I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 30: liquefaction

More than a month later.

Xie Yan, who was watching the live broadcast, suddenly felt dull. The live broadcast room of Dongdu Mutant School became more and more popular, and the popularity also dropped. However, it was still on the list. After all, compared with those anchors, Dongdu Mutant School had a unique advantage. Advantages and funding.

Several teachers are talking about a recent hot topic-animal escapes in zoos around the world. It is known that similar situations have occurred in more than fifty zoos, and thousands of animals have escaped. The world guessed that a king might have appeared in the zoo. It was running around to rescue the animals detained in the zoo.

As for the animals that have escaped, there is no news at present. It is said that none of them have been caught. The official explanation is that the manpower is insufficient and it is difficult to recover.

When talking about this topic, Xie Yan subconsciously focused on the big brown bear, this guy would dance and beg for food, probably from a zoo! In order to allow animals to interact more with tourists, many zoos only feed half full. Animals must learn to please tourists if they want to fill their stomachs.

Of course, no matter where the big brown bear was born, it is now Xie Yan's pet. This will not change.

"Speaking of it, do you want to give this guy a name? Xiong Da? Xiong Er?" Xie Yan shakes the leaves. These names are not domineering, but they are also a hitman. Anyway, they have to take a name that sounds very high in military value. !

"Then call you Hua Xiong!" Xie Yan suddenly felt that he was a talent. This name is appropriate and appropriate... Although the military general was cut off in the romance, it is also a first-class military general.


Suddenly, Xie Yan turned his eyes to the queen bee, "Will you call Pan Bee?"

The queen bee laying eggs felt a wicked gaze, and she shook her head desperately in protest.

"It's alright, don't..."

Xie Yan was about to convey to the queen bee the meaning of being obedient, the storage bladder burst into pain, and there was a tendency to explode!

Xie Yan's branches and leaves are scared, and the amount of Reiki is not a joke. Just taking out one ten thousandth is enough to make an Reiki bomb. If it explodes, it will be razed to the ground within a few miles!

Xie Yan estimated that he would be bombed without ash left!

He quickly stopped to absorb the aura, and at the same time pumped out some of the aura.

The bloating pain on the Chu Ling capsule disappeared, and Xie Yan breathed a sigh of relief. "It really seems to be filled with me!"

It's just that even at this step, there is still no sign of liquefaction in the aura in the storage sac, and it is still a misty white cloud.

"Perhaps it has reached the edge of liquefaction?" Xie Yan speculated that the possibility is very high!

You know, the mist-like aura is already very unstable, the liquid aura will only be worse! The ordinary storage bladder is afraid that it cannot withstand the pressure after liquefaction, so Xie Yan will feel the pain!

And since the ordinary spirit storage bag can't fit, Xie Yan simply used the copper-colored spirit to create a better bronze spirit storage bag, and then transported all the aura here.

The whole handling process lasted for three days.

After the transportation was completed, Xie Yan cut off the connection with the old storage spirit capsule and let it fall off the body. Seeing this, Hua Xiong ran over to eat the Chu Ling Capsule.

After all, this is used to hold Reiki. After many years, a lot of Reiki has penetrated into the plant fibers. For the mutants, it is also a big supplement, but it is not very delicious.

Of course, this is nothing to Hua Xiong. It’s delicious to eat, and the queen bee is greedy.

"This sting wall has to be changed." Xie Yan sees that Hua Xiong sees the sting wall every time he goes in and sees the sting wall as nothing.

Another day later, the aura in the bronze storage spirit pouch reached the level where the ordinary storage spirit pouch was almost exploded, and this time, Xie Yan did not feel the pain, and replaced it with a coolness!

Then I only heard a tick, and it rained inside the bronze storage spirit bag!

This is an aura rain!

At this moment, the mist-like aura turned into raindrops, which turned into the liquid aura that Xie Yan had always wanted.

The aura rain fell for half an hour, and when the last drop of rain fell, the ancient bronze storage sac exuded a daunting pressure.

"It's done!" Xie Yan was very excited. After working hard for more than a month, he finally got the thing done!

The thanks for the liquid aura can't wait. Immediately want to combine the liquid aura with energy, but when he was about to put the liquid aura into the energy storage bag on the side, he felt a trace of danger!

The danger did not come from elsewhere, it was the liquid aura he was about to transfer!

Xie Yan froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

His current body is not even a green level, and he can't stand the pressure of liquid aura at all, forcibly transferring the liquid aura to the transmission channel in the body, and will only explode and die!

"It's dangerous!" Xie Yan breathed a sigh of relief. An inattentive person almost killed himself!

"It seems that it will take some time to transform the main stalk!" Xie Yan secretly said, and since it is to be transformed, then it will be transformed with new psionic power, once in place.

In order to reconcile the new psionic energy, Xie Yan used copper-colored psionic energy to recreate an ancient copper energy storage bag, and then made a bronze transmission path between the ancient copper energy storage bag and the ancient copper energy storage bag to ensure foolproof. .

Ready, Xie Yan injects energy into the bronze energy storage capsule, and then draws a drop of liquid aura from the bronze energy storage capsule, carefully pouring it into the bronze energy storage capsule.

When the liquid aura and energy touch, new and thicker sources of spiritual energy continue to appear in the bronze energy storage sac, which is a silver paste that is cold when touched. The danger of liquid aura before him disappeared, replaced by a soft and intimate feeling.

"Sure enough it is silver!" Xie Yan glanced at the queen bee, "It seems that these little guys are not ordinary!"

Other species are in order, even Xie Yan himself is no exception, and the three-color bee has pointed to silver from the beginning. This feeling is as if they belong to this level!

Xie Yan made all the difference, "Since there are creatures that can be mutated directly to the silver level, there must be creatures that mutate directly to higher levels in this world!"

"These creatures may also be fooled by the guy and become a member of my attack!"

"If I meet these guys who can reach a higher level now, I'm afraid that a fart can jump me!"

The joy of the liquid aura just now disappeared in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, these creatures also need a process to advance. Like the three-color bees, they metamorphose little by little.

Xie Yan settled down and began to transform his subject. Because it is the main body, there is no way to abandon it, you can only use your own cell metabolism to switch a little bit.

Fortunately, the silver psionic energy is not as irritable as the liquid aura, otherwise Xie Yan can only follow the steps, first transforming his main body into a bronze level, and then into a silver level.

"It's almost half a year." Xie Yan estimated the time when he was rebuilding his body. After two weeks, it would be half a year. "I hope to complete the remodeling before that!"

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