I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 60: Idea receiver

On the evening of February 12, Xie Yan cut off the supply relationship with the fruit on his head and began to ripen it. Soon, a hint of fragrance floated from the fruit, animals such as Chinese bears and queen bees arrived, and the unicorns simply lay on the insect cover...

"Go away!" Xie Yan waved the silver vines to drive these good deeds, but also very helpless, can't these pets have a B number in their hearts?

Soon after, the fruit was ripe and a will began to contact Xie Yan. After a while, the information of the conversion list was transferred to Xie Yan's brain.

When Xie Yan accepted this list and checked it, he was stunned...


This list of conversions is different from last time, even last time! There are a lot of green-level and copper-level transformants on the top, the most conspicuous ones are the green-level "Tianpuyi No.1", "Earth Sound", "God's Blue", and the copper-level "God's Hand", "Ringtone", "Fire Dragon Three".

These things, there is a unified name in the list information, called the wild device!

If it is combined with tanks, tanks, etc., it will evolve a muzzle that emits thunder and jet flames. The "hand of God" allows the tank to grow flexible hands.

And if it is paired with a creature, it can evolve pseudo-superpowers, such as firing lightning from the hand, throwing flames, and so on.

There are so many introductions in the inventory information, and more things, such as what does it cost to use these forces? Can it be replaced? How powerful?

You don't know anything about this, you must try one out.

In this regard, Xie Yan secretly surprised.

In addition to this, there are two other differences in this list. One is that the success rate of items has been improved. For example, the green metal cluster with a success rate of only 5% has now been increased to 20%! The copper grade metal cluster, which had a success rate of only 3%, has now become 10%!

Of course, the highest success rate is 100%, and it does not break through this category.

The other is the message that there are a lot of silver-level exchange items! You know, the information on the silver exchange items in the last list is ambiguous and lacks two points. This time, it was clearly clearer, and the conversion probability was doubled up, but it was only due to the poor base, so even if it was doubled, it was still very low.

As for why this happens, Xie Yan estimates that it should be related to the psionic energy absorbed at night when the flower bud blooms! The better the absorbed psionic energy, the more conversion products will be formed after the fruit is acquired, and the success rate will be higher!

"such a pity……"

Xie Yan looked at the bells and whistles in the list and felt itchy, but he knew to be patient and to focus on the big picture! So obediently chose the idea receiver.

The fruit received Xie Yan's instructions and began to change his form. A few minutes later, Xie Yan's main stem had an identical dog collar...but the gem on the dog collar was blue.

"Wait, if I want to continue to do so in the future, where should I put my neck?" Xie Yan shook the leaves a little depressed, how can these conversions always like to stay in that position.

"Why don't he..." Xie Yan didn't want to struggle with such a problem anytime soon. It's a big deal to play jigsaws with the fruits and keep going...

After having the idea receiver, Xie Yan can finally "hear" the voices of nearby pets.

"Ah~ why is she even so elegant in spawning? Why is this, why can't I do it?"

"Brother Stork, your wings are too intrusive, find a feeder to change it to your hoof? Like me..."

"What is this brother Roe doing, why a stomp?"

"I want to become stronger, I want to surpass them..."

"Want to applaud... How can the owner let me get a wife?"

"More than 4,000 children will be lost in two days, so I have more children in these two days...um? No eavesdropping!"

"Eh?" Xie Yan looked at the queen bee unexpectedly, could this guy notice him?

"Hum, who do you think I am! I am the great silver bee queen, a symbol of nobility and elegance, a combination of wisdom and strategy, a representative of majesty and power, an incarnation of love and beauty..."

Xie Yan shook the leaves frantically, trying to shake this shameless guy off the leaves.

"Well, you have to be ten times faster! It's spicy chicken!" The queen bee lay firmly on the leaves, disdainful.

"I..." Xie Yan was messed up, was he despised by his pet?

So annoying!

But what can you do, you can't spend time practicing shaking the leaves at the speed of light, right? What's the point of thinking about these things with pets even after the practice?

"Oh, no nectar is allowed, otherwise I will strike in two days!" The queen queen seemed to see through Xie Yan's intention and warned in advance.

The messy Xie Yan froze again, this and this... so in fact the pet is the uncle, is the owner just a servant serving the pet?

Xie Yan, who is in a trance, no longer cares about the queen bee.

After listening to the voices of the pets for a few circles, Xie Yan found that this idea receiver is very powerful, because these ideas he received were not the ideas that the other party actively passed on! Therefore, it is better to say that it is a mind-reading device than a mind receiver.

The range of the idea receiver is the same as the idea transmitter, which means that he can eavesdrop on the voices of all creatures within 4,500 meters!

Xie Yan tried to make a circle in the old forest in the deep mountain, and found that there are still many restrictions on this thing. Later, when he turned around and tried to eavesdrop on the queen bee, the other party showed a look like "you can listen if you have the ability" .

Xie Yan speculates that whether the idea can be received may be related to the eavesdropper's personal wishes and vigilance. Like Hua Xiong and Stork Feather, he has no precautions against him, so he can easily receive the voices of these pets, and the queen bee is full of alertness for him, so the mind receiver cannot get the voice of this guy!

"Wait, what's the matter with that horn?" Xie Yan turned his eyes to the unicorn fairy. Apart from the queen bee, the mind receiver could not capture the voice of the unicorn fairy.

"It should be the same as Big Ben Bear, and they won't be wary of me." Xie Yan thought for a while and took the initiative to pass a message.

"Um... ah? Feeder, hello!" The one-horned angel said hello, and then there was no more voice.

Xie Yan shook the leaves indifferently, and then labelled the unicorn fairy with a stuffy gourd, but within a few seconds, the label was torn off by him, because he thought of a possibility-this guy might be able to Completely empty your brain and don't want anything!

If this is the case, it is a very powerful state!

"Is this really going to be an immortal rhythm?" Xie Yan secretly stunned.

One day before February 14th, at this time, Xie Yan started to ask the queen bee about silver-level abilities. Before he could not communicate with the queen bee so he could not know the specific practices, but now he has a full set of ideas After the communicator, there will be no obstacles in the communication between them.

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