I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 37: Not only can move but also fly!

The silver vine is five meters long, four fingers thick, has an eight-way nozzle, and the driving force is liquid aura!

This thing cannot be said to be Xie Yan's strongest attacking method at present. It is as strong as a silver cicada clothes that can resist the sting of bronze. In front of this thing, it looks like paper.

It's a pity that the silver vine is only five meters. It's not that Xie Yan doesn't want it to grow longer, but that the silver spirit is not enough. The vine has grown for almost a month, and it only grows to this extent...

In addition, there are two problems with silver vines. The first is that it will destroy the nearby stinger wall when it is used, but this is also a matter of no way. It can only be said that when planning the position, Xie Yan did not take this into account. The second is very expensive, after all, it is driven by liquid aura.

The retired Lion King and Ape King looked at the two silver vines, and their faces were a little ugly. This level of attack, let alone hide it, it is already amazing to see it...

Seeing the lion king and the ape king froze in place, Xie Yan waved bronze vines and began to reap the lives of miscellaneous soldiers.

The blue leopard, who had been playing soy sauce outside the circle, became the first target to be targeted by bronze vines. The two vines, like a pair of scissors, were drawn from the left and right to the leopard who could not dodge.

With just a click, the cervical vertebrae of the blue leopard were pulled off by two vines.

Further back, there are two lionesses.

Upon seeing this, the lion replied immediately.

"Bringing your wife to the battlefield, I really don't know what you think in your head!" Xie Yan shook his head and leaves, but it stands to reason that the lion group really is the lioness, and it's understandable to take them out on the expedition.

The injured one naturally couldn't hide, and the Lion King also decisively abandoned the princess to save another. Seeing the situation, Ape King rushed over to help, not because it valued this teammate or coveted the beauty of the other party, but now it really has nothing to do...

And when the Ape King returned to the female lion, Xie Yan found that this guy's eyes were blinking, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, the Ape King looked bright and cheerful, and he should have a way to deal with him!

As Xie Yan guessed, Ape King did come up with a way to deal with him!

Its method is divided into two steps. First clean Xie Yan's stinger from 5 meters to 8 meters, and then lure Xie Yan to attack them with silver vines.

The power of silver vines is indeed great, but the attack range is short, and the stinger along the way will be cleaned up while attacking!

Yes, it wants to use this method to lure Xie Yan to attack and let Xie Yan clean up the stings of the five meters around him!

After the stinger was cleaned up, they hit Xie Yan from several directions. There are only two silver vines, as long as they are scattered enough, the other party can kill up to two companions in one attack.

Taking advantage of this gap, the remaining companions can rush to Xie Yan, cut off his vines, and uproot him from the ground!

For every extra gun... teammates, the success rate of this plan can be increased by a few points!

However, the orangutan is only an orangutan, and it is quite clever, but compared to humans, it is not a bit worse than a star. With such a flawed idea, Xie Yan can not only think of it, but also immediately list no less than four countermeasures...

So Xie Yan didn't dare to be interested in the ideas in the mind of Ape King. He had to be warned only by the mysterious man standing behind and manipulating everything. And instead of wasting time thinking about these animals, it is better to kill them as soon as possible!

At this time, the lion king, the ape king and the female lion stood together, the tiger king was restrained by a bear, and the eagle king was restrained by a three-color bee. The battlefield situation became clear.

Seeing this, Xie Yan was so determined that he decided to showdown!

"It's finally ready to use!" Xie Yan said, his lower body pressed hard, and a strong aura spewed out from under him!

Then, the ape king full of little abacus, the lion king protecting his wife, the tiger king fighting with the bear, and the eagle king hovering in the sky, harassed by the three-color bees... and hiding under Xie Yan The queen bee and the hearty bear of the battle,

These animals all looked at Xie Yan, who suddenly flew up, stunned.

That's right, it's flying!

"Roar?" Hua Xiong was stupefied, and the owner could fly!

Compared with the new-looking Hua Xiong, the queen bee is in a terrible mood. Think about it. On the battlefield where there is a lot of fire, the bunkers that depend on survival actually flew away...

Of course, no matter how bad the queen's mood is, it is no match for the current four kings.

All along, they think that their biggest advantage is that Xie Yan cannot move freely, but they can! Well now, not only can people move freely, but they can also fly!

"Ahahaha, be stupid!" Xie Yan waved the leaves happily in the air, he prepared for this moment for a long time!

The principle of flight is very simple, as long as the liquid aura with high propulsion force is sprayed from underneath. To put it bluntly, it is the land version of the water vehicle.

In order to ensure that the root system will not be broken after flying, Xie Yan spent some time to sort out the main rhizome, so that it is like a mosquito coil, coiled neatly and orderly, without knots or interruptions.

In this way, it is possible to fly.

And this is Xie Yan’s first take-off. After all, the field of vision shield is around his neck, and he hastily tested the flying distance. It is easy to fly over his head and expose the situation of the shadowed area to the mysterious person. Therefore, since the weather hole is made, the main root disc After that, he has been holding back until now!

After staying in the air for a while, Xie Yan focused his attention on the three attackers who gathered together, and then aura spewed under him, controlling himself to fly towards them like a vine.

Then, with only one swish, Xie Yan appeared in front of the Lion King and the King of the Ape at a rapid rate, and then he heard the sound of two silver vine spirits spewing towards them.

The whole process takes less than a second!

too fast!

There was only a silver in the Lion King's eyes.

He regretted it and knew that, so he shouldn’t listen to the guy’s temptation to leave the big cage on which he lived, although there was no dignity there, but at least his wives and concubines were in groups, no dangerous food was enough, and a servant cleaned him up. And feces...

It's just that it's useless to regret it till now. At the last moment in life, the lion king turned around, and his last action was to protect in front of the lioness.

The Ape King, waving his broken stick, wanted to make his final stroke.

The silver vines roared, passing over their bodies.

Three kills!

The eagle eagle and the bald eagle in the sky saw it and hurriedly increased their height. But no matter how fast they are, can they have the jet flight?

Not surprisingly, the king of eagles and the bald eagle were pursued by Xie Yan.

Five kills!

Xie Yan landed slowly, and the tiger king turned away when he saw that the situation was bad. Hua Xiong chased up, biting the other person's buttocks, and the bear paw took the opportunity to insert into a very fragile part, penetrate the tiger king's body, The intestines were pulled out.

"Grab your head!" Xie Yan flew back to the spot with some dissatisfaction and fell.

Although he was very careful, the main rhizomes were still mischievously intertwined, and it seemed that there was no way to make the second flight in a short time.

All the attackers resolved, and the queen bee flew out, buzzing and questioning why Xie Yan didn't take off early to turn over these guys, causing her to die a lot of children.

"You know what a fart!" Xie Yan shook the leaves and patted the queen's head.

In fact, flying is very dangerous for Xie Yan! If there were too many attackers at that time, the other party cooperated with each other in the division of labor and cooperation, one part contained him, and the other part took apart his roots. At that time, he would fall into the embarrassing situation that Gushou could not look at the tail.

The most terrible is not this, but too much consumption! Just a few short flights have consumed a few drops of liquid aura. It is conservatively estimated that now he can only fly for more than a minute.

The dust settled and Xie Yan's inner palpitations disappeared, which meant that this round of attacks ended.

"How do you feel, something is missing?"

For some reason, Xie Yan's heart was a little uneasy, and his palpitations were gone, and all the attackers were also beheaded by him, but the sense of crisis not only did not dissipate, but also had a growing trend.

"No, no! The guy's layout has never been easier!"

Xie Yan put his attention to the village under the mountain for the first time, as expected, a human force was assembled here! It seems that it is going up the mountain!

At the same time, Xie Yan also found that there was a strong light on his position, and the nearby leaves could feel the strong winds blowing constantly!

The word "helicopter" came out in Xie Yan's heart!

He was exposed!

"It's you who deserve it, you really deserve it!" Xie Yan couldn't help but express emotion in his heart.

That guy always brings "surprise" to him!


Thank you, Brother Tianzhong, for always showing up in your dreams, and thank you QQ for reading Beimuう's rewards

There is one more change later.

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