I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 62: Tentative

Xie Yan's heart shook, this familiar feeling...

He hurriedly searched for the past in the direction of the thought, and finally found Wang Jin who was ready to go in the tent. He recognized this guy at a glance, who was the one who dug the fruit from the belly of the yak and took the seeds away!

It was just a surprise to him, why did the other party give him such strange thoughts?

"Wow, it's really you!" Seed continued.

"You? You are that fruit! You have taken over his body?" Xie Yan thought about it and thought of the possibility of seizing the house...

"No, it's just a parasitic or associated relationship." Seed replied, and then told Xie Yan about the general situation.

"It turned out to be so." Xie Yan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed after listening to it, if he had paid attention to it at that time, he might be able to walk with the seeds. It's just useless to regret now. Since things have developed to the point where they are now, it can only be done naturally.

"Right, don't call me the mother plant in the future!" Xie Yan specifically advised, not for any other reason, but this homophony is too unpleasant...

"What's that called? Don't tell me to use the human set to call Dad and Mom, we're plants! Don't be happy with this set!" The seeds came with a very serious and resisting thought.

Xie Yan silently wiped out the thought of preparing to spread it in his mind, rethinking it and preaching, saying: "Then call me the main plant."

"Ancestral plant? Well, pretty good!" Seed replied.

Xie Yan froze for a moment, and wanted to correct it, but if you think about it carefully, the ancestral plant seems to be good.

"By the ancestral plant, give me a name! I don't have a name yet!" Seed then made a simple and reasonable request


Xie Yan thought about it, he had an obligation to give the seed a name, so he preached: "My name is Xie Yan, then you will call Xie Jiang!"

"Oh, it turns out that the ancestral plant is called Xie Ye, and I am Xie Jiang!" A very happy thought came from the seed.

Xie Yan was stunned again. To be honest, there was an idea-to-idea exchange between them. This can be wrong... Did the premature delivery break the brain?

He wanted to correct it, but the seeds... Xie Jiang returned the happy thoughts one after another, which made him a little unbearable. He would simply make mistakes again and again, and it wouldn't hurt anyway.

After a while of excitement, Xie Jiang came up with a new idea, "Ancestor Zu came to the war?"

"Yes, I'm worried that this guy will take the opportunity to discredit me, so I came here to join together, take an oath, and prevent human beings from being the target of venting anger." Xie Yan sighed, "After all, I haven't been able to fully confront humans. ability!"

"That guy? So you haven't regained your ancestral memory before Zu Zhu?" Xie Jiang sent a doubtful thought. Before Xie Yan responded to this, the other party continued to spread the thought, saying: "No need to say, I probably understand Yes, but I will not give you an answer."

"What do you mean? Why?" Xie Yan was confused.

"Accurately, I can't answer! But I can tell you one thing, a plant like ours is born with an ancient memory, unless the previous generation sealed the memory for some purpose. , Otherwise the memory will not wake up!"

"So you don’t have ancient memory, only the previous generation who sealed the memory for some purpose, and if I tell you the contents without authorization, it is likely to destroy the plan of the previous generation, or even offend Taboo! This is not a good thing for you or me!"

"In short, you must believe that the last generation will not be against you. Since he sealed the memory, there must be a reason to do so! Please understand!"

Xie Jiang sent a lot of thoughts over, and Xie Yan who received these thoughts fell into silence.

The previous generation, the ancient memory... He thought he was just a plant with the ability to transform itself. Now it seems that the water inside is very deep!

After chatting with Xie Jiang for a while, Xie Yan found that the idea sent back by the other party became weaker and weaker, until the idea receiver could not catch it at all!

"It seems that the other party's situation is not so optimistic!" Xie Yan knew clearly how bad the situation was when Xian Jiang was born. He was eaten by the yak shortly after birth, and stayed in the belly of the dead yak for so long... …

Thinking of this, Xie Yan felt another guilt in his heart.

"This person is called Wang Jin, and he will take care of him as soon as possible." Xie Yan secretly said, after all, Xian Jiang now has to rely on Wang Jin to survive. If Wang Jin is dead, Xie Jiang will lose his carrier and will naturally die with him!

This kind of thing, Xie Yan will not let it happen again!

"After all, since the first fruit is conscious, the next few..." Xie Yan immediately focused on the circle of collars and collars.

The vision shield, the idea receiver, and the idea transmitter tremble...

Into the night.

Soldiers and soldiers hurry up for the final repair, after all, no one knows when the next break will be.

Xie Yan also let the consciousness sink briefly for a while, and then wake up again in the early hours of the morning, and at the same time awaken the sleeping queen. As for Queen Ma... Let her command, it is better to expect Hua Xiong to be a little more clever.

At this time, the copper-colored gate was almost fully opened, and the federal government had already been unable to bear it, throwing some detection equipment into the copper-colored gate. It's a pity that these devices are the same as the results of previous tests. The copper-colored gate fails as soon as you enter it, and you can't see the inside.

"Don't you come yet?" Xie Yan waited a little boring.

"If it were me, I would definitely choose to attack in the early morning! Because as far as I know, human night vision is not very good, so I think it should be fast!" The queen responded.

But this time, the queen was miscalculated! When the sun rose and the copper-colored gate opened completely, no one over there appeared!

"What's going on? Is it a false alarm?"

This situation puzzled many soldiers and soldiers. In their view, when the attacking time was so good in the early morning, did the other party give up?

Not scientific!

"Maybe it just scares people? So we bluff ourselves?"

"Maybe it's really..."

"Shut up! The 14th hasn't passed yet, the alert hasn't been lifted yet, don't take it lightly!"


The soldiers squatting upstairs began to talk softly. Although they were immediately reprimanded by the sergeant, such thoughts would intensify over time.

At noon, the soldiers began to yawn, and some secretly squinted Xiao Tian.

And at this moment, there was finally movement over the copper-colored gate! I saw a huge blue transparent, jellyfish-like creature squeezed out of the copper-colored gate, and quickly expanded in a short time, and then burst out!

Boom Boom~~~

Every cyan giant jellyfish exploded, and a violent wind blew in the city! The gusty wind roared through the tall buildings, and the blowers' eyes hurt.

"Put on a gas mask!"

A military order passed on. However, this gust of wind has no effect other than its strange taste, which makes people wonder.

After another moment, the enemies from the other side of the door that everyone was looking forward to finally appeared! But there was only one person, and he only protruded his head and shrank back again within a few seconds.

"What are you doing?"

All kinds of weird behaviors made the doubts in everyone's minds full of extremes.

Xie Yan actually saw some ways, the other party may be testing whether his body can adapt to the air environment of this world! After all, for some creatures, oxygen is also a highly toxic!


Thank you 20170710111359611 for the 600 starting currency reward!

Looks like it's about five thousand more, let me count it...

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