I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 50: Compare strength!

"Smart guy!"

Xie Yan praised the queen bee's approach very much. After all, compared to the kind of rua who rushed to Euler Euler, he prefers this kind of cooperation and win-win, and then crushes the past with absolute advantage!

The queen bee heard the call of the queen bee, and quietly protruded a head from under the leaves. It looked like a wife who had her red head covered by her husband on the night of the wedding. The cowardice was magnified infinitely in this battlefield full of killings. , Vaguely, also pressed the red flower.


Hua Xiong spit out all the fruit in his mouth, mother-in-law...what's the case, no, what expression? The design is wrong! What about the domineering, selfish and insidious rich woman? Shouldn’t the normal situation be a decisive refusal, and then stand on the stamen and declare that “all are mine”?

Xie Yan was also full of surprises. Fortunately, he didn't have a face, his expression didn't show on his face, but his leaves were still shaking, in honor

The queen bee looked at the beauty under Ye (Ye), and she was stunned directly for a while. It took a while before she recovered from her cowardice.

"Wait, you are also a female..." Xie Yan didn't know what to say, but when he saw the cunning flash in the queen's eyes, he silently shut his mouth to watch the play.

The queen bee naturally agreed with the proposal of the queen bee. The three-color bee and the copper-level bee united together. The total number of bees of the two families added up, accounting for a quarter of the total number of insects!

At that moment, the unicorn also flew over and nodded to agree to the alliance. In this way, the three strongest insects came together.

Under the control of the two queen bees, the bees formed a huge bee circle and surrounded Xie Yan's flowers. Those mutated insects saw it decisively and gave up this round of competition to save their physical strength and wait for the next round of battle.

I have to say that this approach is very wise, because Xie Yan’s rules say that the winner is not allowed to participate again, so whether it is a bronze and silver unicorn fairy, a horse queen, or a queen, there will always be a guy Drink the first round of honey and then exit the dispute.

In this way, when the second round of the insect group starts, there are only two remaining in the top three, or when there is only one left in the third round, they have the hope of defeating the strong!

After the flowers were surrounded by copper-grade wasps and tricolor bees, the three began to discuss who would consume the nectar in this round.

"Bum~bum~bum~" The queen queen squeezed there, just stopped talking.

The one-horned fairy was a lot more simple, and decisively withdrew from this round of the battle, and told the two queen queens that there were loopholes in the rules. Although Xie Yan said that the winner should not participate again, if the winner is a queen...


Xie Yan pulled a whip on Hua Xiong and was shocked: "Why did you forget this?"

His words refer to individuals, not groups! So even if the queen bees get nectar, it does not prevent the rest of the worker bees from continuing to participate.

After all, the winner of this round is the queen bee, what matters to our worker bees...

"These mutated animals will not really become elite in the future?" Xie Yan made a whisper, which is only bronze-silver level, and he began to think about the loopholes in the rules. Isn't it necessary to start studying "The Art of War"?

Thinking of this, Xie Yan's mind emerged from the scene of the queen queen holding an old book from his hometown, walking back and forth on his leaves, shaking his head and shaking his head.

So go on, one day in the future, his IQ may be crushed by these little bugs...

"No, I have to find a way to read some books." Xie Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

Back to the flower buds...

The one-horn fairy woke up the two queen bees, and as such, whoever drank first and then drank it was actually the same. Of course, this kind of thinking does not exist in the queen’s mind. In its opinion, if it is not the first, then it does not make any sense!

Be the first to drink nectar!

One of the queen's front legs was slightly tight: bet on the name of my first companion beast!

"Buzz!" said the queen, releasing her forelegs.

Xie Yan translated it, probably: So, in order not to hurt the harmony, let's compare the strength, whoever wins will enjoy first!

"Buzz?" The queen bee asked the specific content of the contest.

"Buzz~~ (I stand on this leaf, if you can push me from here, even if you win, otherwise I will win!)" The queen responded.

The queen bee buzzed and laughed. She swung her forefoot and signaled the queen bee to change to a test method, otherwise it would be too cheap!

You know, these two queen queens are twice as good!

The queen bee said that it didn't matter, it was a small contest, just a small bet, don't worry too much.

The queen bee thought about it, and it would be fine. In that case, it is better to obey than to obey.

So the two queen bees flew to a leaf of Xie Yan, and let the unicorn as the referee, Xie Yan served as the notary.

The two bees stand opposite each other, each doing a warm-up exercise.

Seeing the queen bee holding a winning ticket, Xie Yan couldn't help but squeeze for it.

When you are ready, under the order of the unicorn, the competition begins!

"Buzz!" The queen bee stepped forward and pushed the queen with a full chest...


Why didn't you move?

"Buzz~ (don't underestimate others, they are also the head of a family anyway!)" said the queen.

The queen bee blushed a little, so she no longer underestimated the queen bee. She rubbed her forefoot and stored herself in place, then suddenly stepped forward and pushed hard...Unfortunately, she did not push.

The queen bee was strange, and the queen bee signaled that she could come back one last time.

And since it was the last time, the queen wasp decided not to keep her hands, her joints were tight, and her muscles were slightly swelled. At this moment, the strength of the copper level all exploded.

Then I saw it jump suddenly, and at the same time quickly flapped its wings to generate thrust, and then found the best time, lifted the forefoot, and pushed the queen queen with all his strength.

The queen bee shook...

Has it moved? No, the leaves of Xie Yan moved!

"Buzz! (Impossible!)" The queen bee was shocked. But all its strength, could not push a bee that was twice its size?

"Buzz! (Cheat!)" The queen bee looked at the unicorn and Xie Yan unwillingly.

"It didn't cheat." Xie Yan preached, as for why he could understand the words of the queen bee, he could only say, bypass it...

The unicorn on the other side also shook his head, indicating that the queen bee did not cheat.

Queen Bee was dumbfounded. It looked at its forefoot and began to doubt the bees...

"Humming~ (humming~~)" The queen bee turned around with a smug look.

It has worked hard for the next game!

As for how to practice...

"Cough~" Xie Yan coughed lightly and announced to the rest of the insects that the winner of this round was the queen bee!

The queen bee stood on the flower bud, and at that moment, the stubborn guy came back!

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