I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 77: Fantasy kingdom

The constantly expanding red circle scared the pets one by one and left the nest one by one, away from the red circle, for fear of being affected. After all, there was a trembling breath on the red circle.

"Shut up!"

Xie Yan didn't dare to let this circle run too far. After all, the field of view shield only has a range of 22 meters. If it exceeds this range, it will be seen by mysterious people!

It doesn't matter that he is seen with things like city walls and rocket artillery, but this fantasy kingdom is absolutely impossible, because this is to be kept as a killer.

Under Xie Yan's order, the red circle stopped within 20 meters in time and was not exposed.

Upon seeing this, Xie Yan was relieved. Fortunately, the circle was obedient, otherwise he would have to prepare for the killer again.

After the circle stopped, Xie Yan recalled a piece of information about the use of this ability in a message. A simple summary of four is "as I wish!"

"Is it all right?" Xie Yan looked at the red circle on the ground and did not have the ability to try the red circle for the first time, but calculated the consumption of the red circle.

Yes, activation is one thing. After activation, it is another thing. This red circle is still consuming red psionic energy at a fairly fast rate. This is no longer an oil tiger, but a genuine bottomless hole!

"An energy storage bag can only support eleven seconds." Xie Yan calculated the consumption rate of the red circle. "This is only the situation of maintaining 20 meters. If you want it to cover the entire city..."

I'm afraid that he will have to hold such a terrible consumption after he drills out the dragon veins in the future, and it must be in the morning when the sunlight is relatively strong, otherwise photosynthesis can't keep up, and it's the same.

Of course, he can also create a large number of mangroves to make up for the consumption, but this is like the gap between the battery and the power outlet.

After calculating the consumption, Xie Yan began to study the power and power of the fantasy kingdom. According to the given information, what he wants, this fantasy kingdom will get him out!

"A female bear?"

Somehow, Xie Yan had such a weird thought in his head, and then he saw a layer of ripples appearing on the red circle, and a female bear grew out of the red circle.

The female bear is red overall, and each hair is clearly visible. It seems that in order to show that it is a female bear, the kingdom of fantasy has given this bear a very charming face.

As for what Xiong looks like, she is charming... This point is known by Hua Xiong.

Hua Xiong, who was standing outside the red circle, made an unexplained voice, and said to Xie Yan, "This is it! This is what I want!"

It's a pity that Xie Yan didn't pay attention and let the female bear disappear.

At that moment, Hua Xiong's entire bear collapsed, and it felt empty inside, as if something disappeared with the mother bear...

"Fake, fake!" Xie Yan couldn't help but swallow Hua Xiong twice, to make it awake.

After Xie Yan tried a few more times, as long as there is something in his head that can call out the name, the fantasy kingdom can immediately get him out, and all the figurative things have a certain quality, which means that They are not completely unreal things!

It's just that it hasn't done a good job in terms of authenticity, because all fantasy products are red, and only red. It seems that the fantasy kingdom only recognizes this color.

Xie Yan made another bear out, this time it was a male bear, and the provincial Hua Xiong was sentimental there. This time, he wanted to test the power of fantasy kingdom creation.

"Stupid bear, come fight!" Xie Yan shouted.

However, Hua Xiong shook his head, indicating that he was in a bad mood and did not want to fight...

Xie Yan's sudden pain, the fantasy kingdom consumes a lot of red psionic energy every second. In such an anxious moment, you have a temper with me?

"Awow wow!" Hua Xiong shouted at Xie Yan indiscriminately, even if he didn't read its idea, Xie Yan knew what the other party was saying...

He wants a female bear, otherwise avoid talking!

"Just go, do you want to find a way to do it for you in the future?" Xie Yan could only help but helplessly, and looking at Hua Xiong's hungry look, he wouldn't give it a wife if he hurriedly, maybe he would hold it out Things come.

With Xie Yan's promise, Hua Xiong's mouth slightly raised, and then Fart Dian Dian stepped forward to cooperate with the experiment. This kind of diligence made Xie Yan feel that he might be played by this bear!

To this day, he is too lazy to care about so much, and starts to make Hua Xiong face the bear in the fantasy kingdom. He thought that the two sides would fight back and forth, but the result was unexpected, Hua Xiong was killed by the fake bear in seconds!

There is no power to fight back at all, the two sides are not in a dimension at all!

This is Xie Yan's intention to keep his hand, otherwise Hua Xiong is already a dead body!

Looking at the Hua Xiong who was flew out by the fake bear in the Fantasy Kingdom, Xie Yan couldn't help but secretly, but it is also very normal to think carefully. After all, the Fantasy Kingdom is a red product, and Hua Xiong has just reached the bronze level, between the two parties I don’t know how many levels.

After being spiked, there is nothing really strange!

Afterwards, Xie Yan collided his own silver vines against the red vines created in the Fantasy Kingdom. The results were obvious. The silver vines were vulnerable and were directly pumped, while the red vines in the Fantasy Kingdom were intact.

After that, Xie Yan let the fantasy kingdom make artillery, rocket artillery and other items out, and then compare these things with ready-made artillery and rocket artillery to see whether it is stronger or weaker.

The result is obvious, no matter the range or the explosive power of the warhead, it is a fantasy country to be stronger. It can be said that with this ability, Xie Yan is an army! The premise is that he has enough red spirits to maintain the consumption of the fantasy kingdom.

Although there is still something to be tested, it is a pity that the red psionic energy is not enough, he can only cut off the supply, the first test ends here.

In general, the fantasy kingdom is still very good, not to mention the point of consuming too much, the rest has almost no shortcomings, can be attacked and defended, and is very flexible.

After the supply of red psionic power was cut off, the red circle began to shrink, and finally completely disappeared into Xie Yan's body, disappeared, everything around returned to peace, and the pets also went back to the nest to rest, just like everything just happened, never happened Seemingly.

Only Hua Xiong, there is always a charming shadow in his mind.

Xie Yan began to think about more uses of the fantasy kingdom, and at this time, there was an inaudible cracking sound behind the mountain wall behind him. A very thin crack appeared on the mountain wall and penetrated the entire mountain.

Under the endless mining of Xie Yan, this green-grade vein seems to be gradually moving towards ‘death’, but he is not aware of the culprit.

"June, it's about four months!" Xie Yan looked at the time in Mianshan Village again and decided to enter the final work!

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