I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 56: Test (four more! Just ask for collection! Seek recommendation tickets! Seek rewards!)

As the so-called confidant knows that the other side can survive a battle, how much damage can a mass-produced projectile inflict on the monster behind the door? How many bullets do you need to destroy a monster behind the door?

These must be clarified, not sloppy.

As for why you don’t experiment with mutants directly... The human nature of the upper-level Federation hasn’t been extinguished to that extent, not to mention that the biological body structure of the world over there may be very different from here, so even if you take people here It’s useless to test.

At night, chariots drove past the streets, and in the alleys by the street, two girls were sneaking.

"How to take pictures at night?" Lin Zhouer glanced at the sky and questioned Zheng Mingyao on the side.

"Relax, I can shoot clearly on my mobile phone at night!" Zheng Mingyao hurriedly explained. This look made Lin Zhouer feel a little weird.

If Xie Yan is here, Zheng Mingyao's lies will be exposed on the spot.

The price of a mobile phone that can take pictures at night is never cheap, and even if there is such a mobile phone, a question mark is required. After all, in Xie Yan's cognition, only SLR cameras use long exposures to shoot clear and excellent low-noise night scenes. photo.

Another point is that Zheng Mingyao lives in a flat. Rich people would rather rent a house outside than let their daughter squeeze a bed with others at school. Of course there are accidents, but the probability is very small and can be ignored.

In general, Zheng Mingyao has no guy who can take night scenes at all, and he can't afford it! It can only be said that the drunkard does not mean wine...

"Quickly!" Zheng Mingyao saw the timing and continued to move towards the copper-colored gate.

Then, unsurprisingly, the two were caught by the agents...

"Student? Which school's? I'll take out the student ID and take a look!" The agent routinely checked.

However, Zheng Mingyao did not take out his documents, but pointed to Lin Zhouer and said, "Sir, I have important things to report!"

The agent frowned slightly.

"She is a blue-level mutator, and it's real! Really!" Zheng Mingyao said, as a fellow shopkeeper, she found that Lin Zhou'er used the consciousness unconsciously at night, which is not a strange thing.

"Eh?" Lin Zhouer was startled. She didn't know why Zheng Mingyao said so.

"Really! You are supporting yourself to sleep every night, I want to take pictures for you several times, but every time you subconsciously stop me from pressing the shutter button! So I brought you over and let you follow them Go check it!" Zheng Mingyao continued.

She is 80% sure that Lin Zhou'er is a mutator of thoughts. Although the person concerned may not know about it, she took the other party out in order to make Lin Zhouer understand her condition.

Of course, she also wanted to see the bronze gate that only appeared in the photos. She wanted to take photos on the spot and lay out a circle of friends... So she had a plan to do this.

Selfishness and of course good intentions, at least to take this opportunity to let Lin Zhouer have a clear understanding of himself. In addition, when a government agent tests Lin Zhouer, she can also test it together. After all, compared with the so-called awakening appraisal agencies outside, the official appraisal results will be more credible. The most important thing is not to pay. !

The agent frowned, this was the first time he encountered this situation, he didn't know how to make a decision, so he could only report the matter here.

A moment later, a car drove over and took Lin Zhouer and Zheng Mingyao away.

Lin Zhouer, who was riding in the car, was upset. She looked at Zheng Mingyao with dissatisfaction. As a student, if there was any disciplinary action, it was a very fatal thing. The annual tuition and fees subsidy may be given because of this matter. Stopped!

"Relax!" Zheng Mingyao comforted again and again.

Soon after, the car drove into the barracks. Under the leadership of several agents, the two women were taken to a tent for interrogation. Seeing this posture, even Zheng Mingyao's face was scared pale, Lin Zhou'er on the side was even worse, trembling, his eyes were blank, and his mind was blank.

"No... It's okay, they didn't handcuff us, indicating that the problem is not serious." Zheng Mingyao comforted Lin Zhou'er while also comforting himself.

In this way, the two women stayed in the interrogation room for a long time, and then there was a shaved head, wearing white overalls, and the amiable commissioner who came in with the test tool.

The moment they saw the test tool and the commissioner, they only breathed. It shouldn't have come to interrogate them.

"Which mind-alteration awakened?" the Commissioner asked.

Zheng Mingyao pointed to Lin Zhouer.

"Okay, sit in that chair and do a test with me." The commissioner pointed to the chair opposite the table.

Lin Zhou'er hesitated for a while, and sat down with extreme anxiety. Then the commissioner said, "My name is Wang Jin, you can call me team leader Wang."

With that, Wang Jin reached out and politely shook hands with Lin Zhouer.

When releasing her hand, Lin Zhouer looked at the strange pair of gloves Wang Jin was wearing, and was puzzled, but she was not restrained and asked questions.

"Then I will say what you want to do," Wang Jin said, taking out the first test tool.

It stands to reason that the number of brain-body variants should be between the number of flesh-body variants, but in fact, the ratio between the two sides is 1:9, the reason is that it is difficult for people with mental changes to find that they have changed. At present In all cases, more than 80% came from the "report" of friends and family.

"Looking at this rice stick, put all your attention on this!" Wang guided further, "Imagine breaking it!"

Lin Zhouer's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she worked hard for a long time, and there was no change in the rice sticks.

"It's okay, just relax." Wang Jin took out another item, which was a thicker wooden stick. "It's still the same. Focus on it and imagine breaking it."

Lin Zhouer tried it and it still had no effect. The failure of the two tests made her even more nervous. She swallowed, her heart rate accelerated, and she sweated.

"It doesn't matter, these are just appetizers." Wang Jin once again signaled Lin Zhouer to calm down and explained: "The method I use now is called the guidance method, and the low success rate is normal at first."

With that said, he took out a thin iron rod and continued to let Lin Zhouer break it.

Lin Zhou'er nodded, and this time, her nervousness made her adrenaline soar. She clenched her teeth and slammed her teeth. There was a flash of blue in her hair, and then she only heard a click, and the thin iron rod was disconnected from it. !

"Wow, it's a success!" Zheng Mingyao jumped and jumped happily, as if the person awakened by the change wasn't Lin Zhou'er but her.

Lin Zhouer was breathing heavily, she did not expect it, she really succeeded!

Only Wang Jin changed his previous appearance and looked at the broken iron rod's brows, because the thin iron rod in his hand was not broken, but cut!

The incision is very smooth, it can be seen that this idea is extremely "sharp"!

"It's a rare cutting mind." Wang Jin's voice of the seed rang out in his brain.

Wang Jin was shocked, he pressed the watch, put on a smile and said: "The test is completed, confirm that you are a blue-level mind changer! You wait here for a while, I go to get some certification materials, you go back and fill it in."

After talking, Wang Jin left the temporary tent without looking back.

"Why, what's the hurry to do?" Zheng Mingyao also wanted Wang Jin to test it for himself.

"I wouldn't have made any mistakes?" Lin Zhouer always felt that he would break into a group of detectives and detain her.

"What do you want?" Zheng Mingyao stepped forward and touched Lin Zhou'er's head. "You are now a mutated person, and Huang Huang Tengda is just around the corner! This leg hair pendant says, don't forget me..."

"How can it be so easy." Lin Zhou'er shook her head, and at the same time, she flashed through the flower road that night, and could not help but secretly said: "Maybe this is the power given by the mountain god?"


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