brain to process sound, images, language and text information, which makes the other party have the ability to talk to him.

And these on the neck, because they are converted into black technology, so there is no such thing as a brain or a CPU, and they lose the ability to process information such as sound, images, languages, and words, just like a frog with its head cut off, leaving only Nerve reflex.

So Xie Yan decided to give it a try and let Lin Zhouer eat this fruit to see if a little guy like Xie Jiang could be born, which is really impossible, and can also turn the fruit into a remote control bomb!

In the past few days when Lin Zhouer was contacted to let her into the mountain, Xie Yan had cut off the support of the fruit and promoted the fruit to ripen, and because he absorbed red psionic energy during flowering, he took a new one for granted. Conversion order!

Among them, there is one more variety in the green level, and two more in the copper level. In addition, the information of some conversion products in the silver level is also completed, and the success rate is not low!

Let's talk about the green level first, there is a thing called the large machine assembly part under the wild device. There are three types of machinery: War Machine, Carrier Machine, and Logistic Supply Machine. The War Machine requires eight components, which means that Xie Yan has to spend eight fruits to build a complete machine. Twelve parts are required to carry the machine, and the logistics supply machine is the most exaggerated, requiring up to twenty-one parts!

In addition to large mechanical parts, there is one more biological part on the copper level, which is the so-called hands, feet, torso, eyes, nose, throat, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, spine, etc. ...

Different parts of the prosthesis have different additional effects, such as hands and feet, which can increase strength, and such as the lungs, which can increase oxygen supply and so on.

Silver-level exchange items have also appeared. In addition to the upgraded version of the copper-level conversion items, there is one more thing called plant life. There is currently only one conversion item in this category, that is, the tree, the success rate 68%. The information of the rest of the living body is still vague, and the success rate is touching.

This time Xie Yan chose the silver-level prosthetic eye, with a success rate of 92%. He is ready to eat Lin Zhou'er and let the fruit replace Lin Zhou'er's eye!

"Eat it!"

Xie Yan will signal Lin Zhouer to come forward and take the fruit.

"Okay." Lin Zhou'er nodded, and two respectful steps forward, carefully reaching out to take the fruit, holding it in the palm of his hand, sniffing it, opening his mouth and eating it bit by bit.

Taste...very good!

Sweet and sour, it melts in the mouth, and the plant fiber is relatively soft, so it won't hurt your tongue after chewing for a long time.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the surrounding animals are red...

They want to eat too!

"Don't make trouble!" Xie Yan said very seriously. Although the prosthetic prosthetic eyes transformed by the fruit are better than the original eyes, as a heavenly man, the sentence of the body’s skin-receiving parents is deeply ingrained in his heart, unless the pet’s body parts are damaged due to objective factors, he They will not be converted into prosthetic eyes and prostheses to put them on!

not to mention……


Lin Zhouer, who ate the fruit, covered his right eye, and the whole person collapsed to the ground, twitching constantly.

Because her right eye is intact, so in order to make the place here empty, the fruit begins to devour her eyes! Nothing left to eat it!

There was no anesthesia in the whole process, so Lin Zhouer felt a painful heartache!

It didn't take long for Lin Zhou'er to suffer this pain and passed out. When she woke up again, it was already the next morning.

Sweaty Lin Zhouer slowly sat up from the ground, covering his right eye with pain. Although the eye replacement is over, the muscle spasm caused by the pain caused by the fruit swallowing the eye has not subsided, so there is still a strong pain in her right face.

"The ritual has been completed, your right eye can now be called the "eye of God", it can increase your mind, improve your dynamic vision, insight, etc., in addition to many other benefits waiting for you to go Found." Xie Yan preached, "And from this moment on, you are the third angel!"

"In addition, I sent a messenger to stay with you. When I encounter something that I don't understand, I can ask her!"

Xie Yan passed on here, Lin Zhouer's mind sounded a crisp and playful voice: "Hello yo, I will be your accompanying messenger in the future, please take care!"

"You... where are you?" Lin Zhouer said subconsciously, and his left eye widened.

"I am talking to you with my mind now, if you are not used to this..." said the voice, a female angel with six pairs of white wings appeared in Lin Zhou'er's field of vision, and then only listened to the angel's words. : "We can also communicate this way."

Lin Zhouer looked at the beautiful little angel in front of her and couldn't help but stretch out her hand to touch her wings, but didn't touch the entity.

"It's just projection, in principle, I don't have an entity." the little angel explained.

Lin Zhouer nodded.

"Well, then let's introduce myself, my name is Evil Network." said the little angel.

"My name is Lin Zhouer."

"Then I will call you Zhouer later."

Xieluo chatted with Lin Zhouer very friendly, and Xie Yan eavesdropped on the side...

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