I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 79: contact

Find a human showdown negotiation...

This idea came to Xie Yan's mind last year, but it was only due to his own strength issues, and he never dared to implement it.

As always, Xie Yan spent a few days to formulate a negotiation plan, formulate a negotiation strategy, and make a negotiation list. After everything was done, he took a deep breath of carbon dioxide and contacted Lin Zhouer!

"Mountain God!"

When Xie Yan's thoughts reached Lin Zhou'er's mind, Lin Zhouer's eyes were boring watching TV, and then Xie Yan Chuanian asked her to bring food for a few days to come to see him in the mountains!

"Okay, I'll go immediately!" Lin Zhouer couldn't wait to prepare dry food.

This move naturally attracted Zhou Xin’s attention, and Xie Yan had already considered it. He asked Lin Zhouer to use physical training as a pretext, and told Zhou Xin that she might fight aliens in the future if she didn’t practice hard. , It is difficult to save lives on the battlefield!

After hearing this, Zhou Xin felt very uncomfortable, but there was no alternative. Although Mianshan Village was remote, it was not isolated from the world, and his cell phone could be connected to the Internet. Therefore, Zhou Xin also knew what was happening in Banye City, and understood that the federal government allowed Lin What's the purpose of Zhou Er's study in Dongdu Mutant School?

And in any case, to protect the satellite is absolutely righteous! Its status far surpasses all social virtues and virtues. Even though Zhou Xin is reluctant, there is no excuse to refute the rebuttal!

"Be careful……"

In the end, there are only three words left in Zhou Xin's heart.

Lin Zhouer nodded, carrying food, and under the guidance of Xie Yan, he continued to march deep into the mountains.

At this time, the mountains and forests had not wanted to be as calm as before. Various creatures were rampant, and many places were already blocked by the federal government. In their words, they called fattening and then killed!

After all, the skin and flesh of abnormal animals is a good thing!

The deep mountain behind Mianshan Village has not yet been blocked. There is no way. A poisonous plant has appeared here, which has destroyed the ecology of half of the mountain and turned this place into a barren land.

For such a place where birds do not shit, let alone those blue-level beasts are not interested, even ordinary beasts do not want to come here, not to mention that every time they step in here, they feel something staring at them. They look, the thief is uncomfortable...

"Go! Or I will strip you alive!"

After Lin Zhouer entered the deep mountains, it was not long before some Xiao Xiao stared at him, and Xie Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense directly. These little animals were shocked for a while.

After all, there are intelligent animals, and they soon connected this idea with the valley owner.

As for when Xie Yan became the owner of the valley valley... Xie Yan didn't know, he could only say that it was a kind of saying circulated inside the mutant animals, and that when a bear, a wolf, and a dog went out for meat occasionally, they left s legend.

A few days later, the unkempt Lin Zhouer walked out of the forest and stood on the edge of the valley, staring at the endless red wall in front of him.

"Oh my god!"

Lin Zhou'er exclaimed.

At this time, a big brown bear wearing a silver-white welcome suit stood very reluctantly at the gate of the city and made a'please' gesture towards Lin Zhouer.

"Can I go in?" Lin Zhouer glanced at Hua Xiong, daring not to approach, and then somehow spit out this sentence.

But she soon realized what was wrong with her, the animals...how could they understand people?

Surprisingly, the bear nodded at her, and at the same time, a thought came to her mind.

"Please come in, shovel **** (cross out)... Master is waiting for you!"

"Can you understand what I said?" Lin Zhouer looked surprised, but think carefully, since it is the gatekeeper of the mountain **** family, it is not a strange thing to understand and speak people's words?

"No, but your thoughts can be captured by the master, and then the master will pass your thoughts directly to me. In the same way, my thoughts will also be caught by the master, and then passed on to you, so that inter-ethnic can be achieved Exchange." Hua Xiong preached.

It sounds a little complicated, but Lin Zhouer doesn't need to understand it, because this is a direct transmission of thoughts. The amount of information contained in a thought is not only far beyond language, but also does not require taste digestion. It is like the nutrient solution in the sleeping compartment of a science fiction movie, which can be absorbed directly without chewing and digesting.

Lin Zhouer nodded, and then led by Hua Xiong, stepped into the city built by Xie Yan.

In the eyes, the cannons, rocket launchers...all are all kinds of red weapons, giving Lin Zhouer a feeling of visiting the arsenal.

Continue to go in, Lin Zhouer found that there are two bees from time to time around, there are petite cute little bees, there are also dreaded wasps. Further in, there was a group of wolves living in a dilapidated grass nest. Somehow, the head of the wolf was faintly blue.

"Strange, this should be a bronze-level mountain wolf. Why is there still some green on the body? Isn't it a complete promotion?" Lin Zhouer secretly speculated.

Later, Lin Zhouer saw an impetuous wolf dog wearing strange red armor, which gave a very dangerous feeling. Also wearing armor, there is a roe deer, especially the three rockets on the roe, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Ignore them, keep up."

Hua Xiong urged.

Lin Zhouer nodded and followed Hua Xiong through a strange mangrove forest to an open space in front of the mountain wall. Here, there is a strange plant with red branches with silver leaves, a fruit with a silver spot on the copper bottom above the plant's head, two dog collars and a stiff bib down, the branches down, and finally a few red oval shapes The sac seems to be used to store water?

In addition, there are two red vines on the ground very casually. A dangerous breath comes from the two vines and envelopes her heart. It seems that it is not a vine, but two spit red letters, ready at any time. The big python that struck her!

She saw a lot of similar vines on the way just now, but none of those vines could bring her such a terrible sense of oppression!

Lin Zhouer swallowed. Although the mountain behind the plant was magnificent, the two huge honeycombs were also very shocking, but they could not make her eyes move away from the plant in front of her.

"Mountain... Mountain God?" Lin Zhouer said.

"Huh." Xie Yan Chuanian responded.

Was affirmed, Lin Zhouer clutching the little heart of thumping, she actually saw the body of the mountain god! At this moment, her heart was very excited, and also a little hesitant. Her hands and feet were very uncomfortable, and she didn't know where to put it, for fear of accidentally making a dissatisfaction with the mountain god.

These small actions Xie Yan looked in his eyes, very satisfied, which shows that his majesty still exists!

"I want to designate you as the third god. Are you willing to be loyal to me and obey me?" Xie Yan asked directly.

As for why it is the third messenger...because the first messenger is the queen queen, the second messenger is Hua Xiong.

Hearing this, Lin Zhouer flashed the road of flowers that night, and then nodded without hesitation. She understands that although there are threatening and powerful weapons in the vicinity, this mountain **** is definitely not a bad guy!

If not, she is very likely to stay forever that night!

"Since this is the case, let's start the closing ceremony!" Xie Yan Chuannian said, and the word "Booking", he didn't just talk about it casually, but he could really do it!

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