I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 32: After the transformation is complete, palpitations come again

Ke Yang saw Wang Jin smirking there and raised his eyebrows. He looked around and confirmed that there was no third person in the room...

"Cough, almost... what I said next, it will be the point!" Wang Jin said in a deep voice: "I just mentioned the ancestral memory just now. I am telling you clearly now that I can read part of the ancestral memory!"


Wang Jin nodded, and the seed didn't let him tell him the identity of the other party. In this way, the information obtained from the seed was equivalent to playing in the water. After all, there was no justification, and he would not easily believe it.

To put it plainly, he needs a set of rhetoric!

The "ancestor memory" is a very suitable statement, as long as you lie that you can read part of the ancestor memory, and then come to pass the information obtained from the seed!

Of course, at the beginning, the high-level leaders must not believe it, but as long as the intelligence can be confirmed one after another, then they have to believe it!

"Did I not mention the silver and gold levels just now? These are not my guesses, but what I learned from the ancestors' memories! In addition to animals and plants, dead objects such as stones and metals will also change!"

"That door is made of gold-grade deformed metal!"

"The goddess mentioned just now makes up the sky. The stone used to make up the sky is the alienated stone!

In fact, Wang Jin should not mention myths here, because this will weaken the credibility, but from the reaction of the seeds just now, I am afraid that many things in the myth story have actually happened and there are traces to follow! For this reason, he felt the need to greet him in advance.

"If you want to destroy something made of copper-grade iron and iron, you must use silver-grade iron and iron-iron castings. To destroy something made of silver-grade iron and iron, you must use gold-grade and above iron stones. Iron castings! So, as long as we can find stones and irons above the gold level, we can destroy that door!"

"The same is true for people. Bronze-level mutants can drive cast iron and iron castings below the blue level, and silver-level mutants can drive castings below the copper level, so as long as there is a mutant person above the gold level, you can Drive that door and close it!"

"These are all pieces of information I can confirm, please be sure to believe them!"

Ke Yang nodded blankly, "Good speech, well prepared."

Wang Jin smiled.

"Summary is three things, the first: the creatures are returning, the second: you can read the memory of the ancestors, and the third: information about different stones and iron." Ke Yang said.

"Yes!" Wang Jin nodded.

"But you have to know that these are unfounded things, you are just playing Tiyun." Ke Yang shook his head.

Use your own guess to confirm another guess. This is like the left foot is stepping on the right foot, the right foot is stepping on the left foot and jumping up and down, the cow's coffin board can't hold down...

"I know, but as long as one of them can be confirmed, then my statement can be fully alive!" Wang Jin showed his sincere eyes, "so I trouble you."

Ke Yang hesitated for a moment, and said a little bit: "Yes, I will communicate to them, there should be a few old guys who will be interested in your rhetoric."

"Trouble." Wang Jin relaxed, and got up and bowed to Ke Yang.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Jin returned to his room, took out a pen and a note full of words, circled some important things, and put a note on it.


Three weeks later, Xie Yan's body completed the conversion.

At this time, he was silvery and white, and the skin was smooth and shiny. This silvery color was more white than the Reiki blade. If you look closely, you will find that Xie Yan silver has some light white patterns on her body. These patterns are naturally formed and exude a pressure on the outside world.

Xie Yan glanced at the bronze storage aura. After he had a liquid aura, the subsequent aura would be directly liquefied at a rate of about one drop every four days. And if Xie Yan absorbed the energy as much as before, the speed would more than double, and a drop of liquid energy would condense in about a day and a half.

In addition to Xie Yan, a direct profitee, the queen bee and Hua Xiong also benefited indirectly. After all, copper-colored fruits and copper-colored nectar are no longer the best rewards, which means Xie Yan may be Will appropriately increase the frequency of copper-colored feed!

In addition, there are more advanced silver fruits and silver nectar can be expected, the queen bee and Hua Xiongle broke...

In the following days, Xie Yan was bored and shook the leaves from time to time, complaining: "Ah~ It's almost the end of August, so uncomfortable! In the end, come or not!"

The queen bee, who has long been accustomed to this unreasonable shaking, looked up at Xie Yan and continued to lay eggs. The Chinese bear on the side simply ignored it and hid in the tree hole to cool off.

Xie Yan saw it, and a vine suddenly pulled over, "Stupid bear, get up and practice with me!"

However, Hua Xiong is not a queen bee and does not understand Xie Yan's behavior, but just raises her hand to enjoy the nourishment of Aura.

Xie Yan was a little helpless, but it didn't matter, he had some way to go to the blast!

I saw a copper-colored fruit growing on the bronze vine, and when Xie Yan pumped the vine over again, Hua Xiong was naturally attracted by the fruit on the vine. It stepped forward and was ready to intercept, but Xie Yan was timely Changing the direction of the jet, let Hua Xiong emptied.

After three times twice, the wise Hua Hua Xiong responded, and Xie Yan was telling it that he could grab it if he wanted to eat it!

"Roar roar!" Hua Xiong was excited, and began to actively attack this vine, snatching fruit.

At the beginning, Xie Yan was naturally defeated, or a fiasco! After all, compared to the bear paws that Hua Xiong can call at will, his vines are a bit clumsy, but after three rounds, Hua Xiong took away the fruit.

"Come again!"

Xie Yan made persistent efforts, anyway, the copper fruit is not valuable to him now!

Seeing another fruit appear on the vine, Hua Xiong's eyes lit up and flew past, a new round of fighting began.

One by one copper-colored fruit enters Hua Xiong's mouth, and the big bear burps beautifully.

As the sky gradually dimmed, Xie Yan stopped practicing and began to summarize today's battles.

"It's fine when moving up, down, left, and right, but if you want to move in the upper left and lower left, you have to let the left nozzle and the upper nozzle or the lower nozzle vent together, and then adjust the movement angle through the discharge volume of the two nozzles... This movement Way, too much trouble!"

"So only four directions up, down, left, and right may not be enough. If you want to be more flexible and move more easily, you have to transform into a vine that can spray in eight directions!" Xie Yan secretly said.

Only in this way, the difficulty of operation may also increase!

"Don't care, it's a big deal!" Xie Yan made up her mind and transformed a bronze vine with an eight-way spout, and used the vine to fight with the Chinese bear the next day.

It was really stiff at first, but gradually, the eight-way bronze vine persisted in Hua Xiong's hands longer and longer, especially after Xie Yan was thoroughly proficient in the operation, it took Hua Xiong several minutes to grab the fruit.

In the practice of one plant and one bear, the time quietly reached the end of August and the beginning of September.

On this day, it was raining heavily. Xie Yan thought about it. Sliding in the rain was not good for Hua Xiong and had a rest day.

Hua Xiong, who thought that there are also good fruits to eat today, saw Xie Yan not moving, and depressed in the nest to protest from the rain.

"Are you still addicted to eating?" Xie Yan shook the leaves angrily.

Suddenly, Xie Yan's main stem shuddered, and after a few months, that kind of palpitations appeared again!

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