I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 78: Ready

The so-called finishing work is actually to check for leaks and fill vacancies in the entire base and make final adjustments.

For example, Xie Yan placed a lot of fixed-point Aura bombs under the city wall. Originally, considering that the Aura bombs would be damaged by rockets, he was not planning to install Aura bombs. However, whether it is a rocket or a 120mm cannon, or a more primitive ballista, there is a blind spot for shooting, that is under the wall!

Therefore, in order to ensure and prevent the enemy from "resting" here, he has built a large number of fixed-point remote-controlled explosion Aura bombs, all of which are liquid aura plus copper-colored psionic configuration.

It's not that Xie Yan doesn't want to use liquid aura plus red psionic configuration, but because of this configuration, the liquid aura cannot explode normally... after all, the shell made of red aura.

For another example, in order to completely fill the gap in firepower, Xie Yan made some planted bunkers outside the city, and placed three machine guns in each bunker.

These machine guns happened to have a human team swaying near the temporary eyes of Peno City in these two days. One of them was a machine gunner. Xie Yan took the opportunity to copy the machine gun configuration. There were also bullets that were plagiarized together.

As for the trajectory used for tactics, etc., Xie Yan felt unnecessary, because he had good night vision ability.

In addition, there is something irrelevant and worth mentioning.

After this, Xie Yan began to consider what to do if the city broke down? If the opponent is the guy, it is not difficult to destroy the city.

In case of this situation, the attackers are likely to rush in, and the two sides will enter a white-blade battle. Xie Yan will not dare to face the muzzle inside the city. That is tantamount to blowing himself up and not attacking him. If the person didn’t kill him, he would lose himself first.

In general, Xie Yan lacks a wealth of melee means, and he can only rely on the vines and the group of pets. If you want to count the hole cards, there is a fantasy kingdom.

"It can only be done now..." Xie Yan secretly said, after a while, he could not think of any good plan. As a result, silver vines can only be spawned on various plants in the city. Of course, not only ordinary vines, but also special vines that look like growth guns, swords and shields.

After everything was settled, Xie Yan started to make bullets and artillery shells again, and he had to make rockets and bullets in the provincial battles.

In the end, Xie Yan set about making drill bits and preparing to drill the ground! Solve the problem of fantasy country consumption in one fell swoop!

"The bit is the romance of a man!" Xie Yan roared blindly, and then a big red bit appeared in front of him.

The drill is one meter long and twenty centimeters wide, with a circle of recessed threads on it to send out the soil underneath. There are also several rows of Reiki nozzles to rotate the drill bit.

In fact, Xie Yan can also let the rhizome break a little bit of soil to reach the destination, but that speed is not fast, and according to his recent survey, the underground underground river should be surrounded by a rock, and the rhizome can hardly be broken. Without reaching the gap, I can only find a way to drill a hole.

The drilling work began. Xie Yan sent the drill bit into the ground first, and then started drilling quickly. It didn't take long for him to discover a problem... When the drill bit rotates, the rhizome attached to the drill bit will also rotate with it. If he stops in time, this rhizome will be twisted!

"Hey..." Xie Yan's leaves drooped down, no surprise, this is another spicy leaf problem that needs to be solved.

"Why don't you worry about anything, can't you move by yourself?" Xie Yan complained to the drill.

Fortunately, the drill bit is not conscious, otherwise there will be a question mark full of drill bits.

Xie Yan started to make bearings. Although he didn't understand the principle of impact drilling, he played yo-yo when he was a child and disassembled and maintained it. So he still knew the structure of ball bearings, so he started to transform.

Soon after, a drill powered by Yunli through the rattan back and forth was born.

Xie Yan tried to drill down, and the effect was good, so he worked hard.

In his spare time at night, he did not forget to build armor for several other pets. The first is the dog or, after all, the number of wolves and dogs in the city is the largest, and it is the only pet group that can breed offspring conditionally. Therefore, as long as there is a set of models, the rest of the wolves and dogs, including the subsequent armor of the small wolf puppies, will be All solved.

In addition, the dog or plant can also refer to Hua Xiong's plant, which is more convenient to design.

Of course, the so-called convenience is only relative to the planting of several other pets. In fact, Xie Yan still needs to do a lot of testing and adjustment.

Seeing Xie Yan give the dog or planting, the rest of the pets are also eager to try. There is no way, a bear bears to show off in front of them wearing planting clothes every day, they are not greedy early...

In this atmosphere, time quietly came to July. Various schools were on vacation one after another. The Dongdu Mutan School also followed the summer vacation, giving many students the opportunity to go home to visit relatives.

Lin Zhouer also returned home, she always cared about the agreement with the mountain **** when she went up the mountain in winter vacation.

As for the ‘mountain god’, it’s time to finish the last planting! In this way, in addition to the two queen bees who are not going to fight, the other pets have their own red planting! And added a lot of equipment!

For example, the steel dog or, Xie Yan referred to a certain animation that he saw in his childhood, and gave it a pair of blade wings. The armor also contains ninety-nine aura missiles. As long as the dog or trigger mechanism, the missile will be It will fly out and cause indiscriminate damage to the people within a certain range.

There is also Zhang Fei. In order to make up for the shortcomings of this guy's tricks that are not fatal enough, Xie Yan installed a red threaded horn on his head and a thorny red blood hoof. Of course, the formation of the far attack can not be less. It is mounted on his body. Three rockets!

Among all animals, the least special is the stork feather. As an agile player, overweight planting will cause great harm to it, so its planting is the simplest and only protects a few important parts.

In addition to planting, the hole leading to the underground river was also solved. A large number of rhizomes dived into the river, and a large amount of red nutrients were pumped up. Now as long as it is during the day, Xie Yan can use the kingdom of fantasy without restriction!

"Almost!" Xie Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he is now a plant, otherwise his future hairstyle must be Mediterranean!

No, maybe there is no future at all. After all, this kind of workload may suddenly die someday...

Xie Yan glanced at Mianshan Village. Lin Zhou'er had already returned home. He looked at his proud base again, and a long-standing idea came up...

It's time to negotiate for a human showdown!

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