I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 57: Expedition

Wang Jin hurriedly walked to the tent where no one was, and said to the air, "Be clear!"


A sigh came from the seed, "Your humans are too slow, and such a superficial thing hasn't been found even today."

"Listen, every mutated person has so-called ‘attributes’, but it’s not a traditional earth, water, fire, sky and darkness... but a physical characteristic.”

"For example the girl just now, her mindfulness characteristic is "cutting", that is, when attacking with mindfulness, it will tend to feel like "cutting" and "cutting". Such characteristics are also called "attacking type" mentality."

"Since there is an "aggressive" mind, there is naturally a "defensive" mind. As the name suggests, this kind of mind is suitable for defense. In addition, there is an "auxiliary" mind, which can separate your mind and attach it to the body of others. Increase your strength and increase your defense! Or you can motivate your mind and promote physical healing!"

"And if you use the "attack" mentality to defend, or use the "defensive" mentality to attack, the effect will be greatly reduced."

"In addition, there are also corresponding characteristics of the physical aliens, but there are only two types of attack and defense. Your words belong to the "poison type" in the "attack type", but all the enemies you hit will be poisoned by me and die. ."

Wang Jin took a deep breath, but this is big news!

"How did you get rid of it? Actually willing to actively share information with me?" Wang Jin asked tentatively. He was afraid that the seed was playing him. After all, this guy hasn't been so honest since he was possessed by the seed!

"Knowing? Candid? Then I let you guess. Why do you think I suddenly became so candid?" Seed asked slowly.

Wang Jin frowned, and this attitude of seed reminded him of a possibility!

"That's right, that's it." Seed can read his thoughts directly, "because you are almost saved! In this case, the top executives are still fighting internally, it is stupid!"

"They don't really think that they can win over there with aircraft cannons and existing power? Wake up!"

"Over the door, a 90% probability will be a civilization! Do you have aircraft cannons, do they not? I tell you clearly that you can use a gold gate, at least a civilization above the silver level!"

"If you don't understand, I will give you the science of what is called a silver civilization, that is, the upper level is gold, the elite is silver, and the public is bronze!"

"One of their most trashy warriors is also a guy wearing a bronze armor and holding a bronze weapon! And this weapon is not the axe hammer used by the barbarians you think, but a real modern weapon with bullets inside. Probably all made of green metal!"

"do you understand?"

Wang Jin listened to the cold sweat, if this configuration is really behind the door, their so-called modern troops may be a joke!

"I know that you have a hole-breaking card, and that thing is really powerful. It's not impossible to fuse the gold gate, but can you bear the consequences of using that thing?" The seed continued to pressure Wang Jin.

"Then... is there something like a green nuclear bomb, a silver nuclear bomb?" Wang Jin thought of a possibility, and could not help but shudder.

"This is assured. Strictly speaking, there will be no such thing on the opposite side. After all, with cleaner and more powerful scale weapons, will you still use this kind of thing that hurts the enemy by a thousand and damages itself by 800?" Seed Said.

Wang Jin shook his head, certainly not!

"Wait, doesn't it mean that they can..." Wang Jin came back, his pupils shrank.

"Yes, because it's very clean, so don't worry about polluting the environment, use it as you want." Seed confirmed his thoughts.

Wang Jin couldn't help but take a breath. It was a matter of great importance. This matter must be reported quickly.

"By the way, those two girls..." Wang Jin just about to leave, remembering that there were still people waiting for him, patting his head and walking in the other direction.

If necessary, he also needs the girl with the "cutting" mind to demonstrate to him and add some persuasion.


Xie Yan, after more than two months of gestation, the fruit on his head turned into a bronze color smoothly, but he did not pick it but chose to continue to conceive. After all, it has just become a bronze color now, which has a copper level The success rate of transformants is not very high.

In case of failure, those two months will be wasted...

"Why is it so messy outside these two days?" Xie Yan adjusted his perspective to the Dongdu Mutant School, and a teacher happened to brush the video in the dormitory.

"Huh? A bronze gate appeared over the city of Bono?"

"Alien invasion? The federal government is preparing for war?"

"and many more……"

Seeing these pieces of news, Xie Yan shuddered, "Yes, it must be something! This is definitely something that guy made!"

He doesn’t know what is behind the bronze gate, but he knows that the mysterious man will seize this opportunity to plant and blame him, such as trying to make the public think that the bronze gate and those alien creatures that may appear, He made it out!

At that time, there will be an argument against the evil plants on the Internet. At that time, even if Xie Yan had the ability to hire a sailor, it was not clear...

"Wow, it's dying!" Xie Yanchao's branches tremble.

His weapons of mass destruction are still in the womb, and if he intensifies the contradiction, he will not be able to run.

"The door will open on February 14th. If you don't want to back the pot, the best way is to participate in that battle that day to prevent the **** pot that you may accidentally carry back!" Xie Yan secretly said, but the problem came. Where is Penno City? Besides, even if he knew the way, there was no way to go!

"Send pets?"

Xie Yan glanced at Hua Xiong them, shook the leaves, and rejected the idea. This time, it is estimated that the wind will be cool and easy to get cold, and will definitely be caught by humans and locked up, or killed on the spot!

"No, there is a way!"

Xie Yan immediately set his sights on the two queen bees. Hua Xiong, dogs might be inconvenient to go and easy to catch, what about bees? As long as the queen bee remains, a few worker bees are killed or a few worker bees are caught, no harm!

"Feasible!" Xie Yan secretly said: "In addition to participating in the war, we must also take this opportunity to sound the banner here, anyway, the human high-level has already known my existence! Take this opportunity to tell them... I am strong, not easy to mess with , But I am also a reliable friendly!"

Xie Yan glanced at the calendar of a certain house in Mianshan Village, "It is now the end of January, and there are a little more than two weeks before the war! Within two weeks...No, it will be done in one week!"

Xie Yan suspended the construction of the city wall and began to concentrate on how to form a bee expedition team that can be expeditioned and has a strong attack power!

It is best to allow the queen bee to perform ultra-remote control. After all, without the queen bee's command, those bees are just a piece of sand!

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