I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 49: Flower Ring!

In the mountain forest night in December, the cold wind practiced, the leaves and grass were blown loudly, and various animals came out for food as usual.

Suddenly, they smelled a tantalizing fragrance, and their hearts became restless when they could not find the source.

In the valley, the flower bud above Xie Yan's head fully matured. After absorbing the entire silver psionic energy of the energy storage bladder, the whole flower bud suddenly bloomed.

This time, it was no longer the usual four-petal layer, but doubled to eight!

Xie Yan speculated that this may be related to the psionic energy absorbed before flowering, but I don't know what changes will be made to the fruit bred in this situation...

The number of petals has doubled, but the flowering speed has not changed, which means that the flowering time has doubled!

This is not good news. At least for the queen bee, the longer the flower blooms, the more insects will be attracted by the floral fragrance, and the more enemies the bee colony will have to face.

In addition to insects, many land animals have also been found. After all, the current aura is getting stronger and richer, and there are more and more abnormal animals. When the abnormal changes, their sense of smell has also increased. Have the ability to trace the aroma.

This was the case with Hua Xiong.

At this moment, the bear in the air swimming pool can't sit still anymore, the beast could have foretold it that there will be a fierce battle tonight!

Xie Yan looked at the two pets and pondered, "This may be an opportunity to exercise them!"

He recalled the big cat born in the zoo. He had obviously reached the bronze and silver level, but he couldn't even beat the bronze bear. This shows the importance of training.

Of course, exercise is exercise. Once the queen bee and Hua Xiong are in danger, Xie Yan will still take action to protect him in a timely manner. Anyway, he is also a partner who has come all the way. Seeing death is not cruel!

Soon, the first "diner" appeared, exactly the first group of diners, this is a group of blue butterflies, human and animal harmless flapping their wings.

I have to say that the butterfly group is too weak, and it will come every time it blooms, but it won't get much benefit every time. But this is also something that can't be done. After all, they are not naturally combat systems, and the direction of the change is also very vague. They don't seem to have any special skills.

The cyan pink butterfly was not expelled by the three-color bee, because it was not yet time to fight.

As time went on, the petals opened slowly and layer by layer, and the number of insects gathered in the air had reached a very large number. Looking from a distance, the black pressure pressed a large piece.

There are many variants of these insects, including green, bronze, copper, and even copper and silver!

It was a silver-copper unicorn and a thick heavy armor that could break its defense on the spot. Apart from Xie Yan, I am afraid that there is only Hua Xiong?

And compared to the single-horned fairy alone, another insect made Xie Yan's eyes-a group of copper-level wasps! They are twice as large as the three-color bees, and the long tail stings will feel horrified even if Xie Yan sees them.

Unlike the queen who flinched, the queen bee stood proudly in front of the battlefield, giving a feeling of gazing at the world.

Too many opponents are too strong, which makes the pressure of the three-color bee colony double.

The queen bee hiding under the leaves looked up at the queen bee, not knowing what to think about.

When the fifth layer of petals opened, the first terrestrial creature appeared. It was a pure black skunk. Xie Yan looked at the skunk with blue skin. This is a genuine green skunk.

Hua Xiong also glanced at the skunk, without any trouble.

Following the skunk is a copper feather stork. It is worth noting that it has a silver beak!

"Another bronze and silver level." Xie Yan glanced at Hua Xiong, and was worried about the safety of this guy. "It should be fine. It's just a stork bird. The bronze and silver tigers have won... ."

After that, several land animals came one after another, including a copper-level roe, a bronze-level civet cat, and a silver-cheeked wolf-dog looking sick.

"Roar!" Hua Xiong issued a stern warning that these guys were not allowed to come near!

While seeing these animals, an idea came out of Xie Yan's heart-do you want to accept some more pets?

Seriously, when he saw these abnormal animals, his heart moved! In the last round of attacks, how much help Hua Xiong and the queen bee gave him is obvious to all. If more animals are recruited...

Anyway, now he has sufficient resources, and there is no burden to keep a few more pets!

"In this case, let this feast be a game!" Xie Yan secretly said, only the most powerful ones are worthy of his pet!

So he preached to all insects and beasts at the same time: "I will secrete nectar six times, face all insects an odd number of times, and face all terrestrial beasts an even number of times. The beasts are not allowed to grab the nectar of the insects of the odd number of rounds. Get nectar for even-numbered rounds."

"Deaths and injuries are allowed in the course of the struggle, and you can also give up halfway to wait for the next round. If you choose to give up halfway, the rest of the "people" cannot be chased and killed. Similarly, abstainers can no longer join this round of competition!"

"The winner of each round is not allowed to participate again!"

"Offender, kill!"

"the above!"

Xie Yan's swaying silver vine rang in the air. In this place, no alien creature can take his whip!

Rules released, whether it is insects or beasts, except for queen bees and Chinese bears, almost fell into a dull, this is the first time they have come into contact with such a strange way of dialogue.

Among them, the more intelligent ones, such as the queen bee, the bronze and silver unicorn fairy and the stork bird, they began to try to communicate with Xie Yan in this way, especially the stork bird. Something was wrong, just squeezed out a lump of things.

Upon seeing this, Xie Yan reminded, "This is a unilateral transmission of consciousness, so no matter how hard you try, I can't hear your thoughts."

"Get ready, the flowers are about to bloom!" Xie Yan reminded.

The insects were restless.

It didn’t take long for the seventh petal to open, one or two... When the last petal slowly opened, the insects flapped their wings and rushed up!

At the same time, the land animals represented by Hua Xiong found a place to sit down and watch the play. What's more, Hua Xiong doesn't know where to take a bunch of fruits and eat while watching...

Xie Yan was a little helpless, telling the truth, he wouldn't be surprised when the bear suddenly became a human being.

The restless insects collided together, and an unprecedented fighting broke out over Xie Yan!

Only the most powerful three parties, the unicorn, the bee colony, and the three-color bee colony, have no action at all, and no insects dare to provoke them.

"Buzz!" The queen bee flew to the queen bee and the one-horn fairy separately, and made suggestions.

Since there are three opportunities, why should the three of them meet each other? Wouldn't it be better to join forces with the enemy?


Thanks to Scavenger 2333 for the 200 rewards!

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