I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 65: Goal achieved

However, Xie Yan did not choose to chase after the victory, but ordered the bee colony to leave. After all, his real purpose here is not to help humans wipe out strangers, but to avoid being stolen by mysterious people!

In addition, he can't express too strong, so the so-called couch can not allow others to sleep soundly, too strong, I am afraid that it will cause excessive attention of the high level of humankind and ignite the fire!

In general, Xie Yan must grasp that degree and be impartial.

There is no way to weaken without diplomacy.

"Following thin ice!" Xie Yan sighed. "This time, I have basically exposed my existence. I have to hurry up and get a weapon of mass destruction, otherwise I will become more passive in the future!"

Only with weapons of mass destruction is he eligible to sit on the negotiating table! At this point, Xie Yan, who was born in Tianchao, knew everything!

Of course, when letting the bee colony evacuate, Xie Yan did not forget to organize the bee colony in the air to form the word "fight", and told the surviving soldiers to open fire!

"What the hell? Is the wasp fine?"

"Leave it alone, fight!"

At the beginning, there were only scattered gunshots between the high-rise buildings. It happened that there was a sniper who could directly contact with the high-level. When he opened the gun, he found that the bullet that was shot out was firmly inlaid. Among the world's armor! So he reported the matter immediately!

"What, ordinary bullets worked?" Ke Yang was surprised when he heard the news.

"It seems that these hornets have helped us solve a very difficult problem!"


So, the dense gunshots sounded again, this time outsiders did not dare to be as fearless as before, they began to look for bunkers. Just how many firearms are erected on the high-rise building, the bunker... was smashed into powder in minutes!

As the number of effective hits increased, the pits on the alien's compression suit began to appear pitted. This little change alone made the soldiers excited. Although the overall situation was still dominated by outsiders, at least they saw hope!

And human beings are a kind of existence that will explode with unlimited potential after feeling hope!

His hands were sore and his shoulders hurt, and the flicking continued.

It’s okay if one firepower point is ended, and there are many firepower points, and there is continuous support behind!

Ten minutes later, the first outsider who died under ordinary guns appeared. The moment he fell, cheers broke out in the city of Penno!

Half an hour later, the number of 300 outsiders dropped sharply to more than 100. At the same time, the urban area of ​​Penno City was completely ruined, and countless soldiers buried under the ruins!

An hour later, there were less than 50 finalists left, and a very good news came out...they, no bullets!

These outsiders began to flee away.

"Almost, ordinary soldiers retreat and block this area on the periphery. Next, let the mutants get on!" Zhanlu said.

Training, start!

A team of mutants was sent to the ruins and began to look for opponents.

In order to make the training more effective, the senior level has formulated a set of points rules, killing and assisting can get corresponding scores, and these scores will determine the distribution of loot after the war!

Several militants, the fastest rush!

"Everyone follow me, Zhao Dawei will take our team to take the first place today!"

"Haha, there's a taste, I like it, let's go!"

Of course, more people are careful, and multiple teams go together.

Li Yinsheng also assigned a team here, but it is just a team of teachers and instructors, one by one. In addition to killing strangers to earn points, they also have another task, that is to protect the students of their school as much as possible!


Walking in the ruins, Li Yinsheng noticed a familiar sense of peeping. He looked at the surrounding ground, and then found that thing under a large false stone.

He stepped forward to pick up the temporary eye plant, and habitually rubbed the eyeball on the eye plant.

"I know you are the mallet!" Li Yinsheng laughed, "That wasp was also made by you? I remember you had a group of bees near you!"

"Very good, very powerful!" Li Yinsheng praised, and then the smile on his face gradually condensed, and the expression began to become serious. He said in a negotiated tone: "We have had such a long relationship, anyway, please do me a favor? Those students of our school, when you peep my compensation every day, what do you think?"

"If you don't speak, I will assume you are the default!" Li Yinsheng finished, hanging the eye plant in his breast pocket and keeping up with his team.

Xie Yan knew that Li Yinsheng said these words just to find comfort in his heart. After all, many of those students were cultivated by him with a little affection.

"Then help you by the way." Xie Yan didn't mind it at all. Anyway, this is also part of the plan. So he sent the bee colony to follow the ranks of the 30 East Capital Mutant Schools to minimize their casualties.

It didn't take long for the first conflict to erupt, and the two mutant teams collided with three strangers who fled outward, and the two sides waged a fierce struggle. It's just that compared with the strangers who have been through a hundred battles, the student team has no cooperation and no experience, and the result of the battle is naturally one-sided.

The situation is the same in other places. It is not a problem for a stranger to kill or kill five or six students.

As the death toll gradually increased, some students could not bear it anymore. They dared not show up in the corner, and some students had confidence because they killed one or two outsiders.

In the fierce fighting, the students of Dongdu Mutant School found that from time to time, there were hornets flying over to help them, destroy the offensive of the outsiders, and block the knife for them.

The swarms of bees swarmed these students one after another, and they began to regard the wasps as comrades.

As for the other two schools, Xie Yan also helped more or less, leaving a good reputation.

When the sun went down, the last outsider was broken under the pressure of the crowd and entered the countdown of death. And the moment he fell, the bronze gate in the sky slammed shut.

But it did not disappear!

This means that one day in the future, this door will open again, and outsiders will come again! At that time, there may be another fierce battle!

"This area will not be able to live in the future..." Ke Yang sighed. From this point of view, the following aftercare work is no easier than fighting.

Xie Yan looked around the battlefield and let the swarms put the words "Goodbye" in the air. This move quickly received a response from the soldiers, who either saluted the bees or waved them away.

"Get it!"

Seeing this scene, Xie Yan was relieved. In this way, his basic purpose was achieved. With these warriors participating in the testimony, the mysterious person wanted to dirty his hands, I am afraid it is not so easy!

But when the bumblebee and the tricolor bee were called back, there was no accident, the bee colony followed by some tails. In desperation, Xie Yan can only take these tails to start detouring, until these tails are completely thrown away.

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