I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 63: Disparity in strength

In addition to the oxygen factor, there is also gravity and atmospheric pressure. People from different planets and different worlds want to enter other worlds. All these things must be taken into consideration. If they go ahead, they will die by suffocation or poisoning, or they will be killed by pressure difference, or... etc.

In short, judging from the methods just now, the world experience is opposite, it should not be the first time to invade other worlds!

Therefore, the other party should be able to solve various survival problems in different world environments!

"The air should be fine. Is the problem with the air pressure here?" Xie Yan secretly said.

The cyan giant jellyfish just used to judge the pressure difference between the two worlds. The explosion of the jellyfish means that the air pressure in that world is higher than that in this world! And it is still much higher, which is known by the severity of the jellyfish explosion.

And this is definitely good news for this world! Because it means that the other party cannot be directly exposed to the environment here, but it is also bad news. The other party will inevitably wear a very high-end compression suit!

Then, the key point of this battle is whether the people here can break the opponent's anti-stress suit. As long as they can make a hole and delay for a certain period of time, the opponent will definitely die!

As Xie Yan thought, the enemy appeared a few hours later!

They wore copper-colored hard anti-stress armor, with anti-stress helmets of the same color, and one by one the following dumplings generally jumped out of the copper-colored gate and landed firmly on the ground.

The helmets wrapped their faces, making it impossible for everyone to recognize the specific appearance of these guys, only knowing that their visual heights were more than two meters! Number, there are more than 300 people!


A command echoed through the radio, and the soldiers dormant in the tall building opened fire! At that moment, the sound of gunfire was like thunder and torrential rain, and tens of thousands of bullets were shot out, rubbing out dense Mars with the pressure armor of the strangers.

After the bullets passed, rockets dropped from the sky, pulling a long tail flame and exploding a hot flame. Firelight is printed in the eyes of every soldier, and these eyes also witness the incompetence of guns and bullets!

After the smoke had passed, there was no damage to the pressure suit of the outsiders!

Even, the firepower of the sky did not push these strangers back!

At this moment, a feeling called powerlessness quietly climbed onto the backbone of the soldiers present.

Then, the outsiders fought back!

Bronze-colored firearms lifted, and a stream of blue streamer flew out of the muzzle, hitting the target accurately through several walls. A copper-colored grenade dropped into the building and exploded, and a ten-story building cracked up and down! The people inside might be more or less fierce.

"How do I fight this?" Ke Yang and others looked at this scene in the command room, cold sweat, do you really have to use those things?

"No hurry, the helicopters and tanks haven't got anything. Let's fire a few guns and see, then let those snipers put on depleted uranium bombs and try to prepare the squad of squads. These guys are helpless on the road , The bullets are always lighted up!" said the commander Zhanlu.

Several orders were passed on in succession, and several tanks placed in the park were driven over. The poor quality and unqualified roads were cracked.

The emergence of the tank gave the soldiers a little hope, but...

"too slow……"

Xie Yan, who was watching the battle, was not optimistic about these big guys. The other party's guns could easily penetrate several walls, so it was probably no problem to penetrate the tank armor. Sure enough, these strangers saw the tank coming and raised their muzzles at will. Three rounds of bullets killed the driver, gunner and captain, leaving behind a heavy empty shell.

Just as everyone was disappointed and about to fall into despair, a sniper fired on a high-rise building in the distance, and a bullet ignited with smoke and shot accurately! This is the first outsider killed!

"Effective!" The command room cheered for a while, but when Ke Yang inquired about the number of remaining depleted uranium bombs, there was another silence.

Counting just now, there are only 17 rounds in total... No way, this thing is also considered a nuclear weapon. The federal government banned its use, plus world unity, this type of weapons of mass destruction has long become a chicken rib. Destroy year by year to reduce the number. This time, it was very difficult to transfer half a box from the Gun Museum because of the special circumstances.

The seventeen shots, I am afraid that even other people's fractions can't be finished.

"Order them to be completely fired, you have to make sure you have a good shot, and you have to fight for two shots! Then implement a diversion and killing plan to support the battle!" Zhanlu continued to give orders.

The so-called diversion and killing to fight the war plan is to find a way to break up these intruders, reduce it to zero, and send a team to delay. Then, let those thirteen bronze masters wearing bronze armor take the opportunity to cut into the battlefield and seize the good weapons and equipment of those outsiders to fight.

The plan began to implement, and those snipers also began to reap the lives of outsiders. With the 17 rounds of depleted uranium bombs burned out, 15 dead bodies of the outsiders were left at the scene!

Then only a few buildings rang out and suddenly collapsed. The flying dust blocked the sight of these strangers, and then the big boulders fell near them, cutting the 300 people into several pieces.

Not only that, but also a large number of smoke bombs were launched with shock bombs to interfere with the vision and senses of these strangers. At the same time, the elite team of thirteen sneaked into the smoke and started to touch the body with the help of a thermal imaging camera.

However, nothing happened to anyone, and the guns used by these strangers were locked! To unlock, you must enter the psionic power that matches the user. In addition, the daggers they carry must go through this certification process before they can be unsheathed, otherwise they can only wield the holster...

When this matter was reported, the seniors were dumbfounded, and no one expected that the other party could actually prevent such a situation!

"It is estimated that I have suffered a loss in this respect!" Xie Yan speculated, after all, this is not the first time the other party has invaded other worlds. In the previous few invasions, there may have been cases of weapons being captured by indigenous peoples, so this is especially the case. A lock!

"In this way, the official so-called these plans will be ruined, and it is estimated that it is time for the fish to die and mushrooms to grow." Xie Yan has heard the details of these high-level meetings, so he knows the combat process, "Since it is so, It's time for me to play."

Some people may ask, how can the bee bomb be able to wear armor that cannot be worn by machine guns and cannons?

In fact, Xie Yan has a unique advantage compared to those who can only obtain information through videos and oral reports of soldiers on the spot. Xie Yan has a unique advantage. He can not only rely on the strong perspective of the eye plant to see the true face of these guys, but also Can capture those subconscious thoughts through the idea receiver.

So Xie Yan knows that the resistance of these outsiders is not really so powerful. The reason why they have such a strong defense is because there are four bronze-level mind changers, according to what Evil Jiang told him before, These people belong to the defense category, shield-type mind holders!

The sky-drenched rain was only resisted by their blessing in defense. So as long as these four are killed, the remaining outsiders are not a concern!

It's just that these four outsiders are strictly protected by their teammates. The bee colony wants to be close to each other unexpectedly. It's not so easy!

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