I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 7: Position formation

In the wilderness cave, Xie Yan still has no clue about what defensive weapon the fourth echelon should be equipped with. To be precise, there is no suitable plan, and if there are sufficient resources, Xie Yan just makes a row of stag antler.

Finally, Xie Yan came to a conclusion. At present, he has no way to directly block the herd in the case of saving materials, and can only consume the other party's vitality through indirect methods.

So Xie Yan stepped down and chose the combination of stumbling rope and beast trap. His purpose was simple. He tripped the cow in front and added obstacles to the cow behind.

The stumbling rope is very convenient to make, so that the root system in the underground can be exposed directly from the ground. He doesn't believe it. How many cows can he stop with his thousands of square root systems?

The trap has some difficulties, mainly because of the relatively high requirements for some materials, such as springs, such as the animal teeth on the trap, if you want to make something that can’t bite the thigh, it is better not to do it.

In order to obtain high-strength materials, Xie Yan used a large amount of aura to upgrade and strengthen the plant parts.

It didn't take long for the first trap to grow out of the eye plant, and then Xie Yan slowly pushed the trap to the leg of the cow corpse in the hole by growing branches, and then touched the switch.

Only with a click, the plant-made beast clip clamped the cow leg, but the soft and tender animal teeth and even the leather were not broken, which was obviously a failed product.

And this is what Xie Yan can make the best quality trap.

But Xie Yan is not discouraged, he still has a way! That is to let the sun dry the outer skin of the animal's teeth, so that the hardness can be further increased.

"If you can't do it again, you can only forget..." Xie Yan sighed.

So he continued to use the method of growing branches to push the beast trap out of the cave and cut off the water supply of the epidermis to expose the sun.

A few days later, Xie Yan used the old method to let the eye plants outside the cave grow branches, and then put the dried animal traps back into the cave and placed them next to the cow legs.

"Hope to succeed!" Xie Yan took a deep breath and triggered the switch.


The traps snapped together, and the hardened beast teeth stabbed into the thighs after drying!

"Fixed!" Xie Yan cheered for a while, and the leaves rustled excitedly.

"The animal teeth can be improved a little bit more, and the tip is sharper." Xie Yan was not proud, but set out to make further improvements to the catcher. After confirming the feasibility again, the eye plant of the fourth echelon began Mass production of plant-made traps.

For this type of trap, Xie Yan only needs to maintain the moisture of the spring and some parts, and the consumption is very small.

Over ten days have passed, the green echelons are all around the eye plant of the fourth echelon. In addition, Xie Yan let some useless roots emerge from the soil to act as a stumbling line.

After that, it was the thorny wall of the fifth echelon. There was no difficulty. It was just a matter of spawning, and it was quickly built.

While making the thorn wall, Xie Yan was inspired by the previous trap, he realized that the thorn wall does not actually need to maintain 100% water supply, just like the trap, the power of the skin after drying will instead Stronger, so all he needs is to add some water at regular intervals to ensure that the thorns will not be too dry in the sun, but also have toughness!

After all the projects were completed, Xie Yan calculated the current water supply and consumption. After confirming that the water supply was OK, he was relieved and focused on the bare top of the main stem.

"It's time to raise a flower!" Xie Yan secretly said.

However, before flowering, Xie Yan, who suffers from resource shortage syndrome, began to manufacture storage bags. He let four strains in the cave guard, each with four water storage bladders and one energy storage bladder. There are six water storage bladders and three energy storage bladders.

As for the storage of the spirit capsule, so far, he has not filled the aura, not because it consumes more than the expenditure, but this aura can be continuously compressed!

This confirms Xie Yan's previous thoughts. Maybe the real energy change will cause a qualitative change at that time, turning the storage spirit capsule into something like Jindan.

After all the storage bladders were filled, Xie Yan started gestating fruits unhurriedly.

The huge root system, plenty of light, and a steady stream of aura, all three in one, took only five days, and Xie Yan had a flower on his head.

Xie Yan roughly calculates the flowering period, and with full supply, it can bloom within a month! As for how long the fruit will mature, he does not know, but it will not be too slow to come.

"Thorn wall, beast trap, stumbling rope, catapult poison mist, and this poison stinger wall, this time, no one can stop me from blooming!" Xie Yan looked at his heavily armed self, and felt confident at the same time. A trace of grievances.

Bloom and bear fruit……

He clearly just wanted to do his part as a plant, but he encountered a nervous guy who deliberately targeted him.

It can be said that all levels outside are forced out!

While guarding against attacks, Xie Yan did not consider the identity of the mysterious person. The other party can drive ants, caterpillars and yaks. Obviously not queens, insect mothers, cattle devil kings, etc., and more likely beast kings.

But there is one saying that the beast king, sending a group of caterpillars to deal with a plant, is also too valuable.

So Xie Yan has two definitions for the mysterious man. First, this is a shameless guy. Second, the opponent has the ability to control the beast, but there are certain restrictions, can not be controlled at will, otherwise the opponent can launch a serial offensive and directly cut Xie Yan under the horse.

In addition, Xie Yan also has some guesses and speculations about the mysterious man, but the evidence is not enough at present, and needs to be confirmed slowly in the future.

In the days to come, calmness and boredom were restored. Xie Yan was focusing on cultivating flowers and bones every day except checking whether the defense weapons were damaged.

On this day, two little guys suddenly broke into Xie Yan's field of vision.

Those are two palm-sized green parrots, they landed on the thorny wall, chattering, not knowing what was being discussed.

When he saw the two green cockatoos, Xie Yan committed PTSD, just like the enemy. He was about to launch a poisonous mist to kill two parrots, but think about it carefully, before each attack, he will feel a tingle of palpitation, but this time there is no, indicating that the two green parrots should just pass by...

No, it wasn't passing by. The green cockatoo tweeted for a while, jumped to the ground, and began to peck Xie Yan's rhizomes, and then put the pecked rhizomes in the gaps of the thorn wall.

"This is to build a nest..." Xie Yan felt weird. Birds build nests on plants. This was a sparse and ordinary thing, but when this kind of thing happened to him, it always felt a little weird.

"Just be a pet." Xie Yan shrugged the leaves.

After that, more and more green cockatoos flew over. They seemed to like the wall of thorns very much. Xie Yan guessed that this was related to the color of the thorn wall. These green cockatoos got into it. If they didn’t look carefully, they might not be able to find them. Figure.

In fact, the arrival of birds provides Xie Yan with many benefits, such as fertilizer, so this is a mutually beneficial action. In order to prevent these parrots from touching the ejection poison mist and the trap, Xie Yan specially created a bird repellent spray. Once a bird gets close to these things, the pores on the nearby eye plants will emit bad gas. , Drive the birds away.

In his spare time, Xie Yan will also tease these birds, for example, make some explosive pods on the vines, when the male and female birds are intimate, let the bag clips burst suddenly...

Cough... Although it is very funny, it is actually to avoid the occurrence of tragedy. After all, the third round of attack will come soon. Then the thorns wall will be washed away by various animals. If there are nestlings , Never survived!

As for whether these male birds will leave a shadow in the future, Xie Yan doesn't care...

As the days pass by, the flower bones gradually grow larger and the color deepens, and they grow into genuine flower buds.

This means that it is time to bloom again!

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