I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 33: Four-way siege


finally come!

Xie Yan's body trembles even more, I don't know if it's scared or excited!

He stopped aura absorption and stopped supplying nutrients to the fruit. In addition to maintaining nutrient absorption and minimum photosynthesis, he focused all his attention on the outermost thorny wall and paid attention to the movement of the forest 15 meters away. .

At the same time, he once again inspected the poison mist and two different trigger modes of Reiki bombs, checked some ordinary small traps arranged in recent days, checked the vines near his body, and looked at the stomata and Reiki. Is the passage blocked by muddy water?

In this way, one hour, two hours, three hours passed.

The rain stopped and the sky gradually became darker, but he still didn't find the attacker!

Xie Yan shook off the water on all the leaves, and the whole forest rustled, as if provoking the mysterious man!

Another hour passed, and the sky was completely dark. Hua Xiong climbed out of the cave with a sad face, shouted at Xie Yan, and patted his stomach.

What about meals?

Suddenly, the beast could have made Hua Xiong stop some funny actions. It looked at the mountain, his throat croaked, and his canine teeth showed slightly.

The queen bee also sensed something. With a hum, the three-colored bees that had recovered their vitality poured out of the nest.

Two big friends who often make troubles on weekdays, back to back at this moment, fighting to protect Xie Yan!

Attacker, here!

Fifteen meters away from the thorny wall on the top of the mountain, a bronze lion slowly walked out of the darkness, with distinct muscles, sensuous teeth and claws, and cold eyes, everywhere. The threat is chilling. It stood on a stone on the top of the mountain, illuminated by the moonlight, and the silver mane shone with a metallic luster, which was particularly dazzling!

This is a bronze and silver lion that is moving towards silver!

The lion opened his mouth and roared!





There were countless fans in the darkness, and then, countless kinds of beasts that should not be united and friendly came out of the darkness.

Lioness, wolf, hyena, deer, zebra, bison...

At the same time, in the woods on the left side of Xie Yan's position, a large silver-bronze tiger came out of the dark, with a majestic face, a sturdy body, and powerful limbs. The big tiger stepped on the muddy ground that had just finished raining, and raised his head to look at the mountain, as if to echo the lion on the mountain. It also opened his throat, Tiger Roaring Forest!

Behind it, followed by a group of wild beasts, boar, fox, lynx, snake, weasel...

Xie Yan was like an enemy, but when he thought this was the attacker of all time, a chimpanzee walking upright on the right side of the large position, holding a blue metal short stick in his hand, came out of the darkness. The bronze feature, but the cyan metal short stick is particularly eye-catching.

If Xie Yan has communicated with Wang Jin, you will know that those who can use the green iron can only be copper-level and above alien creatures!

"Woo..." The chimpanzee uttered an ape, and a primate such as a monkey, orangutan swayed from the tree, fell on its side, and screamed together.

At this time, there was an eagle cry in the sky, and several large birds entered the field of vision!

Xie Yan looked into the sky and saw an eagle, eagle, and falcon flying from time to time. One of the two-meter eagles with a copper feather and silver beak should be their leader.

Four-way siege, four kings, the scale of participating animals, has reached thousands!

This is the power of the mysterious people. Because of the vision shield, he really can’t see what Xie Yan puts in the core area, and he can’t target it. Since that is the case, he can only rely on the real power to win!

Central position.

"Great, really great! But how about that?" Xie Yan calmed the trembling branches and leaves. In the next second, all the flowers and plants and plants shook together, the branches and leaves collided, the rustling, what beast roared, and the eagle crowing, All squashed by this rustling sound.

"A kind of coming!" Xie Yan provoked these animals!


The Lion King couldn't bear it, and made a roar of earth and earth, and then led many beasts from the top of the mountain to the position!

In response to the attacking horn of the lion king, the tiger king and the ape king flanked their wings, and the eagle king in the air swooped down with a group of big birds.

In addition to those in the air, the first to face the other three roads is the wall of thorns. But the three kings headed up obviously opened their minds like Hua Xiong, and with their wisdom, they would not stupidly hit the wall of thorns!

The tiger king on the left let a few buffaloes go out and lie under the wall of thorns to act as a ladder. Among the animals on this side, there are no large animals other than the boar buffalo and itself, so don't worry about stepping on the buffalo.

Ape King is smarter here. They lifted the planks that had been prepared for a long time and laid them on the wall of thorns. For their individual skill, they even used tree vines to swing past.

There are not so many bells and whistles on the mountain. The area where they are located is high, and you can jump over the thorn wall with an acceleration.

"Wonderful thinking!" Xie Yan snorted loudly, bursts of noise rang from the wall of thorns, and countless ejection pods were activated, ejecting the spout inside, and then burst! In an instant, a wall of gas was added to the wall of thorns!

In the left position, the buffalo squatting by the thorns wall took the brunt of inhaling a large amount of poisonous gas. The whole cow was dizzy and began to foam. But because there are mysterious people pressing on it, they dare not and cannot leave, and can only be honestly poisoned to death!

The poison gas began to diffuse, and more and more animals were attracted. However, compared with the ones that the buffalo sucked in, the poison gas they inhaled has been diluted a lot. The signs of poisoning are relatively mild, and the combat power has not declined much.

"It's not over yet!" Xie Yan shook his head and leaves, and then detonated the entire forest and all the ejected poison mist!

When the spout was ejected, the sound of soy bean falling echoed in the woods, and then the spout exploded. In the dense explosion, the poison gas began to diffuse in the guardrail area and the terrorist area. In the entire position, only the vicinity of the sheltered area was not affected by the poisonous gas. After all, it was necessary to take care of the three-color bees and bears.

More and more animals are poisoned to death, but 60% of the animals are still tenacious. These animals either have strong resistance to toxins themselves, or they have been awakened by mutations and their resistance has increased!

After the wall of thorns, the next thing these animals have to face is planted traps everywhere.

However, the effect is not very intentional, and the animal trap can only catch smaller animals on the side of the Tiger King, such as foxes, such as bobcats, and it will be the same when it encounters large animals and abnormal animals. The damage caused is extremely limited.

Ape King has nothing to do here. Almost all monkey orangutans know that the thing can't be stepped on. They can't get around. They will pick up stones or branches to trigger the trap.

"Old equipment is getting worse and worse." Xie Yan shook his leaves and then looked up at the sky.

Those big birds in the air can be irrespective of thorny walls and traps. Those things have nothing to do with them. All they have to do is to rush directly into the shelter area and kill Xie Yan's body!

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