I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 31: report

Only two weeks later, Xie Yan's body transformation was not completed. At this time, his main stem was half green and half silver. It seemed that it would take about two weeks to completely complete the transformation.

The good news is that the anticipated attack did not arrive, and Xie Yan did not feel any signs of a crisis.

"This feeling is really bad..." Xie Yan was a little uncomfortable. He is like the old grandpa who lives downstairs in the story, waiting for another shoe to fall down all night...

"Keep calm, he will come one day late, and I will be able to prepare for another day!" Xie Yan breathed in two carbon dioxide and cheered up.

Under the mountain.

Mianshan Village Primary School, in the sixth grade classroom, Lin Zhouer got the final papers, 95 in one subject and 98 in the other. This is a very good result. The middle grade in the last period is counted, and four papers are taken in two exams. The average grade is 97, which ranks the whole class...and also the second grade.

The teacher publicly wrote the results of the top five on the blackboard and told the students in the class that this is the five sponsored students this year. They will receive funding from the federal government to study at the No. 1 Middle School in Bono City!

The five people, including Lin Zhou'er, were very happy, but there was also a girl who wept quietly. She was sixth.

After the teachers on the podium explained some safety matters, they announced the end of the get out of class, and these students also officially graduated from elementary school.

The jubilant Lin Zhouer was preparing to go home to greet her, but when she finished packing her schoolbags and was about to leave, a few girls whispered into her ears.

"Lin Zhouer's dad must give a gift to the school, otherwise how could she get the quota for her grade?"

"I knew I had asked my dad to give gifts as well, so that three years of junior high school can save a lot of money!"

"Xiaoli is okay, she is as dependent as she is, and she will not go far in the future!"


Lin Zhouer felt a tingle in her heart. She wanted to explain it, but she didn't know how to explain it. After all, these people were right. It is true that a person who usually only studies in the middle reaches how can he take the exam so suddenly?

Without explanation, she would have to passively hang on the bad reputation of ‘walking relationship’, which is despised by others.

Lin Zhouer fell into a daze.

Xie Yan noticed the situation here, and he sighed far away on the mountain, and he only hoped that Lin Zhouer would soon understand the truth...these people are just passers-by in his life.

"Having said that, how are those teachers?" Xie Yan focused his attention on the strain of the Dongdu Mutant School, only to see Li Yinsheng facing him and practicing dancing.

There are still words in my mouth...

"Seek up and down, and then...the dealer dealt the cards, and the baboon scratched his head and swept the Quartet..."

Xie Yan quickly moved his attention away from him, eyes hot.


Beijing, a research institute.

Wang Jin came to a soundproof room with a pile of materials and sat down.

A moment later, a man in casual clothes came in. If Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng were here, they would be very familiar with this person. It was their old chief, Ke Yang.

"Hello." Ke Yang held out his hand and Wang Jin shook his hand. "My name is Ke Yang. I heard that you have reported to us."

"Well." Wang Jin nodded and took a deep breath. "Before I provide the information, I want to ask you to answer me a question."


"Who put forward the concept of reiki recovery?" Wang Jin asked.

Ke Yang froze for a moment, shook his head, "I haven't really tried this, is there any problem?"

"Yes!" Wang Jin's face became a little dignified. "Last month I applied and asked people to investigate the origin of the word "recovery", and finally found a very amazing result. The whole network...No, all the world People use the word'Aura Recovery' for the phenomenon of Reiki!"

Ke Yang nodded thoughtfully and said, "You mean, everyone thinks it is "Reiki Regeneration", not "Birth of Reiki"?"

"Exactly! Everyone is tacitly approving that Reiki has appeared on this planet! But this history is not recorded in any book!"


"I assumed a saying called ancestral memory! That is, what the ancestors experienced will affect our consciousness. They have experienced a'reiki birth'. This memory is preserved in the subconscious of future generations, so the current reiki When it appeared, we subconsciously thought it was'Aura Recovery'."

Wang Jin delivered a previous report, "This is also an investigation I applied for, and it can be used as supporting evidence. Please take a look."

Ke Yang picked up the report and opened it, which contained photos of alien creatures.

"At present, the mutated creatures in the Eastern Metropolitan School of Mutation are awakening, awakening, green and bronze, and after their investigations, the plants of the mutated species also comply with this level, and compared to our humans, they The performance is more explicit to all levels, such as a mutated pig. If it is a green level, most of its skin is blue, if it is a copper level, then its skin is bronze!"


"These mutated creatures in the photo did not follow this system. The first picture of the leopard, half of its body is no different from the ordinary leopard, but the other half turned towards silver! The second picture, the turtle's turtle One quarter of the shell turned golden!"

"And the silver and gold should be the level after the blue level and the bronze level, which means that the two animals in the photo can change directly to the higher level!"

"Accurately speaking, it is not a mutation, but a return!"

Ke Yang raised his head violently, a little surprise appeared on his little expression.

Wang Jin continued, "This alien creature may have changed to this degree in the "Aura of Birth" era. It was only because there was no Reiki on the planet that it gradually degenerated into a normal creature. Now Reiki is recovering. As soon as they inhaled the aura, the body naturally returned to the peak of the past! Combining the concepts of ancestor memory and aura recovery mentioned earlier, I can be fully sure that there was a'birth of aura' in the older age!"

"It's a bit interesting." Ke Yang nodded. Although Wang Jin is only guessing at present, it is of great research value! And there are a few reports around Wang Jin, obviously there are more fierce materials and proof materials!

"The next three materials are not the investigation report, but the ancient myths I found through the book." Wang Jin opened several materials.

"Do you suspect that the age of mythology is actually the age of "the birth of aura"?" Ke Yang understood his thoughts.

"Yes, so I look at the myths and stories that lie behind different cultures in different regions of the Federation."

"For example, the World Flood, the two trees mentioned in the two mythical systems of Western Union North and Western Union South, the world tree and the apple tree, in addition, the water **** hits the mountain and the mother **** makes up the sky in the myth of the East Union. Wait!"

"What if these are true?"

"Talk about it." Ke Yang came to be interested.

"Then, both the world tree and the apple tree exist. They are actually alien plants and have the ability to pass the sky! The world tree supports the world, and the fruits of the apple tree can inspire spiritual wisdom."

"There is also a water **** hitting a mountain, and a black dragon nibbling on the world tree, leading to the eradication of the mythological era, and the same thing with the same song."

"So I combined all of these things, and the conclusion is that there may be some very powerful plants in ancient times, their fruits inspired spiritual wisdom, their bodies can be born gods, and their bodies can support the entire world!"

"But again, these plants will be targeted by certain groups, such as the black dragon, such as the water god."

"And when this plant fell, the end of the world came and the aura disappeared."

"What do you think?" Wang Jin asked, while his eyes drifted from the ceiling.

Is he asking me?

Ke Yang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He always felt that this large passage was not meant for him, but there were only two people in the room. He shook his head and said, "The story is okay."

"I just like fantasy." Wang Jin smiled, and in his mind, the seed snorted.

In fact, this mythical story is not all told to Ke Yang. It is true that the drunkard's intention is not to drink. He is told to the seed. As for why such an occasion was chosen, Wang Jin learned a rule after several tests... As long as he comes into contact with people in high positions, this seed will pop up to eavesdrop!

He used this, and the self-esteem of the seed, to openly say some bold assumptions to stimulate the seed, in order to test the seed's response. And the seed, as expected, got a sneer, and was quite pierced with a weak, irritated taste.

This shows that his guess has certain authenticity!

"Little spy, but also a little baby." Wang Jin's face showed a conspiracy smile.

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