I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 61: Arrived at the scene

"Pan Feng Pan Feng, ask you something." Xie Yan shook the leaves.

The queen bee raised her head, "I am Yinfeng, not Pan Pan! Don't give me this name that sounds short lived!"

This attitude...

Three times and five times, the whole Xie Yan was a little crazy. He thought that Hua Xiong's guy was hard enough, but he didn't expect that there was a more difficult guy here.

Some time ago he was still thinking that one day in the future his IQ might be crushed by these little bugs. Now it seems that the so-called future at that time... is a little near.

"Don't make a fuss and say the right thing! How did you get that momentum?" Xie Yan asked.

"Don't you tell you that day, why are you so stupid?" The queen betrayed.

I will endure……

Xie Yan made up her mind, not to mention the meaning of shaking the leaves at the speed of light, he must practice it! And it's better to hit the sun than the sun, start practicing now!

"Have you seen these patterns?" The queen turned around and pointed to the silver area on the big buttocks with her forefoot. "These patterns are the key. You have to feel it with your heart, just like the communication between us, you have to try To communicate with these patterns, as long as you are sincere, it will tell you the power it contains!"

"Then do you have any limitations in urging this thing?" Xie Yan asked.

"Of course there is, physical strength, energy, aura...will be consumed at an amazing speed, now I can barely maintain it for a minute or two." The queen bee said, "Even so, I can only play about 10% of it power."

Xie Yan shook the leaves up and down to show his understanding.

"Another thing, why are you so eager for nectar, not the kind I usually give you to eat, but the kind that I secrete on the stamen when I am flowering." Xie Yan asked another doubt in my heart.

The queen bee looked at him playfully, and said: "Why do you think I am so smart?"

Xie Yan was shocked.

"Understood? Well, yes, it seems that you are not stupid! But this is just one of the more obvious effects. In addition, there are many effects that are not revealed to a certain extent, so in order to give better You answer..."

Speaking of the queen, Xie Yan shielded her directly.

"Buzz!" The queen bee swarmed around him.

"Huh, if you have such a bad attitude, you still want to cheat and eat?" Xie Yan snorted coldly, pulling him back a round, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

Next, according to the method that the queen said, he began to communicate with the white stripes on his body. As for how to communicate... Xie Yan didn't know, he tried to shout at the white stripes in his heart while focusing all his attention. On the white tattoo, show sincerity.

One minute later, there was no change in the white lines. Ten minutes later, the white pattern still looks like that. And then, half an hour, an hour...

After becoming a plant, Xie Yan may not be able to do anything else, but patience is absolutely unmatched!

So at the third hour, he saw the white stripes light up slightly.

There is a play!

Xie Yan felt a little excited in his heart, and then continued to communicate with Bai Wen in this way until late at night, he felt a trace of tiredness, and his consciousness gradually sank and went to sleep.

The next day, February 13.

Xie Yan's consciousness recovered. He shook his body and glanced at a clock in Mianshan Village. It was now ten o'clock in the morning.

Because the war is about to start tomorrow, Xie Yan temporarily put down his work to observe and study white lines and began to organize wasps and bee troops to the urban area of ​​Penno City. He had to send the bee colony to wait one day in advance. After all, it was the 14th, but it was unclear whether it was the morning or afternoon or evening war. So you can only prepare one day in advance.

"There are six thousand horse wasps, four thousand eight hundred three-color bees, and two thousand logistical porters, for a total of twelve thousand eight hundred bees." Xie Yan ordered the soldiers before the battlefield.

As the so-called soldiers and horses did not move the food and grass first, Xie Yan first let the logistic transport troops with temporary eye strains go to the front line, and confirm the direction through the city map of the village head of Mianshan Village and the radiation range of the idea communicator, and direct the bee colony to move forward.

A batch after batch of bees and wasps flew away from the valley. After more than 10,000 of them all flew away, the whole valley was quite quiet. The queen queen turned her head, looked at the empty hive, sighed, and continued to lay her head to lay eggs. Queen Ma also followed, and began to replenish the number of bees.

Under the guidance of Xie Yan, the dispatched bees and wasps gradually approached the urban area of ​​Penno City. At the same time, Xie Yan also parted his heart to go to the Dongdu Mutant School to follow the real-time news trends. His luck is good. There are just a few lecturers watching related live broadcasts in the dormitory, among which there are images returned from the scene.

How to say...the atmosphere has frozen to a freezing point!

Unlike the ignorant world, the soldiers stationed at the scene clearly know how their opponents exist! That's a physical body stronger than them, a better weapon than them, a regular modern force from another civilization in another world!

You can also see through the video Xie Yan that the copper-colored door has been opened by more than 80% at this time. It stands to reason that the size of the door slit is enough for people over there to drill, but the other party did not do so. It is also a very cautious type, not a reckless man!

A few hours later, the logistics handling force arrived at the scene. Under the arrangement of Xie Yan, they quietly placed the eye plant in every obscure corner.

As soon as the field of vision is opened, the whole battlefield can be seen!

"If I can survive this battle, I will find the second girl in the village to marry me!"


"My child was about to be born just after the hospital called."


"Lao Huang, you see this is a picture of my daughter, beautiful! It is her birthday on the 16th. When the aliens are driven away, I will ask the platoon leader to take a leave to celebrate her birthday!"


"There are so many people gathered here, and there are missile forces outside. I have... nothing to fear!"


All kinds of undefended thoughts were captured by the idea receivers, plus Xie Yan's lip-reading skills, which he learned unconsciously.

"If you go on, the gods can't be saved." Xie Yan was a little speechless, and all of them were becoming hedgehogs one by one, without any consciousness.

But Xie Yan also took this opportunity to obtain a lot of information.

For example, mushroom bombs are arranged outside the urban area! Another example is the approximate configuration of the enemy this time!

"Copper-level creatures, plus copper-level armor and copper-level modern weapons? Even the bullets used are made of green metal?"

When Xie Yan heard this, the whole plant was shocked. How much resources would it consume? But when he learned that there was a civilization behind the door, he was relieved. Since it is a civilization, it is not impossible to develop to such a scale!

"A tough battle!" Xie Yan took a deep breath of carbon dioxide.

After a while, the Hornet and Tricolor Bee troops also arrived one after another. In order to be unobtrusive, Xie Yan quietly placed them on the roof and cultivated them, waiting for the door to open completely.

At this time, a strange thought was captured by the idea receiver.

"Mother...mother plant?"

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