I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 66: Replace imaginary enemy

A few days later, the battlefield was cleaned, and a heavy piece of data was placed on the desk in the command room. Everyone opened it and looked at it, falling into silence.

Ordinary soldiers will not say it. It will make people uncomfortable when they look at the number. They say that the 1,800 student soldiers of the mutants have directly lost one third!

This is still when the outsiders are exhausted and wrestled with the battlefield, and the twelve consecutive puzzle bombs with thanks to assist the attack on the side, which keeps the loss rate at a third. Otherwise, if you want to solve the remaining strangers, at least double your life!

Of course, if we do it again, we will still let 1,800 mutants come forward to confront the strangers, otherwise these student soldiers will always be students.

"At least, we have learned and learned." Ke Yang said, and a few nodded in agreement.

If there is no small-scale **** in this battle, then they will still naively think that these existing weapons can have a battle with the world over there, and then use weapons that are difficult for even bronze-level outsider warriors to kill. To deal with silver, even gold outsiders...

At that time, it will not be possible to solve the loss of some people or the loss of some buildings in this way. I am afraid that the entire Federation will be subverted.


In the valley, under the guidance of Xie Yan, wasps and tri-color bees successively returned, each returning to their own nest.

Queen Ma glanced at the colony of hundreds of wasps, and then looked at the more than two thousand three-color bees that survived. A strong sense of inferiority came to mind-her own family of wasps, it is really garbage!

"Hey, hello..." Xie Yan hurried forward to comfort, and at the same time shook the leaf that the queen bee was lying on, asking her to go up and apologize.

"I don't!" One hundred reluctant thoughts from the queen bee.

Xie Yan had no choice but to tell Queen Ma the truth of the matter herself, letting her know that it wasn't that the wasps were useless, but that a certain queen queen deliberately took them as cannon fodder.

However, Queen Ma’s inferiority didn’t get any better, and she even excused the queen bee, just listening to her preaching: “There must be a strategic reason for her to do this, but my children are so useless, so I lost it. many!"

The same bee, the queen bee easily caught the meaning conveyed by Queen Ma to Xie Yan, and nodded over there.

"You're enough!" Xie Yan shook the leaves hard, letting this guy stop.

Then Xie Yan looked at the Queen Ma who lost her highlight in the compound eyes and sighed. He estimated that it was useless to persuade, only to see if the Queen Ma could adjust it by herself.

"Obviously it's a wasp, and it just turned into an inferiority licking dog..." Xie Yan thought about it and gave a silver fruit to Queen Ma as compensation.

When the queen bee saw her lungs, she exploded. Obviously it was her credit, not to treat her, but to the man-in-law? Does it make sense!

Xie Yan saw that the queen queen also started to be in a small mood. Suddenly she was a little bit tired. These pets one by one, why are you so uneasy? Not conscious at all!

When Xie Yansheng received these guys, he had fantasized about the scene where these pets love each other and help each other. Now it seems that I really want to...

"Forget it, let them go..." Xie Yan was too lazy to ignore the queen bee, preparing to build the remaining section of the city wall. At the same time, he began to think about the significance of this alien invasion.

To be honest, the 300-member offense team has no sense of formality, but more of a tentative test or a test? Or is it because of certain restrictions that they cannot send more people over?

Thinking of this, Xie Yan couldn't help but recall the golden door that Xie Jiang told him...

"There must be some kind of restriction on these cross-border gates, which prevents them from sending troops into and out of this gate at will! And to break this restriction, you must erect more advanced gates, such as that golden gate, otherwise they will There is no need to spend so much time, just a copper-colored gate is enough for this world to drink a pot!" Xie Yan secretly said.

As for the limitation, the first thing he can think of is the level of creatures and items that pass through the gate. For example, the copper-colored gate can only pass through people or things below the copper level.

The second is the number of people. To be precise, the strength and materials that each gate can transport are limited! After the three hundred people descended into this world, the copper-colored gate was still open. If there were no such restrictions, the other party would send more manpower and supplies!

In addition to this, the gate should have other restrictions, for example, it must wait for the gate to be fully opened before it can pass, and once all the people who come to this world die, the gate will be closed and so on.

"After all, across a world, it's not that simple to think about." Xie Yan secretly said, but he thought about it, and there was some bad hunch in his heart.

What if... there is a door open in a deserted place? Can the mysterious man take this opportunity to confuse these outsiders to attack himself?


At this moment, Xie Yan was uncomfortable all over. He might be able to withstand the bronze gate, but what about the silver gate? Think about it, hundreds of silver players threw themselves at...

"I'm going to die..." Xie Yan felt a little crazy. He looked around, and suddenly felt that these blue walls were just like paper! In front of the opponent's silver-level personnel, I am afraid it is a blow!

There are also these pets, which may be the best creatures on this planet, but compared with the other world, they are all five battles!

Unconsciously, Xie Yan has replaced the imaginary enemy of the next round of attacks from humans to silver-level mutants in a different world.

Unconsciously, he began to think about countermeasures...

If you want to fight against the silver level, you must have a complete set of silver-level equipment, such as silver-level walls, silver-level weapons, and so on. But if you want to change all the surrounding things to silver, how easy is it? The estimated time for the next attack is only about six months, and with the current Aura absorption efficiency, it is simply too late!

Xie Yan's leaves began to tremble, and the long-lost PTSD made another mistake...

"No, calm down, maybe there is hope!"

Xie Yan forced himself to calm down, and then turned his attention to the dark river underground. He clearly remembered that the flowing water in that dark river was very strange, and if it was forcibly absorbed, the entire branch of rhizome would explode directly!

At that time, Xie Yan was speculating whether the strange groundwater contained ultra-high concentration of aura. After all, the feeling of root bursting was very similar to the feeling that the storage capsule was almost broken by the liquid aura!

And if that liquid really contains a high concentration of Reiki, then this huge underground river is enough to support him to change the whole position!

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