I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 6: Ejection pod

After many days, Xie Yan finally expanded the root system to its limit.

At this time, the farthest straight line distance he can see is forty meters, and the breadth is thousands of square meters. The huge underground root system is jaw-dropping.

In order to make management more convenient, Xie Yan formed all the eye strains in formation.

The first echelon is the Guards, a total of five plants, four of which are in the cave, and one is in front of the cave. These five strains were armed with teeth by Xie Yan. They were covered with spikes. The spikes of different eye strains interlaced with each other, forming a thorn wall at the entrance of the cave.

If you look closely, you will find that these spikes are blood red and blood red, and they are extremely flirtatious. This is because Xie Yan is filled with powerful toxins left in the fruit. Because the toxins are drawn from the blood of cattle, Xie Yan named it as bovine blood poison.

Next is the second echelon, there are three plants, located five meters from the hole. This echelon is a production echelon. There are four green leaves on each eye plant for photosynthesis. There are also burrs and pores in the offensive and defensive aspects, which is enough to make small insects sigh.

Further out are five plants in the third echelon, six plants in the fourth echelon, and nine plants in the fifth echelon. These twenty ramets currently have only the most basic eyeballs and no additional functions.

But Xie Yan had already thought about installing a weapon with air defense capability for the third echelon. Those are two closed flares. Once in danger, the flares will spray poison mist, forming a wall of poison gas!

This plan has not yet been implemented. The biggest reason is because the cooling time of the bell mouth is too long. It takes three days to fill the ammunition before the second time. Secondly, these weapons have large skins and powerful transpiration effects. They hang there and consume a lot of water every day.

In fact, this kind of nozzle Xie Yan originally wanted to be installed on the first echelon. After all, the four strains of the first echelon were not exposed to the sun in the cave, which could lock in the moisture to the maximum extent. How to look at the thorn wall is more powerful.

"No, the spout is too tasteless, I have to change the way." Xie Yan thought seriously, suddenly, a kind of grass that he played with in his childhood in his previous life came to his mind.

He didn’t know what the scientific name of the grass was. He only knew that the common name was blasting grass. The reason for this name is that the grass will wrap the seeds in the pod, and just touch the seed sac or wait until the seed matures. , The bladder will explode, and the seed bomb inside will be everywhere.

Generally used for pranks, but picking is very difficult, after all, a little movement will be seeded.

Xie Yan feels that he can use this idea, combined with the previous spout, to create a water-saving jet weapon!

So Xie Yan took one of the strains for the experiment. First, he needed to grow a small bladder that could explode. There are two ways of thinking.

One is inflatable inflation, which is propelled by injecting gas into the bladder, which is the principle used by the bell mouth. The other is deformation ejection, which is similar to bows and arrows. With a little force when needed, the bullet inside can be fired out.

Xie Yan chose the latter after trying both, mainly because the pods were too small, and the inflatable blast could not move the bullets far enough.

After many trials, Xie Yan finally got it right.

It was the size of a thumb cover, and it looked like a pea pod, and with a little touch, the small pea pod would burst immediately, and the four bullets placed inside would be ejected.

The so-called bullets are actually very small flares, filled with dangling low-boiling venom. When the bullets are launched, they rub against the air to generate heat, which causes the venom to vaporize, which then explodes the small flares.

"I am a genius!" Xie Yan waved eight Reiki leaves. "So the third echelon is done, and then the fourth echelon."

He already had an idea for the fifth echelon. As a part of the city wall, what could be more powerful than thorns? So Xie Yan decided to build a wall of thorns. This plan originally belonged to a state of shelving, because there was a water conflict between the thorn wall and the trumpet, and it was impossible for him to merge the two when resources were scarce. But now that the trumpet has been improved, the thorn wall plan can naturally be put on the agenda.

Then the last thing to consider is the fourth echelon.

"The current defensive lineup can ignore the insignificant things like ants and caterpillars. Even if I meet the previous yak, I have a sting wall to block it."

"Even the imaginary enemy herbivorous dinosaurs will be poisoned by the stinger wall. Once they die, the big body can directly plug the hole and help defend!"

"So individual individuals and small groups pose no threat to me. What I want to consider now is how to deal with large groups!"

Such as cattle and sheep.

Once these things are overwhelmed by fear of life and death, it will bring great pressure to Xie Yan's fortifications!


"Handsome guys, I like the little girl's lighter plane to brush up! The one with the most gifts, I will find you offline! mua!"

Li Yinsheng was disgusted. He handed the screen to Zhou Qing and asked: "How many layers did you guess have on this girl's face?"

"Light makeup, just opened the filter." Zhou Qing shook his head, "Do you all know that it is a gaudy and cheap product?"

"It just happened...hey look at this!"

"I'm driving!" Zhou Qing looked impatient.

"Huh, there aren't many hairs on this wasteland, just be afraid of anything!" Li Yinsheng glanced at him in disgust, and then brushed out the next video, watching it with relish.

Zhou Qing took a deep breath, "Sergeant Li Yinsheng, let's perform the task! Can't we put down the phone?"

"Yes, Captain Zhou Qing." Li Yinsheng said angrily, and then reluctantly put down his phone.

"Okay, let's find another day. If we still can't find it, we will return to the town to take a break." Zhou Qing rolled his eyes.

"Haha, it's my captain, I know my heart." Li Yinsheng changed his previous frustration, "but then, how long has it been since we did not find the wrong place?"

They were sent over to investigate a riot a few months ago, not an artificial riot, but an animal riot!

According to the residents of the local town, the night before the riot, they smelled a very strong floral scent, which smelled very comfortable and would make people unconsciously intoxicated.

What these villagers do not know is that two young people have not been awakened because of excessive intoxication!

Zhou Qing didn't answer. At this moment, the encrypted phone set aside rang. He looked at the number and it was the call from his boss. Zhou Qing pressed the answer button and talked with his boss before hanging up.

"It seems that your rest plan is broken." Zhou Qing said blankly.


"The two children who fell into a coma because of the inhalation of aroma, woke up!" Zhou Qing said, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "At the moment of waking up, they directly awakened into a strange person."

"Really?" Li Yinsheng's eyes widened.

"Therefore, the death order was given, and even if it took a year and a half to find the source of the fragrance!" Zhou Qing said.

Although the awakening is getting stronger and stronger, there are more and more people awakening, but that is based on a population of more than one billion people. Moreover, everything is in case. Those who are in high positions don’t want to be that. Unfortunately, no one wants to leave this wave because of some objective factors.

For them, being able to become a mutator one second in advance is never delayed by one second!

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