I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 67: Underground river water (for collection!)

Banye City, ruins.

"Just these two?" Ke Yang asked, pointing at the two students.

"Yes, there are only these two." Wang Jin nodded.

After asking him three times and five times, Xie Jiang finally willing to tell him why those outsiders could be invulnerable at first. Of course, only half of the words were spoken, which is also Xia Jiang's habit.

So, I ordered the whole army to search for mutants with auxiliary defense-type shields. After all, that battle was really shocking!

Soon, only two people who met the standard were brought in. One of them was named Yang Luxin in his early twenties. He was in his early twenties and had a melon face. His overall body was a little thin. The other youth is named Du Mingkui.

"You two, cooperate with the staff to carry out a series of tests, do you understand?" Ke Yang urged.

Under the instruction of the staff, whoever had seen such a high-level person was shocked by Ke Yang's aura, immediately stood well and obeyed.

Then, the test began.

The two used their mental power to baffle a steel plate with a shield-type mental power, and then the staff on the side shot the test and checked the results.

A moment later, the staff came over with the report and shook his head at Ke Yang. Although the bullet is indeed more difficult to penetrate the steel plate after the blessing, it can't do it. Therefore, the relevant team leader raised a possibility.

"Do you mean that their compression suits are made of special materials and can adapt to this mental power? Double the effect of mental power?" Ke Yang summed up the staff's consciousness and the other nodded.

"It turns out so." Wang Jin on the side realized that what the other half of the seed didn't finish was, and at the same time there was a trace of resistance in the heart.

If it could tell him this information in time, they might not have to lose so many people.

What Wang Jin does not know is that the evil congenital deficiency with congenital deficiencies has always been very weak. After communicating with Xie Yan the day before, he fell into a deep sleep.



After feeling the crisis, Xie Yan began to plan for his future, mainly in terms of combat effectiveness.

The first is to fill up the city walls, leaving only the last short paragraph, empty and ugly. The second is to study the white pattern on the body. He has a hunch that the ability given to him by the pattern will become a powerful killer! The last is to make silver rhizomes, try to absorb the strange liquid under the ground, and see if that thing is as full of high concentration aura as he thought!

There is one more thing, that is to breed fruit again!

Of all the things, the fruit must be the priority, but when it comes to the fruit, Xie Yan thinks of Xie Jiang, and then he focuses his attention on the three black technology instruments around his neck.

Evil can be born so early, so bad conditions can be born, then these three...

Xie Yan tried to communicate with them, but did not get any response, and did not know whether he was deliberately not birding him or the conditions were not allowed.

"do not care……"

The other party did not respond, and Xie Yan was too lazy to ignore it, but quietly mobilized energy to grow new flowers and bones on his head. And once he chose to concentrate on nurturing flowers, he could do nothing at this time. Only by waiting for the photosynthesis to weaken at night, he could be distracted to do other things.

In the evening, Xie Yan was going to build the city wall, but think carefully, according to the theory that the blasting soldiers mine first, how should the growth of silver rhizomes and the absorption of underground river water be the first priority.

So Xie Yan changed his mind and used silver psionic power to spawn a silver rhizome to drill down underground!

The speed is okay, he estimates that the underground river can be reached in only three days.

"Hope is the same as I thought!" Xie Yan prayed silently.

In the night three days later, the silver rhizome protruded from the stone crack and submerged in the underground river water.

Xie Yan took a deep breath of carbon dioxide and began to control the silver rhizomes to draw a little bit of this strange liquid. The good news is that when the liquid enters the silver rhizomes, Xie Yan does not feel that swell, indicating that the roots of this texture can withstand the impact of this liquid.

And since the silver rhizome is okay, then his silver main stem will naturally be fine, so Xie Yan will no longer taboo and let the river directly enter the main stem.

It was also at this time that Xie Yan finally saw what the river looked like.

This is a red transparent liquid, crystal clear like jelly.

And at the moment of seeing this thing, a lot of strange information came to Xie Yan's mind, and he subconsciously blurted out, "Red nutrients?"

"No, where did the information come from?" Xie Yan felt a little strange. At this time, Xie Jiang said a concept that flashed in his mind-

Ancient memory!

Not surprisingly, when he saw this red liquid, Xie Yan awakened the memories associated with it! In this memory, this red liquid was called red nourishment by the first generation, and the underground river also has a name-Dragon Vein!

"Lying trough! It's developed now, it's time to develop!" Xie Yan waved the silver vine excitedly, so that even if he is not a red level, he can use red psionic power!

"This is really a treasure land!" Xie Yan calmed down and couldn't help feeling his luck. To be precise, it was Hua Xiong's **** luck. After all, this land was chosen by this big stupid bear. Of course, even if I didn't choose this place at the beginning, I could find the Dragon Vein sooner or later with Xie Yan's ability. This is just a matter of time.

"After all, this dragon vein doesn't look deep. Why have humans here never dug?" Xie Yan's thoughts came to his mind, but unfortunately Xie Jiang was not within the communication range of the mind communicator. He couldn't help it. Get the answer.

But even if Xie Jiang is within the scope of the idea communicator, the other party will probably use a "first-generation arrangement" to obscure the past...

Subsequently, Xie Yan decisively gave up the support of the flower and bone flower, and used the silver spirit to produce more than ten silver leaves overnight, waiting for the sun to come out for photosynthesis the next day! After waiting for the red psionic energy to be produced, use the red psionic energy to create a few red rhizomes to bring out the absorption efficiency of the underground dark river!

Further on, we will use red psionic power to transform the main stem!

Everything was organized by Xie Yan.

The next day, when the sun rose, Xie Yan sent the red nutrients to photosynthesis. No surprise, the red spirit appeared on the silver leaves, and at the same time, a mist of mist aura spewed out from the silver leaves.

Upon seeing this, the queen's compound eyes flashed a strange light, and she quickly flew over to lay eggs on this leaf. Seeing this, Queen Ma took her **** and prepared to land on a silver leaf, but was glared back by the queen bee with a bunch of eyes.


The Queen Ma was aggrieved, and she could only return to the green leaves for spawning.

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