I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 35: Fill the battle circle

Xie Yan is not a fool. He cannot make all Reiki bombs look like watermelons and expose them to the surface, so that it is difficult for an experienced enemy to make a second attack after one move.

Therefore, watermelon-like Reiki bombs only accounted for 10% of the total Reiki bombs, and more of them were disguised as Reiki bombs. Some are made of soil and placed in the soil, some are made of bark hanging on the tree, and some are disguised as unobtrusive stones by the side of the road...

There is also an Aura bomb that interacts with the Thunder Thunder Watermelon, one light and one dark. When the enemy thinks he has found the Thunder Thunder Watermelon and is ready to cross the trip line, what is waiting for him will be another Aura Bomb's trip line!


Just when the Aura bomb at the foot of the lion king was about to be detonated manually, a lioness on the side sensed the danger, and it pushed away the lion king without saying a word.


The Aura bomb buried in the soil exploded, and the lioness was instantly penetrated by countless bronze plant balls. A huge impact was poured into the wound, and the lioness’s flesh was ripped open, and the plasma was stained with red debris .

A splash of blood splashed on the face of the lion king, it froze, and his sharp eyes seemed empty. That's one of her favorite concubines. Watching the beauty cut her bones to save herself, she was moved with guilt, and a lot of hatred for Xie Yan! It was trembling all over, all emotions brewing in the throat, and finally turned into a roar to Xie Yan. The anger and sadness in the voice made Xie Yan feel a chill!

After the Lion King roared, his heart retreated.

It opened its wits, and it has wisdom, so it understands: the danger here is no longer to be sent out by sending a team of two death squads. A lot of dark rubbing can't be guarded!

However, whenever the idea of ​​retreat came out of the brain, there was a force so powerful that it would creep into it. That will will press its head, hold its heart, and force it to move on!

The Lion King looked at the remaining lionesses, and there was a helpless low voice in his throat.

The team continued to move forward. In order to prevent the recurrence of the Aura bomb hidden in the ground, the death squad was divided into two batches, to be precise, a group of death squads, a group of soil shoveling teams. Thunder in the sky.

The formation of the two teams is completed, and the Deathly Team continues to advance under the leadership of the Huang Mao Fox. I have to say that this yellow-haired fox is also out of luck. His teammates don't know how many rounds have died, but it has nothing.

However, luck will always run out.

The yellow-haired fox moving on found a watermelon bomb, and it passed the situation back and forth, telling the animals behind that there was a trip wire, don't step on it!

After doing this, it crossed the trip line and stepped on another trip line!

Subsequently, two explosions sounded one after the other, and the Death Squads were completely destroyed.

The Tiger King habitually turned back, preparing to pick out a new batch of members of the Death Squad, but when it turned around, the eyes of those animals began to dodge.

Animals also have spirituality, not to mention the only remaining ones are mostly animals that have been awakened by mutations. They are more or less spiritually intelligent, not the stunned ones before, and no one wants to step forward to death.

In the middle of the team, there was a gray wolf that could not stand the current atmosphere. It slipped a little behind the team and ran away while the three kings turned around without paying attention! And at the moment it turned its head, a will came, forcing it to turn back.

The gray wolf is extremely resistant, and under the threat of death, this emotion has reached an unprecedented level! That will not suppress it!

Then the gray wolf found that his eyes were suddenly red, his ears and nostrils were still holding blood, and his mouth was spitting wildly. This situation did not last long, the gray wolf fell to the ground and died.

"It's cruel."

Xie Yan, who paid attention to the situation here, could not help expressing emotion.

Soon, the news of the death of the gray wolf was spread to the ears of the three kings in the front row. They all fell into silence, and they began to regret it. I knew this, and I shouldn’t have been...

Suddenly, there was a riot in the animals behind. They no longer stopped at the spot to wait for the order, but in a very distorted appearance, rushed forward with great resistance!

Xie Yan knows that the mysterious man has taken over, and he can probably guess the purpose of the other party: anyway, these cannon fodders will not hurt Xie Yan, it is better to take them all to find the way, and open the way for several main forces!

"Then let's die!" Xie Yan sympathized with these animals, but he would never be merciless, so various traps appeared frequently, especially Reiki bombs, and the roar resounded through Qiong Xiao.

While the beasts charged, Xie Yan resisted with all his strength, a black car drove from the village of Yamashita, and a group of federal agents came down from above!

"Inspector, that's it!" The village chief came out and pointed to the mountain. "I suspect someone used poaching, listen!"

After listening to the roar on the mountain, the head inspector subconsciously compared the sound of the boom with the various gunshots in memory, and then shook his head. "It's not a gunshot."

"What is that?" the village head asked subconsciously.

"Unclear, earth bomb, in short it's dangerous. You tell the villagers, don't be on the mountain these days!" said the inspector.

The head of the village nodded and told the cadres of the village from house to house.

Lin Haishan's house, he led a family standing at the door, looking at the hill with roaring beasts from time to time, frowned, and complained to his wife: "What is the situation on the mountain so noisy, Niu Niu will go to school early to report tomorrow!"

"Dad, I'm fine, and it's only 8 o'clock now." Lin Zhouer said.

"It's not this problem, it's mainly because I can't get up..." Lin Haishan shrugged. They had to take a wood-carrying truck to go outside at 3:30. After a while, they could only walk out of the mountain to the road outside. Stop the car by luck.

"Okay, if you can't get up, I will take Niu Niu, and I know them too, and they will be fine." Zhou Xin said, as a full-time housewife, she has time.


On the mountain.

After hundreds of animals drove out of the way, the three kings brought together the elite and eagle kings in the sheltered area. Among these elites, there are two blue-level lionesses, a blue-level leopard, and a blue-level black-haired gorilla. After the rendezvous, there will be several large birds on the side of the eagle king.

"It was still here that they rushed." Xie Yan sighed, there is no way, these are all mutated creatures that have opened their minds, not the yak that previously only stupidly hit the wall of thorns, plus a lot of cannon fodder to open the way, It is not impossible to break into here.

After these alien creatures communicated lightly, they regrouped and moved to various positions to find the best attack position and wait for the best time to attack.

"Roar!" Hua Xiong Zhao Hu provoked as if provoking.

The Tiger King's eyes soon shifted from Xie Yan to Hua Xiong.

"Don't mess up!" Xie Yan couldn't help worrying about Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong was no longer a bronze level, and this tiger obviously had reached the bronze and silver level. There was a qualitative gap between the two.

However, without waiting for Xie Yan to refocus Tiger King's eyes on himself, these animals launched their final charge.

The decisive battle begins!

"嘁~" Xie Yan took a sip in his heart, "Then come!"


Four bronze vines appeared in the field of vision of the beasts, in groups of two, drawn towards the two lionesses!

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