I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 82: negotiation

"Look at that girl, heterochromatic pupil?"

"Bring your contacts, huh, the second girl..."

"No, it doesn't seem to be a contact lens, maybe it's a lesion?"

Lin Zhouer appeared at the airport pick-up gate, and the passers-by who got the pick-up looked sideways, but they only looked at those two or three eyes, and did not pay too much attention.

"Is this reaction too bland?" Xie Yan couldn't help but feel depressed, together with depressing, and evil collaterals, in their view, Lin Zhou'er's appearance should be as sensational as a star.

Facts have proved that the self-consciousness of the parents and children is too heavy...

The detective brought Lin Zhouer to the relevant facility, and Miss Etiquette dressed her slightly, and led her into the conference hall. Inside, there are eleven people sitting, three of them sitting on top, six people sitting side by side, and two more sitting on small benches, one is the meeting recorder and the other is responsible for tracking Xie Yan's week. green.

"This should be the top mankind!"

With the help of Xieluo's eyes, Xie Yan wrote down the appearance and names of these nine people.

The top three are responsible for the exposure of the gates of Penno City, Zhao Peifeng, who is responsible for the golden gate in the old forest of the deep mountain, and Xu Xiang, who is responsible for scheduling. Among them, the youngest show, and the oldest Xu Xiang.

The next six are the three principals, Han Qingjie in the east, Luo Kuanli in the capital, and Feng Ming in Nanzhou. The other three were school officials, Ke Yang, Zhou Yijun, and Gu Lian. Of the six people, only Han Qingjie and Feng Ming are abnormal, while Luo Kuanli is a female.

"sit down."

Zhao Peifeng pointed to a chair at the end of his finger. Lin Zhouer looked around and sat down carefully.

"Three sessions of trial... I hope that Xieluo can get them done." Xie Yan can only watch and can't say, and can only rely on Xieluo, a little boy who was just born, to play on the spot. Fortunately, before Lin Zhouer left, he told Xieluo his list of plans, and Xieluo has ancient memories and should not be a problem.

Compared with Xie Yan, Lin Zhou'er was more nervous, and his mind was blank. The big man stayed high all the year round, and he was so impressed that she couldn't breathe.

This feeling is completely different from the restraint when Xie Yan was seen. At least at Xie Yan, she can take a breath and even feel a little cordial.

Gradually, Lin Zhouer began to fidget.

In this case, Zhao Peifeng slowly said, "Is it Lin Zhou'er? You repeat the whole thing with us."

"Oh, good..." Lin Zhouer took a deep breath, but before she could speak, Xieluo immediately jumped out to stop, "Don't answer his question, or you will be led away!"

Lin Zhouer's heart was cold.

"You have to remember that you are the angel, you represent the ancestor!"

"We are not here to be interrogated, but to negotiate with them! Find them to cooperate!"

"You and them are an equal relationship, not a subordinate relationship! Even in the current situation, they will still ask for ancestors! We are in the upper hand in this negotiation!"

"So don't let them get in. You can speak slower, but you must think carefully with me. Remember, be tough!"

"Now repeat my words..."

Lin Zhouer swallowed and then said, "I have already said what happened afterwards. If you can't understand the report, then I can't help it!"

Speaking of which, several of the above frowned.

"Lin Zhouer, pay attention to your tone!" Luo Kuanli said in a warning tone.

"Tough, go back! A thing that is not even a mutated person, and is not qualified to speak!" Xie Luoyi said rightly.

Lin Zhouer's body was trembling, her small face flushed, and she said in a tense to death tone: "Shut up, not even a mutated person, here...nothing for you!"

After finishing these words, Lin Zhouer felt that he was about to collapse...

"Yes, that's it!" Xie Yan watched the dialogue between the two parties through the words written by Xieluo in the field of vision. So far, Lin Zhou'er has done very well, in line with his expectations!

And his negotiating attitude is also unobstructed at the moment, that is hard steel in the end! There must be no weakness and flinch!

Luo Kuanli frowned, of course, that's all. She who can become the principal will not be easily angry.

Under the supervision of Xieluo, Lin Zhouer continued: "I came here to negotiate with you on behalf of the mountain god. If you have such an attitude, then you are waiting to be swept away by silver and gold outsiders. Now!"

"Oh, that is to say, in cooperation with the so-called "mountain god", we don't have to worry about strangers?" Zhao Peifeng said with a chuckle, "What grade is the mountain **** in your mouth? Gold level?"

"Tell him that he can easily crush his rank!" Xieluo said. The specific rank can never be revealed, otherwise a rough strength difference will be formed in these people's brains, which will make Xie Yan lose some of his majesty.

Lin Zhouer closed his eyes and blurted out, "Can easily kill your level!"

"Then I will sit here and let the so-called mountain **** come to kill me." Zhao Peifeng shook his head, looking at the indifferent attitude, obviously he did not believe what Lin Zhouer said.

The reason is very simple. They guessed the mountain **** in Lin Zhouer's mouth. The probability is that the plant has been tracked for a long time. The last time the plant was discovered, it seemed to be only copper grade, and for some reason was frightened, so that Guys, where's the skill?

What if you advance to the silver level? Just a plant, they don’t care!

"You can't cry without seeing the coffin." Xie Yan sighed. He also considered this attitude of the other party, so there are corresponding countermeasures in the negotiation plan.

"Zhou'er, cut him!" Xieluo glanced at the plan and said.

Of course, Xie Yan's plan was not so radical, only to use force to deter the other party. However, Xieluo felt that it was not enough to do so, only to see blood!

"Don't do it." Lin Zhouer was stunned. How dare she...

When Lin Zhouer hesitated, Zhao Peifeng said contemptuously: "Don't make trouble, tell us where the plant is. If it wants to talk, I will send someone to talk to it."

"It's really disrespectful! Get him fast!" Xieluo said angrily.

Finally, under the repeated urging of evil collaterals, Lin Zhouer gritted his teeth, his right eye lit up, and a large amount of cutting-type thoughts spewed out, forming an invisible sword mountain in the air!

"Be careful!"


The pupils of Zhou Qing and Han Qingying shrank quickly and dodge.

But Lin Zhouer didn't aim at anyone, and those Nianli blades scraped past these big guys and hit the wall behind them.

When the Nianli storm stopped, the house was in a mess, and the agents who were staying outside rushed in for the first time, staring at the scattered walls.

There is no doubt that if this attack is aimed at people, no one on the scene can survive!

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