I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 55: Mutant Brigade (34)

Because of the special location of the copper-colored gate, its rating is A+. Although it is A+, there is almost no need for confidentiality, because on the day when the copper-colored gate appeared, this thing spread wildly on the Internet.

Thanks to this, the live broadcast room of Dongdu Mutant School once again ushered in the peak of traffic. At the same time, Jingcheng Mutant School and Nanzhou Mutant School also followed the practice of East Capital and broadcast live The room was erected to attract popularity.

Three-legged, humorous and live-streaming style to get the top spot...useless!

Those professional live broadcasts are better at this point than the lecturers who are halfway through. I don’t know how many times. I hear people talk about it, why are you here?

So if you want to suppress the other two schools, you have to come up with dry goods! For example, to explain, where did the bronze gate come from? What is behind the door? And the topic that everyone is most concerned about-when does this door open?

Of the three schools, who can answer this question first and accurately, then the number one position in the future is likely to be theirs. As for why? There are two reasons:

First, it shows that the school is close to the federal government. Secondly, it shows that the professors in this school are really real!

However, the situation of the three hegemonies that the audience expected did not appear, because on the third day, the official was afraid of rumors, so the exact time was announced...

February 14th, that is, twenty-seven days later!


In Penno City No. 1 Middle School, students take classes in the classroom as usual.

Holidays are not possible, after all, the official official evacuation time is two weeks later, and the official also specifically stated that there will be no danger before the door is fully opened!

In this case, it is better to continue the class. At the most, the final exam time is in advance. After the exam, the students are allowed to go home for the New Year. After the New Year, the copper-colored gate is almost finished. The students come back to school as usual. It is a perfect schedule, and hit the faces of the students who are looking forward to the holiday!

The bell rang, and the students in the third grade of seventh grade flocked out. The next section was a physical education class, so they came to the playground early to prepare for the meeting.

Before the meeting, everyone was in groups, and the discussion was nothing more than the gate in the sky.

"I heard that the three mutant schools must send mutants to come here for actual combat. The scene must be spectacular!"

"I really want to go to the scene..."

"Come on, go to the scene, is it not fast enough to die? What if there is a dead alien in it?"

"Hey, maybe I will make a breakthrough in the end, and kill the aliens with my backhand! Don't you think the protagonists in the novel are all the same?"

"Just like you are the protagonist... in a novel like you, you can't live in three chapters! The first two chapters are the same kind of water!"

"I really hope that the aliens come over to wipe out the school, so we don’t have to take classes next semester!"

What is behind the door is currently recognized as various monsters. After all, as long as you walk near the door, you can hear the sound of the beast roar from the door, so everyone understands that there will be a war on February 14!

Compared with the radical and middle school boys, the girls discussed much more euphemistically, and they are more concerned about the stars than the copper-colored doors.

Lin Zhouer was free from this group. She sat on the stone beside him, waiting for the physical education teacher to come to gather.

At this time, a fat girl came over to sit beside her, touched Lin Zhouer's shoulder and said, "Would you like to take a look at the door after school this afternoon?"

Lin Zhouer glanced at the girl.

The girl's name is Zheng Mingyao, the same girl as Lin Zhou'er. The relationship between the two is OK. Zheng Mingyao is also one of Lin Zhou's few friends who can speak.

"Farewell, so dangerous." Lin Zhouer shook his head.

"It doesn't mean that it was safe before the 14th, so it's okay." Zheng Mingyao shook Lin Zhouer's arm and persuaded.

"But... there are a lot of detectives, and they will definitely refuse to let us in!" Lin Zhouer still has some scruples, and now there are detectives everywhere near the door. Almost impossible.

"I know a path can be sneaked in... oh, it's okay, you just go in and take two pictures with me." Zheng Mingyao put on a look of begging, "I was said to be home when I was caught, no Something will happen!"

"Zhou Zhou~~"

"Okay, go with you." Lin Zhouer Yo, but she can only agree.

Zheng Mingyao's face immediately showed a bright smile.


In the gymnasium of Dongdu Mutant School, a group of students with the highest degree of aberration were assembled here. Principal Han Qingjie stood on the high podium and said:

"Everyone must know the things about Peno City this time, and the situation is relatively optimistic, so the school decided to send you over..."


Mutations are very man-powered, and some mutants still have a strong mind, such people are born to be warriors!

Therefore, instead of saying that these mutants are students, it is better to say that they are reserve soldiers. After all, the original intention of establishing a school was to deal with the golden door that was to be opened in addition to surrounding the mutants to prevent them from making trouble. After the enemy!

"Some of you may be sacrificed, but remember, the chicks who will always stay under the roof will not become a climate!"

"And you should have noticed that this time the door is bronze, then what it means, you should be clear!"

It means that there may be silver gates and golden gates behind!

Thinking of this, the students swallowed.

"So if you are not sent to practice, what are your qualifications to deal with threats that may come in the future? Federation, who will protect?"

"You are born warriors, and the four words defending the Federation are far away for others, but for you, it may be the last two or three years!"

"Educational calibration allows you to quit, but in principle, sorry, not allowed! And when the school recruited you in, the school emphasized this again and again, since you did not choose to quit at that time, it is the default!"

The students were in a heavy mood.

The principals could not refute these words, and the agreement signed at the time of enrollment told them that the Federation would need them in the future. After enrollment, they would be paramilitary training, and a movie of superheroes saving the world would be screened once a week.

All the signs are telling them that in the future you will fight like the superheroes in the movie against the fierce and brutal villains. As long as you are not stupid, you can guess one or two, so most people are more or less prepared.

Some militants even have some expectations!

"Nonsense is here, and then start to split the team. Every ten people are a team. Each team has a team leader and deputy team leader. Every three teams have a team leader and deputy team leader. Each team will be led by an experienced instructor. ,Wish you guys good luck!"

Principal Han Qingbing finished, and asked the instructor to start the division.

"If you get it done, you still have to send it out for a task..." Li Yinsheng buckled his nose depressively. He thought he would be able to spend the rest of his life in school calmly.

Soon, the team was allocated, led by the instructors of their respective brigades, and went to Peno City.

There are three such student teams from three mutant schools. Each student team is about 600 people, all of them are above the youth level, and a few of them have reached the bronze level!

And they are not the main force this time. The real main forces are those conventional troops. After all, they have to figure out how powerful the guns and cannons are against the creatures behind the door!


There may be a chapter after twelve o'clock, forgive me for the speed of the code.

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