I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 59: Preparation before the war

"Can it still be like this?"

Xie Yan secretly said, this is equivalent to converting the area of ​​more than 60 square kilometers that was originally uniformly expanded into a unidirectional fan-shaped area, and the straight line distance is terrible.

Of course, the farther the transmission distance, the worse the efficiency of the gemstone. The final distance is 2,700 times the visible distance, and the straight-line distance has reached more than 40 kilometers. It is enough to thank you for extending your hand to the city of Bono!

Next, as long as the eye position is set, Xie Yan is too lazy to think about it, and directly creates a temporary eye strain for the bees to send over. The so-called temporary eye strain is actually a small-sized energy storage bag hung next to the eye strain to maintain the vitality of the eye strain.

Several difficult problems are solved in less than a week, and the rest will wait until February 11th and 12th to ripen the fruit and turn it into an idea receiver, forming an idea exchange with the idea transmitter to realize the queen bee Possibility to remotely command the swarm!

Everything is ready, just wait for the day of the decisive battle!


When Xie Yan was ready, several schools in Peno City completed the final exam with the final evacuation time. The teachers worked overtime and overtime. The next day, the papers were changed out so that those who thought they could escape The robbery students complained.

In the girls’ dormitory, a litter of people began to pack up and leave.

At this time, Zheng Mingyao stepped up and asked, "Week Zhou, are you coming next semester...Aren't you coming?"

After the test results came out that day, Lin Zhouer was taken out by Wang Jin for a period of time. As for what to do, Zheng Mingyao did not know. She guessed that she was going through some procedures, such as transfer procedures, etc. After all, Lin Zhouer was a change. People's affairs have already been settled, so it is a hard thing to transfer to the Mutant College.

"I don't know. It is possible to go to junior high school before going to school. It is also possible to leave the school next school year, but at least the next semester will come." Lin Zhouer said.

Zheng Mingyao let out a sigh of relief and could play together for a few more months.

"By the way, are you free to enter and exit the city at will?" Zheng Mingyao asked, she never missed taking a photo with the bronze gate...

"Don't think about these things, it's unrealistic... And when I was taken to meet those big people that day, they all looked ugly, and the actual situation is not as optimistic as they said!" Lin Zhouer shook his head and whispered. .

"Really?" Zheng Mingyao shuddered.

Lin Zhouer nodded with certainty.

When Wang Jin brought Lin Zhouer in to see the senior officials of the Federation, after reporting the general situation, taking her in was only to verify the authenticity of these words with the senior officials.

At that time, the faces of these high-level leaders with different thoughts were more than ugly. Those brows were frowning, and they could catch a bunch of flies. Lin Zhou'er's statement here was already beautified.

Therefore, in the past two days, a large number of troops were stationed in the urban area of ​​Banye City. The windows of the high-rise building were filled with muzzles aimed at the copper-colored gate. And farther away, even missiles and enough mushroom bombs were deployed to prevent it.

When the last batch of students left the school, the 1,800 students sent by the three major mutant schools arrived at the scene. As early as on the road, they heard that the situation on the scene had deteriorated. In other words, the mortality rate might be Will turn up several times!

So when they got off the bus, they hesitated one by one and felt heavy.

Li Yinsheng in the team sighed. The worse the situation, the less likely the students will be sent back. They can wait for these people to help them over!

"Zhou Qing is right, a group of bad old men."

As a mentor and instructor for these students, Li Yinsheng was quite dissatisfied with this, but as a member of the army, he could understand this approach.

After getting off the bus, all the students were arranged to go to the auditorium of the No. 1 Middle School in Penno City for pre-war instruction, and it was Wang Jin who taught them!

"This kid?" Li Yinsheng recognized this guy at a glance, the senior student who came with the tutor when he was investigating the plant in the wasteland.

"I didn't expect to see him in a year, this kid is a good mix!" Li Yinsheng looked at Wang Jin's dress, obviously not ordinary.

The lecture begins...

Wang Jin went directly to the subject and began the popular science knowledge about the division of ability types and the approximate armed configuration of this round of enemies.

"What the hell! Bronze combat power, with modern bronze weapons, and armor?"

"Don't you say that your opponent is a beast? Has it become a human being?"

"What about our equipment? Can't we let us go with bare hands?"


After Wang Jin's words were just finished, the students were all talking.

Wang Jin raised his hand and pressed it, beckoning everyone to be quiet, and told them that they would also equip them here.

Then everyone saw a complete set of individual equipment brought up by several soldiers, a ceramic body armor, an alloy dagger... and it was gone.

The audience was in an uproar.

This equipment is for them to die!

Wang Jin signaled the background to turn up the microphone volume, and then said slowly: "As you can see, this is our equipment, most of you can only wear this thing on the battlefield!"

"To be honest, it's just... there's no difference between wearing it and not."

Speaking of which, it gradually became quiet underneath.

"So, we can only fight to fight!"

With that said, a few more sets of equipment were taken up, and these pieces of equipment were mixed in various colors.

Wang Jin pointed to the equipment and said: "Here are a total of 13 pieces of copper armor, nine of which are woven from the vines of copper plants, and the remaining four are woven from the skins of copper beasts. This is our federation. So far, there are only a few pieces of bronze equipment."

"People assigned to these 13 pieces of armor, your role is to rush into the battlefield to pick up the corpses and pick up the good equipment on those people!"

Speaking of which, a teacher underneath questioned, "Don't it mean that copper-level castings must be used by people above the copper level? Then these 13 pieces of copper-level armor can only be used by silver-level people?"

"That's right, but it's not all right." Wang Jin shook his head. "The kind of casting you're talking about is mainly made of stone or metal, naturally formed or forged, but the thirteen sets of armor are derived from Bronze animals and copper plants, so they can be used normally without the need for silver."

The people below nodded.

"Secondly, the castings are divided into pure iron, pure stone castings and mixed iron and mixed stone manufacturing, that is, alloys. The situation you said only applies to the former. The latter is mixed up with other low-level materials. With this rule, even the blue-level personnel can pick up the blue-level castings!" Wang Jin said, and took out a blue dagger. "This is the case with this dagger. It mainly consists of blue-level stones. It is forged from various common metals, and its strength even exceeds that of pure stone daggers!"

"A little ink!" Li Yinsheng looked surprised.

"Just say it here, and then arrange for you to check the characteristics. When the specific situation comes out, you will be disrupted and re-formed! In addition, all the students and instructors who have arrived at the Bronze level will stay!"

"The above, disband!" Wang Jin waved his hand. The young staff were taken away by the staff and went to the student dormitory. The bronze staff stayed at the scene and waited for follow-up.

Li Yinsheng thought about it and left the scene...

The remaining copper level began to discuss who would wear these equipments, and many people shrank and tensed to death. After all, if you want to take the crown, you must bear its weight. If you wear these things, I am afraid that you are not even your own life!

It was in such a tense atmosphere that February 14th gradually approached.

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