I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 48: The stubbornness of the queen bee, the dignity of the bee colony

At the current speed, the speed of making a plant-made rocket is about half an hour, and another ten minutes to adjust. In other words, after a rocket pops out, the next one has to wait forty minutes!

Xie Yan even filled the entire position with rocket artillery, it was difficult to completely make up for this 40-minute fire vacancy, so in addition to the rocket artillery, he also needed some additional means to fill the attack gap.

For example, the ballista or catapult in the backup plan.

As for some early things, such as ejecting poison fog and planting traps, Xie Yan is ready to eliminate them. After all, the poison fog will be dispersed once the rockets are fired, and the traps will also be exploded. Wasting resources.

In the same way, objects such as traps, thunder trips, etc. will also be invalidated, although it is a pity, but this is also something that cannot be done.

In the last four days of the flowering period, Xie Yan is ready to take a break, and shift his perspective to see what is happening outside now.

The first thing I went to was Li Yinsheng’s dormitory. There was no need to say more reasons. But when Xie Yan focused his attention on this, he found that around this eye strain, there were small blackboards and signs:

"Hello, my name is Li Yinsheng, let's get to know it?"

"Humans are friendly creatures, so you don't have to be afraid!"

"Combination is good for both, fighting is good for two..."

"People and plants create a beautiful home together!"


There are many other things like this. The signboard in the special corner is posted with a photo of a beautiful star and written: "If you want to repay, please become like this..."

"It seems that he probably knows that I am a conscious plant..." Xie Yan sighed secretly in his heart, but then again, what the **** is this gratitude? When does this guy have grace with himself?

Xie Yan did not understand.

As for those slogans... He benefits both, of course, he certainly knows, but at the same time he also knows a few other words-and hide from the tiger! Be guilty!

Besides the signboards, there is nothing else. Xie Yan originally wanted to see the hot news, but there was no one in the entire staff dormitory.

"Empty...because the school starts to go to class. Right, if the mysterious person confuses the principal..." Xie Yan shivered and the leaves rustled.

It is estimated to be thousands of mutated troops!

"It shouldn't be. Mysterious people really can confuse human beings. In the last round, they don't need to lead tigers out of the mountains. Just call a few humans to come and make trouble." Xie Yan secretly said that once he hurts humans, that's the nature. It's different. Even if we talk about it in the future, there will be a must between the two parties. He has the possibility of being stabbed at the back at any time!

"So the mysterious person wants human beings to hit me, the best way is to blame the situation, and blame it on my head!" Xie Yan thought of a possibility. As for whether it is, it depends on the next round of attacks What is the situation.

Thinking of this, Xie Yan is even more eager to have a spokesperson for the human side, asking for nothing else, just asking for room for negotiation when the conflict between the two sides breaks out!

"Wait, did this Li Yinsheng have any trouble?" Xie Yan thought that Li Yinsheng's right to speak was obviously heavier than Lin Zhou'er who was still in junior high school. Besides, he was still a teacher. Everything.

But soon Xie Yan dispelled the idea. After all, Li Yinsheng was a middle-aged man with a mature mind. It wasn't that he could be confused by a sentence or two.

"Just be a spare tire first." Xie Yan silently knocked Li Yinsheng into the cold palace...

In addition to Li Yinsheng, Xie Yan found that there was another person who was trying to communicate with himself. The person was in Mianshan Village, pretending to be a detective. This person, like Li Yinsheng, made various brands and placed them around his eye strains to show him friendliness.

"So the entire human society knows that I am aware of it?" Xie Yan's heart jumped, which is not good news. At the same time, he also thought of a way for mysterious people to confuse humanity. The other party first spread conspiracy theories on the Internet, provoked the relationship between him and humanity, and then used the public opinion to pressure the government here to force them to send troops!

The probability is not low, but what Xie Yan does not know is that his existence has been rated as A level, which is a high-level secret, and it will not be impossible to become a popular Internet network...

Xie Yan, who was observing all kinds of things in the world, suddenly discovered that the queen bee was flying anxiously in front of him. He turned his attention away from the kilometer away and preached: "What?"

The queen queen shouted out all the worker bees, pointed at them, and flew to the flower bud a few times.

Xie Yan understood that the queen queen meant that its army had not yet been formed. I hope he could delay the flowering time and give them some preparations.

"No, I'll go back and get rid of those bugs." Xie Yan preached, he can make a large-scale insect cover, and then open a dedicated channel for three-color bees on it.

After all, they are their own pets, and they should enjoy special treatment.

However, for this approach, the queen bee broke out extremely strongly.

Xie Yan froze for a moment, which seemed to be telling him: Don't interfere!

"Buzz!" The queen bee stubbornly flew in the air:

This is our dignity! I would rather annihilate the whole army than eat such a scornful food!

"Yes, then I will drag on for a few days." Xie Yan said very simply, "but it won't drag for too long, you must be mentally prepared!"

"Buzz!" The queen bee understood.

"It's guts!" Xie Yan appreciates the queen's attitude very much. Look at the bear again, there is no harm without comparison...

In the days when the flowering period was delayed, the queen bee stopped her spawning work, began to count the adults who had just broken the pupae, and divided all the three-colored bees into several teams according to age, size, and silvering degree, and practiced separately.

So Xie Yan saw a variety of novel attack formations, surrounded and induced... I have to say that the queen bee is definitely a worm in team battles!

Not only that, the queen bee also opened the honey pond, each three-color bee can eat two bites of cyan honey, of which the more robust worker bees can drink more advanced copper-colored honey!

The queen bee invested her capital in order to blossom the fierce battle that night!

Xie Yan took advantage of the delay in the flowering period and got out the ballista.

The principle is not difficult. It is to use the elastic deformation of the crossbow arm to shoot out the thick crossbow arrows. He has made out the rocket artillery. This little project is nothing.

So the planted ballista was born, five meters long, three meters wide and one and a half meters high. In addition to the normal crossbow, Xie Yan also added a crossbow box at the bottom, which was filled with ten crossbow arrows. The crossbow box is connected to the bowstring again, and two jet vines are added to the bowstring.

In this way, once the vine pulls the bow string, the mechanism in the crossbow box will be triggered, and the crossbow arrow will pop up, completing the operation of the arrow.

After the ballistas were done, Xie Yan glanced at the queen bee. The latter looked dignified and the fighting spirit was high.

"Good luck!" Xie Yan preached. The queen nodded and the three-color bee troops were ready to go!

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