I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 36: Cicada clothing and silver light

The aura spewed, and the speed of the vine reached a limit.

Seeing this, the Lion King made a roar, turned his head back in front of one of the lionesses, and used his strong body to resist the two vines. However, this is a deadly alternative, and saving the lioness means that the other lioness must eat two bronze vines directly!

Of course, the lioness would not stand there in vain to let Xie Yan fight, and saw the vines flying towards it. The lioness saw the opportunity to tumble, escaped the two bronze vines, but did not wait for it to relax. The two vines suddenly changed direction and pumped towards it again!

Two cracks, two bloodstains on the lioness, one of the vines hit its hind leg and broke on the spot!

Cats have always been one of the most excellent hunters in nature, and it is excellent, it is built on a body with extremely explosive power, so injuries to cats are very fatal, let alone fractures, Directly cause the lioness to lose combat power.

The lion king was also pumped twice, but it was bronze-silver grade, thick skin and thick flesh. The bronze vine can only hurt it. If you want to hurt it, you must find the weak points and strike the weak points with precision!

When Xie Yan attacked two lionesses, the king of the ape rushed up with the green orangutan. Both black orangutans held weapons in their hands, one was a cyan short stick, and the other carried a green orangutan. The gray wolf's body, all they have to do is to remove Xie Yan's stinger wall!

Ape King flicked the cyan short stick in his hand to sweep away the stinger. Although it was a short stick, he was screamed after being danced by the Ape King, like a sharp blue sword, and easily cut off a stinger.

The blue orangutan did not give such a force, and the body of the gray wolf was very heavy. It could only barely support the wolf's hind legs and remove the stinger from Xie Yan by way of rotation.

"Go!" Xie Yan was drawn by four vines again, but the two orangutans were not as flexible as the lion. I don’t know how many times stronger than the lion. The king of the apes walked on the ground and evaded all attacks for a while. In the past, I held up the cyan short stick to block it!


The bronze vine collided with the cyan short stick, and made a metallic sound. The huge impact force forced the Ape King to step back a few steps, but soon it stood firm again and rushed up.

The green orangutan on the side is also exactly the same, but it is only a green level, without the skill of the ape king, and can only be blocked by the blue level corpse in his hand.

"嘁~" Xie Yan felt a little bit tricky, and at the same time, he began to look squarely at the cyan short stick in the hands of Ape King, which was obviously not an ordinary thing!

"Could it be that there are abnormal stones and abnormal metals in this world?" Xie Yan flashed the idea in his mind.

On the other side, Hua Xiong and Tiger King face each other, Hu Xiao Xiong Yin! Two big guys collide, this is a contest between muscles and muscles!

The Tiger King slapped his hand on Hua Xiong's face. Hua Xiong showed no weakness on this side, and Yi Xiong slapped back.

Xie Yan glanced at the situation here with some worry, but the actual situation puzzled him:

"What's going on, Hua Xiong can actually play with the bronze and silver tigers?"

"Not right!"

"These mutated animals have problems!"

Xie Yan is silver, so he knows how big the gap is between green, bronze, and silver! Not to mention, just look at the explosive power produced by the sudden contact between the aura and the air in different states. The gaseous aura is only one level away from the balloon explosion, the mist-shaped aura is comparable to the old-fashioned grenades, and the liquid aura is nitroglycerin, which is alive.

Therefore, the gap between Tiger King and Hua Xiong is like a chasm. It stands to reason that Tiger King should be able to crush Hua Xiong to fight, but the facts are quite the same.

Under the oppression of the mysterious man, it is impossible for the tiger king to release water.

Putting aside his doubts for a while, Xie Yan glanced at the tricolor bees.

The queen bee ignored it, already hiding insignificantly under him, and the other three-color bees were quite satisfactory, forming a bee net towards the big birds, and finally they ate them a little bit, but among these big birds, there are Two very tough guys.

One is naturally a king of eagles, and the other is a blue-level bald eagle. The bee net can’t stop them, and their flesh is very strong, and their anti-virus ability is very high. Even if they are stung a few times, it’s not a big deal. It hurt a little.

As the battle continued, the number of tri-color bees decreased, from tens of thousands at the beginning, to a thousand. Of course, the big bird is not much better, only the last two of the most difficult.

When Xie Yan focused a little on the pet, the two black orangutans rushed up again. After the lion king took the injured lioness away from the battlefield, he turned back angrily.

Xie Yan ignored the lion king. In his view, the lion king has no tools and should not break the bronze poisonous sting wall, so his vines are mainly aimed at two orangutans. A subsequent scene shocked him.

Just listening to the roar of the lion king, a large amount of silver steam came out of it. At the same time as the steam appeared, a coercive pressure that only belonged to the king came, and the three-colored bees flying in the air were shaken by this pressure.

The silver steam that came out fell back on the lion king, forming a silver cicada coat on its surface. Then the lion king was like a Vajra possession, and he rushed into the stinger wall without hesitation. The bronze stinger and the silver cicada clothes collided with each other, and they all broke!

The lion king waved his claws, breaking through a large number of stings, and headed straight to Xie Yan.

"What kind of operation is this?" Xie Yan was shocked by the momentum of the Lion King. The cyan short stick and silver cicada clothing constantly refreshed his cognition.

The lion king and the ape king also have a green orangutan that cooperates with each other and keeps pushing forward. The stinger walls are only eight meters thick, and according to their current speed, they can come to Xie Yan in less than two minutes.

After the Lion King and the King of the Apes entered the Stinger Wall, the eight bronze vines outside were out of reach. It was not out of reach, but the stinger would hinder the bronze vines. The last two collisions were equal to each other. Carnage, cheap these animals.

However, Xie Yan was not in a hurry. After the lion king, the ape king and the green orangutan advanced, the thought moved, and they saw two silver flashes, flying towards the lion king and the ape king respectively.


The Lion King was shocked, and the creature instinctively told it that he would die if he did not hide!

So it stepped back for the first time, but it was still one step late, and a flash of silver flashed across his face like lightning, leaving a blood stain with deep bones, and cut off one of its ears!

In front of this silver light, the silver cicada dress is really a slice.

Ape King realized that he could not dodge, so he blocked with a cyan short stick. In the next moment, silver light was drawn on the short stick, splitting the short stick in half while Yu Wei's power was not reduced. Not only did he cut a 10-cm wound on the ape king, but also cut the green orangutan on the side into In two halves, the green wolf corpse in its hands was not spared!

Silverlight went and returned, sweeping towards the Lion King and Ape King again.

The two retreated in a hurry, but fortunately, the silver light did not take advantage of the pursuit, but retracted.

At this time, the two kings only saw the true appearance of Yinguang, which were two silver-white vines!

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