I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 34: Block

Xie Yan's air defense weapons are very scarce, but it does not matter, he is not a flower fighting!


The queen bee immediately greeted the children and rushed up, the big birds are too big, and they can't move around in a small range, which means they can't effectively kill the three-color bees!

The two sides were entangled together in the air, and the birds were struggling babblingly.

An eagle is entangled by a group of bees, facing the overwhelming group of bees, all it can do is desperately flap its wings to blow the bees away. But the wind coming out of this wing is obviously not 360 degrees and no dead ends. Several clever three-color bees found the gap and ran into the hair into the eagle's body with a poisonous sting!

Two smaller falcons became the main force to kill the three-color bees, but before they could exert their residual heat, dozens of three-color bees joined hands to form several large nets.

This is the trick that the queen bee researched after the last battle with the honey sucker. As long as there is a bee crawling on the enemy, the remaining bees can quickly'stick' to the enemy with the body of this brother!

Of course, this trick also has drawbacks. If the enemy's speed is too fast, the bee net will be broken, so it is not a 100% effective trick.

But it doesn't matter. Two if one bee net doesn't work, three if two aren't enough. The most indispensable thing for three-color bees is the population. Even if the queen is dead, as long as the queen is there, it can recover after a while!

Hua Xiong also stared at a big eagle that swooped down, only to see it touched the ground with four feet, and then jumped up. At this moment, the strength of the bronze level completely exploded, and the whole bear was like a skyrocketing battle!

Then, with only a click, the bear's mouth bit the big eagle, and the sharp beast teeth penetrated the body, smashed the organs, and shattered the skeleton.

It didn’t take long for the sheltered area to be full of dead birds and bees, and Hua Xiong’s side was a bird’s hair.

Of course, there are also a lot of big birds who risked breaking through the defense line of the three-color bees and flew towards Xie Yan, while waiting for them is the upgraded bronze stinger wall!

After this thing was made, the bronze bears did not dare to get close, let alone these big birds that were not even blue, they could only sigh against the stinger wall, and a few eyesight were simply slammed. Go up and die on the spot.

The eagle king watched his own troops decrease, and his eyes were cold, but now it can only temporarily retreat, waiting for the other three to break through the sheltered area and then join forces to suppress it!

At this time, the other three were also very strongly blocked!

The lion king found that the man who rushed in front of him disappeared very strangely! It was startled, slowed down and stepped forward to see that there was a big pit in the dirt there!

In the pit, it was pierced by countless thorns to the heart of the cool heart!

"Roar!" The Lion King quickly stopped his men's footsteps. It estimated that the scary face of the tree forest area in front of him, I am afraid that this trap is everywhere!

This trap is very simple, but it is extremely practical, even if it is accidentally taken by itself!

The best way to pass this road is to form a death squad to explore the road ahead.

The Tiger King also encountered a similar situation, so it roared and asked if the other two kings would join together to form a death squad to explore the way and reduce unnecessary losses.

The Lion King roared twice, agreeing, but the King of the Apes on the other side made a disdainful cry.

They are primates and can climb trees!

So Ape King organized a group of monkeys to quickly pass through the grimace tree. It's a pity that the clever king of apes doesn't know that traps have so many patterns, there are pits on the ground, and there are no nets in the trees?

It didn't take long to hear a monkey screaming. The King of the Apes was startled. He climbed up the tree and looked forward. The monkeys were wrapped in vine nets. And in those rattan nets, all blue thorns!

The thorns are naturally covered with poison, but the monkeys who can walk here have a certain anti-toxic ability, and will not die so quickly. Therefore, a more brutal situation occurs, and the caught monkeys start to struggle subconsciously, When struggling, sharp thorns will cut their flesh as if it were late!

Sometimes, it's a pain to not die.

The screams of the monkeys stimulated the king of the apes, and it made a roar towards the distance.

Xie Yan in the middle of the position heard the other party's voice and shook the leaves in response: "Dare to move forward will make you die even worse!"

The king of the apes clenched the blue short stick in his hand, his arms stretched out, and he called out to the distance, expressing his willingness to cooperate with the other two.

It didn't take long for the Tiger King and the Ape King to bring their own team to meet the Lion King. Of course, they lost some men on the way.

After all the animals got together, Xie Yan roughly counted the number of enemies.

"There are more than six hundred..." Xie Yan wanted to get a cannon out and bombard these guys!

After the team assembled, the three kings each selected several animals in the team to act as the death squad. On the side of the tiger king is a yellow-haired fox. When named, the yellow-haired fox was reluctant to step forward. It understood, This is to die!

"Roar!" The Tiger King roared, and the creature would make the yellow-haired fox feel a little fearful. At the same time, a mysterious will came and forced it to come forward.

The same is true of the lion king and the ape king, but the animals they send are not very intelligent, and are not as timid as the yellow-haired fox.

The advancement started, the death squads were ahead, and the big troops were behind, advancing little by little.

Without taking a few steps, a deer in the death squad stepped on something. A thick vine net fell and trapped it. The vines were filled with blue thorns, struggling, and the deer's flesh was blurred.

Everyone turned a blind eye and bypassed the deer to move on.

Immediately after it was a monkey in the Death Squad, it stepped on a deep hole and fell. Then there was a lynx, stepping on a trap in the middle organ, his feet were **** by vines and hung up, howling in midair.

And there is obviously a chance of rescue like lynx. The three kings will not ignore it. The ape king sent a monkey to save it and let it continue to explore the way.

However, without taking a few steps, the unlucky lynx made another move, caught in a vine net, and flesh-blooded between struggles...

In a moment, the large force advanced less than two hundred meters, and the only yellow fox left at this time in the death squad.

The fox looked back and glanced at the three gangsters, indicating that he was a fox and could not complete the pathfinding mission at all. So, the three chose another group of animals.

If you move from the periphery of the horror zone to the shelter zone at the death rate of five animals per two hundred meters, you must catch at least two hundred and fifty animals, so these traps are enough for them to drink a pot.

And this is just some basic traps arranged by Xie Yan. Aura bombs with real lethal power, but none of them have been moved!

Finally, the Expendables entered the bomb zone, a wild wolf accidentally kicked to the trip line, and the fake watermelon placed beside it suddenly exploded! The bronze plant ball between the liner and the melon skin burst out, hitting the deadly team members except the yellow-haired fox!

A watermelon bomb almost wiped out an entire death squad.

All the animals were frightened, and at this time, Xie Yan found that the Lion King had just stepped on a place, hehe smiled, and detonated the aura bomb buried in the soil!

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